My diary so far


Full Member
Ive eaten quite a lot hope im not overdoing it!

Breakfast Half tin beans

Snack at midmorning. Prawns. Quark. Ww bagel

Lunch ww bagel, quark, tesco cooked ham,

Tea. Extra lean mince burgers, jac pot and beans

Snaks for tonight will include plain puffed wheat with milk and oss

God that seems an awful lot of food, have i over indulged????
I'm not sure it does seem like a fair bit, it's fine if ur having 6 small meals but I wouldn't have big meals 6 times a day?! Y don't u try having the OSS for brekkie as it really fills u up, then try 1 bowl of cereal in the evening?

R u finding that u r hungry b4 eating and feel like h need something?

How much do u weigh? If u don't mind me asking, sometimes the more we weigh the more food we need!
God in that case i neeeeeeed loads of food, i weighed in at 16 st 10lb and im always hungry or it may be greedy lol x
Mandy123 said:
God in that case i neeeeeeed loads of food, i weighed in at 16 st 10lb and im always hungry or it may be greedy lol x

U may need a bit more than me then, as I'm 11.3, so I would say try it for a week how u r, then see what the scales say, if u don't loose maybe cut something out!
Mandy123 said:
Ok thank you, you r more helpful than my leader!!!!

It helps when ur on the same diet! I expect ur leader hasn't really tried sf properly!
A lot of ppl have said their leaders don't recommend sf at all! Which doesnt help the ppl willing to give it a chance