My Final Diary


Full Member

I am starting a new diary as I have had many before and failed miserably. I think I probably have a diary in most sections on here!

I cannot continue in the way that I have been for the past few years and after a long talking to myself, I have decided to do Slimming World properly and sort my life out once and for all.

I need to get my bmi under 30 for IVF which is my main reason for wanting to loose weight but along with that, I want to feel happy in my own skin again, I want to wear pretty clothes and I want to make my husband proud of me, everytime I swap around and mess around I feel like have let him down a little more. I have tried WW, Slim and Save, Slimfast and Cambridge. I never make it through a week on cambridge and end up heavier than when I started so need to accept that it took me 4 years to get to this weight so if it takes me 2 to lose it then that is good and i will also be morelikley to keep it off.

So I am starting today, no more messing. Will be doing this from home as I have two jobs and work from 8am - 10pm and there are no weekend groups near me. Will use minimins as my "group" as I know how supportive everyone is.

I will be doing mainly red days as I have pcos and find my losses are best on red days.