Total Solution My first week


Full Member
Well.....just jumped on the scales and I've lost 6lbs. I'm pleased but kind of hoping for a few more lbs.
Anyway if you have read my previous posts I have had a really tough week. I didn't get the surge of energy and I'm not sure I am in ketosis properly even now.
BUT I've stuck with it with the help of a can of coke zero every day.
I'm on the early menopause which affects my mood considerably. So if you are suffering with that too it can still be done.

So now it's my second week and I have a couple of work events that involve food. I'm going to stick to protein foods and water where possible, and an early night to avoid the bar!!!! ?
Well done! that's only just off half a stone!! :) Good luck for the nxt week
Well done! Every ounce counts!! I'd be very happy with a 6lb loss on my first weigh in x
6lbs is awesome and good luck dealing with the foodie situations this week xx