My Diary - Goodbye to Yo Yo dieting.


Full Member
OK here goes…………….

First time keeping a diary and I am relatively new to the Minimins site.

After a few weeks of reading loads of threads I thought I would give it a go as it is so encouraging

Background – I have always been big since childhood. Think it a bit hereditary and consequently not eating the right things which has progressively got worse.

I have always been a yo yo dieter but more so in the last 10 years. losing and gaining. I just don’t seem to be able to sustain it.

I am now giving Slimming World a go for the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] time.

The idea of not counting and weighing everything sounded great.

I am doing it online. It has taken a bit to get my head around but I seem to understand the logistics now and seem to be following it well.

I am losing a lot slower on Slimming World than WW which I am struggling with to be honest. I have read success stories and also a couple of my friends have lost faster than me.

I am determined to make it a life change and not a ‘diet’ and know I am gonna have to patient.

In the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] 5 weeks I have lost 10lbs but put 1lb on this last week. I am really disappointed

If I post a food diary on here would someone possiblly see if there is anywhere obvious I have gone wrong?

Thanks in advance.
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Hi, I'm pretty new to Slimming World too so I can't give you advice on food until I figure it out myself.

I just popped on to say Hi, and for my own benefit too... that it doesn't matter how fast your friends are losing weight. You've done it fast before and it didn't stick. They say the slower the weight comes off the easier it is to stay off. I'm sure a year from now when you're maintaing at target weight you'll be so pleased you stuck with it and gave it your all.

You know all this already, as I do.

Let's do this, yes? :)
Hi there,

Yes we WILL do it.

I am so determined to make it work.
A slight gain aint gonna make me too depressed.

MY problem is that I think about food ALL THE TIME.
so the SLimming World is helping as I am not hungry as much as WW.

I wish you the best of luck to.
That the beauty of these forums - we are all here for the same reason.
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Having a good week so far and sticking to the plan well.

Think the weather has lot to do with feeling positive and more energetic.
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Well the sun hasnt appeared today.
made a casserole for tea (free on EE) instead and am gonna make a start on the huge pile of ironing.
heres hoping tomorrow ios a better one!
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Hey, I'm pretty new to this site and just started SW. Although been to SW before so I know a little bit. Looks like you don't need the help though as you're doing well :happy096: I know a gain is disappointing and well done for carrying on. I'll follow your weight loss diary if that's ok? It's good for support and inspiration :eek: Feel free to look at mine, it's called ':D Hello!' and I think you can get to it by clicking on my name on the side of this post.

Kate x
Just wanted to say the best of luck!!

SW is great, especially if you have done WW before. I did ww for years and lost loads but was constantly hungry and ended up in bed. I think ww nearly makes food become an obsession.

Sw is so much more relaxed and its not really a diet, its a lifestyle change.

Post your diarys. It really helps keep you on track and you will get help and support too.
Best of luck!!
Thanks Kate. yeah please follow me and I will follow your diary too - and sleepymum too if you dont mind.
I feel positive at the mo and more so with your support.
Thanks guys :D xx
Post your dairy up lets have a look, there could be something you haven't got quite right. I'm a slow loser anyway (hence my rubbish weight loss so far), but after 4 years of SW I know it pretty well :p Also if you are doing EE are you having your 3rd superfree every meal? Are you drinking plenty? have you started introducing more exercise than usual? All can effect your weight loss.
Also if you are doing EE are you having your 3rd superfree every meal?

Is that literally every meal? So if I was having a bowl of porridge I'd have to have a 1/3 superfree with it? x
Yep.. With all your meals on ee you need eat 1/3 superfree. Its to stop you from overeating free foods and helps fill you up...

I tend to do green and red, but most times will do the 1/3 rule as well as I love my fruit and veg... It isnt necessary too do that though!
Is that literally every meal? So if I was having a bowl of porridge I'd have to have a 1/3 superfree with it? x

yep, usually for breakfast a piece of fruit will suffice, a bowl of porridge topped with mixed berries, weetabix with banana...
I really try to do the 1/3 superfree with every meal. I STS one week and when I studied what I had eaten I hadnt done the superfree thing with every meal.
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Hey, when's your weigh-in day? Do you drink lots of water and fluids? It may be that you loose a bit more next week, sometime even if we've been as good as gold some still goes on :sigh: Plus if you have a naughty day close to your weigh-in you may not get away with it ;) You do appear to be doing really well though, not that I'm an expert by any means! x
Hi, What a gorgeous gorgeous day!! - pity I am stuck in work but at least its Friday!!

I uncovered the garden furniture yesterday so that me as soon as I get home - straight into the garden.
I also think the sun makes you feel like doing more and it does keep my mind off food a bit in stead of plonking myself in front of the TV and wondering what I can snack on!

Everybody else enjoying the sun I hope !

Hope I do good over the weekend - been very good all week after being disappointed last week.
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From looking at that menu, 2 things immediately stand out. You are always having the same breakfast, try varying it, and lunch is pretty much always either baked potato or fritata, you need variety with slimming world, I NEVER lose when i have the same things everyday. And I don't think you are eating enough for breakfast and lunch, 2 eggs and 2 satsumas doesn't sound a lot, and with the baked potatos try having a side salad as well as the fruit.

I'll post a couple of my EE days when I've lost well just so you get a rough idea, everyones different so what works for one doesnt work for everyone.

breakfast - 2 weetabix (HEb) with banana and honey, grapes and a yogurt
Lunch - Chicken and spinach pasta salad, hartleys jelly (0.5), banana, plums, nectarine, curly wurly (6)
Tea - Gammon with SW chips, pineapple, egg, and salad (lettuce, cucumber, radishes, peppers, cottage cheese)
Snacks - Apple, banana, melon, strawberries, alpen light (3)
Options hot choc (2) made with milk (HEa) topped with marshmallows (1)
Syns - 13.5

breakfast - Mango, pineapple, kiwi, banana topped with yogurt and alpen light (1/2 HEb)
Lunch - Cold special fried rice (rice with prawns, chicken, ham, peas and egg), banana, nectarine
Tea - Chicken and bacon hotpot served with babycorn, carrots and fine beans, homemade SW choc mousse (2)
Snacks - mug shot (0.5), apple, kiwi, plums, mini crunchie (4.5), pink n white (2.5), 3 babybels (HEa), slice toast (1/2 HEb) with butter (2)
Syns - 11.5

Give EE another week or so, if you don't start losing try mixing in some red and green days. I struggle to lose if I do ALL EE, usually when I lose I do about 4 EE, 1 red, 2 green.
Change of plan!
Weather to nice so BBQ it is.
Had to have a rethink on my food plan - was gonna have quorn meatballs with spaghetti & passata.
I have already had 1 Aldi cereal bar today so am gonna syn it up as 3 and have a wholemeal roll instead as my HEB, cheese slices HEA, got some tuna burgers, chicken fillets and Tesco HL cumberland sausages at 1 syn each. Will put extra light may on the buns and loads of salad.
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Did you mark it as containing free food? Their venison sausages are only 1/2 syn. Post up the nutritional info and i'll have a look.
Hiya, - just worked out that I hadnt worked the syns calculator correct.
I am sure you will have guessed I didnt do the 'free' food bit on the 1st page.
They now work out as 2.5 syns each.
Thanks so much for your offer tho - feel a bit of a donut now! - ha ha