my diary ~ no more CD for me

sooo 1422 views, hmmm lol

I'm feeling ok today. Been a bit bitchy to my mechanic blokey so much so that he stopped sending me texts lol. well he deserved it.

My skin feels a lot softer today after putting that bio oil on, or maybe it's my hands are softer and the rest of me is no different. Who knows, no one else to ask if I feel any softer or not :(

I'm deliberating whether to go and get my hair done ater work tomorrow or not. My roots are getting a bit too obvious so needs doing butnot sure if i still want it curly or not. It's no good telling me to curl it myself because its pointless and the curls fall out within about 5 minutes will look for a picture of how i would like it to show you all later and everyone reading it can give me their opinion :) (you dont want to? ok will you if I say pretty please?)

right now i have to go and get my twinlets from school and put up with lots of noise and stuff. wish me luck cos ive got a headache
well I have a picture in a magazine of how I would like my hair so been looking online for a picture of the same woman and she doesn't have her hair the same in any of them for me to show you all!!!! I've no idea if it's possible to get har permed to go like that anyway or if it'll work on my hair. I can't think of anyone else to google to find someone else with the same style. I suppose the only thing i can do is to go to a hairdresser and ask. (and keep looking for a picture online. ooh maybe I could try scanning it when the brats are in bed out of the way)

I need to get back into the habit of having my packs at normall meal times. I hate when it gets late and I have loads i still need to have, aargh. It would be good if I was a night time eater but I'm not, well not usually, only on certain occasions. To be honest I always tried to stay out of the kitchen all together after about 8 o clock. No drinks, snacks or anything. did get drinks if I got thirsty of course but it didnt happen that much.

My dog likes the taste of bio oil it seems! he wouldnt stop licking me when I came out of the bathroom with it on earlier. i like the smell of it but I dont think it's going to last long if I keep putting it on everywhere every day. At leats as I shrink I shouldnt need to use so much.

I wore my size 14 jeans today :) but theyre too long and I was standing on them all the time, and by the end of the day they were falling down so must have stretched a bit. They're certainly not too big for me, I just need a belt.

My thumbnails are about an inch long, one is going to snap right where it joins my finger. I've decided I'm going out to drown my sorrows (with water) on friday night so I hope it doesn't come off till then. I can't stand my nails being short. I should have them cut short really since I work with food but I couldn't bear to not have long nails.

my son has just made himself a pot noodle and it smells sooo wonderful aargh. I might have to have a chicken and mushroom soup to cope with the chicken and mushroom pot noodle smell. My packs I got yesterday are still in the boot of my car (oops) but luckily I still have some spares in the cupboard so I don't have to go out in my (ahem) towel to get something to eat (didn't want to get my clothes oily)
you go for it girl. threat urself to a haircut. u deserve it.
thanks I should, I just dont want it to end up looking terrible so would like other peoples opinions but no one here to ask about it
ok found pictures of the type of curls I would like to have here:

not that I'm an olson twins fan I just love their hair in this picture. Anyway my hair is shorter than that so couldn't look the same, it's kind of about shoulder length now.

what does anyone think of that then? (pretty please?)
I really like that hun....actually, thats similar to how my hair is most of the time!! Go for it...ask your hairdresser first if they think it will suit your face shape etc, but I think its really nice....he he he!!
my kids are over excited and driving me mad. They've been going mad over these dr who trading cards, i let them buy a packet each today (£1.50 they are!) and one of the twins got a rare card in his packet. So thats why theyre over excited and wont go to bed!

I just looked on ebay and they're being sold on there for over £100!!!! just for one card that costs 15p (ok so you have to get them in packs of ten so really £1.50) I asked him to let me sell it on ebay and just imagine all the toys they could get with that but nooo he wont part with it.

Now the dog wont shut up barking at the cat. aaargh. I need an early night
I kicked the cat out that shut the dog up, told the twins they could watch a dvd in bed that shut them up and the eldest is quiet on the upstairs computer.

Phew! peace at last. I just weighed myself and I'm 111 stone 7 now. You may be thinking so you have been for the past 2 days why would this be important. well, the thing is, it's now 9pm. every other time I've weighed myself in the morning and been 11 7 but this time its after erm 2 food packs and lots of litres of water and whole day! I usually weigh myself just before i go to bed and then I'm most often 1lb heavier than I am the next morning if I haven't had a drink for a while (is that possible on this diet?) But anyway, that should mean I'll be 11 stone 6 in the morning. I hope I am, even 2lbs off would be fantastic by tomorrow morning lol. (I know I know wishful thinking)

I'm going to watch tru calling and then go to bed at 10 I think. as long as I dont get distracted by something or someone. My neck is really aching I need to rest it.

Oh and since the cats out I'l get a peaceful night without her purring in my ear. Bliss.
11 stone 5 today!!!!!! what more can I say to that.

Ok I know this extra loss will be because I havent had enough packs. I forgot to have my 3rd last night too. I must eat more, its just so hard because I really dont feel like it at all, yet I know if I was eating normally I'd be stuffing myself with crisps and everything.
feeling very depressed and jealous now. Both of the women he was with at the same time as me were completely opposite to me ie. tall, slim, wear designer clothes etc here's me short, fat and not got any money to buy a single designer outfit never mind all of it. I feel so ugly and horrible and just unlovable.
Ah glad you are rid of that man. Don't go trying to find out details about these other women, but try and remember, they probably didn't know either and if they know how they'll be feeling rubbish also!

You are loveable and just because one man is an arse it doesn't mean they are all like that. You'll find someone but first you have to get to the stage where you don't feel sad about him, or mad, or have any feelings towards him at all, just indifferent.

I know it's hard, but you just have to carry on life like he never exsisted and it will all be an act right now, but soon, it won't be an act it'll be true and good things will come your way. Chin up me dear!! Get the gal pals round and have a good night tonight!!
thanks, I'm supposed to be going to see KateF's show thing tonight, only thing is its in newcastle, and I know where one of these women will be there tonight and I'll be sooooo tempted to go and see what shes like in person. I already am tempted and I'm not even there yet! I haven't seen her face yet but I'm hoping she's really ugly lol, but i seriously doubt it somehow. I've got nothing to wear cos everything is too big for me now and I'll feel so horrible and frumpy if I do see her
oh and the one that will be there tonight definately knew dont know about the other one. I have so many questions I'd want to ask just to see if he's telling me the truth or lying even more. Well I already know he's a good liar so couldn't trust him completely again.

I said something about me having to learn to not be so gullible in future and his reply was no I wont. I can't work out if he meant I wont have to learn to not be gullible or if he meant no I wont have to be so gullible. very confused.