My Diary

KittyBling said:
Why can I not just be fat and happy? Why is this so hard? Why do I like food so much? And so much of it?

Some people can be honey but then you look at these famous women who championed the "big" women, Canessa Feltz, Pauline Quirke, Dawn French & they all lost huge amounts of weight (although Vanessa seems to have found hers again). I always pretended to not be bothered when nothing could've been further from the truth x
i very often wish the same KB :( Then you see people who are bigger and seem to be happy, but are they really?? i dont think they are happy but they just cant lose the weight or find it too hard, and are resigned to the fact they will always be big!! Maybe they are happy, i hope they are!!

You had a bad day?

Re the price of foods, its ridiculous, food in general here is so expensive, healthy stuff even more so!! Likes been said no wonder there is obesity problems!! There is an offer on here, for battered fish, chips and ice cream cones - for 7 euro!! Why cant the healthy foods have good offers on argh so annoying!! Sorry for ranting on your page lol
hey hun,
hope you are feeling a little less grrrr. lol

hows it goin?
KB :( r u ok???

I hope you are feeling better about everything! It's so unfair that foods that are good for you are so expensive I agree! It needs to change ASAP it's already taking peoples lives!

Keep ya chin up lovely

A very GGRRRRRRRR week with one thing and another, not food related though. I'll have to post a miraculous sts this week, not sure how that happened with all the junk I've been tipping down my neck but I'm not complaining. My head is in such a bad place, am going to try to pull it all together before Monday and keep going. Kids are off all next week though!

KB x
Booo to the shitty week :(( hope u r ok!

Wooop to the sts! Instead of having negative thoughts about next week try think positive! You WILL stick to plan ;) . Can't you drag them out on long walks? Keep busy?

And we're always here if u need to vent! Post lots if ya feel a wobble coming on

Luv ya lots x
OK I'm back to it today. I had the most awful week last week with one thing and another. Started with a Migraine and they've taken my tablets off the market so I had nothing to fight it with (I do now, thanks to a visit to the GP on Friday) Wednesday I had a DLA tribunal for No1 son (Tourettes syndrome, OCD and anxiety disorder) It was really awful, they did their best to rip me in shreds, never mind trying to find out what his problems were! Then they adjourned because they didn't have his psychiatrists report so i get to do it all again sometime soon. then on Thursday we had to go and chooses his subjects for GCSE. He is gifted academically so there is no clear path for him to take, he's good at everything so what we have to do is decide what he will feel able to manage with all his other issues. We have ended up with 11 in all, 5 compulsory subjects (Enlish Language, English Literature, Maths, RE, LLW) Then Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Spanish and Additional maths. I reckon that's plenty to be going on with but making the choices didn't help my headache.
Anyway, food has been a bit of a disaster, a sneaky scale hop this morning is not looking good but I'm hoping to rein in back in before Friday. Shopping done this morning so no excuses. Got to keep going!

KB x
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KittyBling said:
OK I'm back to it today. I had the most awful week last week with one thing and another. Started with a Migraine and they've taken my tablets off the market so I had nothing to fight it with (I do now, thanks to a visit to the GP on Friday) Wednesday I had a DLA tribunal for No1 son (Tourettes syndrome, OCD and anxiety disorder) It was really awful, they did their best to rip me in shreds, never mind trying to find out what his problems were! Then they adjourned because they didn't have his psychiatrists report so i get to do it all again sometime soon. then on Thursday we had to go and chooses his subjects for GCSE. He is gifted academically so there is no clear path for him to take, he's good at everything so what we have to do is decide what he will feel able to manage with all his other issues. We have ended up with 11 in all, 5 compulsory subjects (Enlish Language, English Literature, Maths, RE, LLW) Then Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Spanish and Additional maths. I reckon that's plenty to be going on with but making the choices didn't help my headache.
Anyway, food has been a bit of a disaster, a sneaky scale hop this morning is not looking good but I'm hoping to reign in back in before Friday. Shopping done this morning so no excuses. Got to keep going!

