Total Solution My diary to the new me.

Going to be starting my first time on Exante. I'm nervous, and scared, but so looking forward to it.

I feel a little embarrassed as I live with friends, and they don't know I am going to do this. So, it means I will be eating in my room, and avoiding using the kitchen when they are using the kitchen.

I'm pretty unfit, but I thought I would start with a 20minute walk a day, and start building up as I start to adjust to the diet. I faint pretty easily, so I will be going ever so slowly.

I don't think drinking the rda of water is going to be difficult as I drink a lot anyway. I probably drinking about 2.5-3litres. I find it really easy to drink water if I carry with me where ever I go.

Ideally, I want to lose the weight for myself. I have never been so heavy before, and I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel so self conscious when I go out with my friends. I sick and tired of all my clothes being too tight.
Also, I get a lot of stick from my family about my weight, so it would be nice if the next time they saw me I was thinner.
Good luck on your journey
All the best to everyone starting today xxx