KB x

Big hugs Hun xx
OK I'm back to it today. I had the most awful week last week with one thing and another. Started with a Migraine and they've taken my tablets off the market so I had nothing to fight it with (I do now, thanks to a visit to the GP on Friday) Wednesday I had a DLA tribunal for No1 son (Tourettes syndrome, OCD and anxiety disorder) It was really awful, they did their best to rip me in shreds, never mind trying to find out what his problems were! Then they adjourned because they didn't have his psychiatrists report so i get to do it all again sometime soon. then on Thursday we had to go and chooses his subjects for GCSE. He is gifted academically so there is no clear path for him to take, he's good at everything so what we have to do is decide what he will feel able to manage with all his other issues. We have ended up with 11 in all, 5 compulsory subjects (Enlish Language, English Literature, Maths, RE, LLW) Then Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Spanish and Additional maths. I reckon that's plenty to be going on with but making the choices didn't help my headache.
Anyway, food has been a bit of a disaster, a sneaky scale hop this morning is not looking good but I'm hoping to reign in back in before Friday. Shopping done this morning so no excuses. Got to keep going!

KB x

What a week. Well done for getting through it. You've come a long way and had so much success so far. The fact your still logging on shows that your still committed. Keep strong. Good times always follow from the tough ones.
Blimey KB - what a week indeed! :eek: I think I would've been rocking back and forth in a dark room somewhere, stuffing my face with pizza....
You're obviously not doing that (unless you've got your laptop with you? ;)) and it's good to hear that you're stocked up and ready to limit any damage before Friday. Real life really is dealing you some blows at the moment, so the dieting path is bound to be a rocky one (after all, we don't undo years of emotional and reactive eating overnight do we?) but it's great to see you back here and determined to carry on...quitting altogether just leads to a bigger problem to tackle further down the line doesn't it? (And you know I've been down that road countless times)
Sending you hugs and positive vibes for the next DLA hearing whenever that turns out to be. How unprofessional putting you through that trauma, only to adjourn :(
Thinking of you x x
Day 2 of the "getting my head back in the right place" A sneaky scale hop this morning has proved that yesterdays sneaky scale hop was nonsense. Shouldn't really scale hop and then I wouldn't have these problems! Managed a bit of "Samba de Amigo" on the Wii last night which I love and some arm exercises, need to get the arms toned for the bridesmaid dress in May. The boys are off all week so it's harder to fit exercise in. About to take the dog out with No2 son and we'll do the High Street, library for him and need to call in and book a restaurant for Saturday night, husbands birthday Sunday and No1 son's on Monday. Need to have a good look at the menu and plan ahead! Have a great day,

KB x
Still going well today. A challenge ahead of me this afternoon. "Gluten free chocolate whoopie pies" from a new recipe as requested by No2 son. He's having a few friends over so I'm hoping if they come out well they'll polish them all off and leave none for me. Exercise is good too and I'll walk the boys round to the playing fields for a bit of football later while I walk the dog. Have a great day!

KB x
Ooo Whoopie pies sounds yummy! :) Hope this week is better than the last for you hun. x
Or the woopie pies were so yummy! I had a small one but will have to package them up and send them off with the kids friends when they leave, far too much temptation!
Hic! Oops. Note to self. For "Come up to my house and show me how to sell on ebay" read "come up here and lets drink 2 bottles of wine and put the world to rights". Will not be taken in so easily next time! No food though so that's a plus. AND walked there and back. AND can still type. Can't be that bad.

KB x
KittyBling said:
Hic! Oops. Note to self. For "Come up to my house and show me how to sell on ebay" read "come up here and lets drink 2 bottles of wine and put the world to rights". Will not be taken in so easily next time! No food though so that's a plus. AND walked there and back. AND can still type. Can't be that bad.

KB x

Hope the head is ok today x
Hmmmm a little delicate today but not too bad, just need to avoid the munchies now. Was wakened by the window cleaner this morning which didn't help. Most of my house is glass and he hates it so he comes to me early to get it over and done with. Or to waken me up for revenge? Off in to Belfast now to get some birthday presents for various people. Hopefully lots of walking too!

KB x
Hope you had a good weekend hun x