Total Solution My Humble Diary

Mornin Busybusy Hope u managed an early nite and r feelin much better today!!! Must get up and out.... No doubt Uve another busy day planned... Try and get some ME time today.....easier said than done as kids wud follow u into d loo if they cud!!! Hee hee But where wud we b wout dem
Neighbours cat is miaowing outside my bedrm window.... Gotta get up to feed her b4 it goes thro my brain....
Have a super day now ya hear!!! Rootin 4 ya
Aww Busy, don't be down look at all the love you have on here, and if it were not for this dreaded diet I would not have my Samosa's to look forward to either. Dh who was in some sort of a good mood last night said we might do the UK Ireland "holiday" (I say holiday but it's more of a visitfest") During Ramadan this year so that visit of mine just might be on!! Samosas after sunset of course!!

Try and concentrate on the positive, but I agree it is emotionally draining, pretty much a constant battle not to eat anything and saying can't do this, can't do that, I plan on remembering this feeling well so as never to be back on a VLCD ever again!!

Have a good one 006 xxxxxxxxx
Thank you my lovelies, sorry for being a moany pants yesterday and had to have a WS day as I was craving anything and everything, so ended up having a tuna salad as well as 3packs but the culprit was TOTM!!

So glad as I thought I was going nuts! I just wanted to cry yesterday, I now know why. are soooooo welcome anytime :) x, I dont need an excuse to show off. LW thats exactly what I keep telling myself that I will never allow myself to get like where I need to do a VLCD again. Hey anyones welcome x.

Shoobs have a good day, me thinks me gonna fit a ladans in today....excercise is a natural mood booster.

Once again thanks for all your support my hunnies. Love to all x.
The more you do it the better you'll get...then the more you'll want to challenge yourself. Excercise IS the way forward. No more going back to the way we were before x:D. MY my is that the time!! Once you get on here you dont wanna go, gotta dash x.
morning my little amigo :) Sorry you had a horrible experience yesterday, I've been in similar situations where I wanted to slap parents and give their poor kids a cuddle :( Sadly some people just don't deserve to have children IMO!
Anyway sounds like today is a better one for you :) totm has a LOT to answer for! Keep warm and have a great day xxxxx
morning my little amigo :) Sorry you had a horrible experience yesterday, I've been in similar situations where I wanted to slap parents and give their poor kids a cuddle :( Sadly some people just don't deserve to have children IMO!
Anyway sounds like today is a better one for you :) totm has a LOT to answer for! Keep warm and have a great day xxxxx

Thanks DL, it was really upsetting, the thing is she was a pretty little thing no more than 3years!

TOTM has a lot to answer for, I'm gonna do a workout now as it's a natural mood booster and makes you feel good.
Hope you're having a much. much better day today Busy lady. :hug99: xx

I agree with DL, some people just don't deserve to have children, poor child.
Hi diary,

As I am running out of packs I have had a WS day today. 2packs and a egg salad, I am gonna wean myself into atkins by next week. I really dont think its worth spending more on a bumper pack for less than a stone (9lbs). I think its much better to do this than come to a abrupt halt. So long as a I keep up the excercise I can keep going out of TRF. I will still be keeping my diary on here and will revert if I think things are getting out of control.
Hey hon Sounds like a gud plan to me but wondering what Ul keep Ur food intake to b calorie wise Will u use my fitness pal to work out cals??? Sorry 4 all d questions Hope to b facin those choices in a few wks!
Hi not sure Hun, but had loose leaf salad n 2boiled eggs, I think eggs are around 80-90 calories each don't know about the salad it was very leafy......I'm sooo full right now.
Ok the boiled eggs were 78 calories each n salad was 3-4 calories
Oh yeah il be sticking, I feel really good right now and def want that other 10lbs off for summer, def don't want to be doing a vlcd again.
Mornin Busybusy
Friday er at last!!! I'm a bit thick regarding understanding d instructions re editing my signature Mayb iPhone Minimins is complicated or I'm stupid. I promise I'll get my OH to read d technical support instructions and to do it for me!! Luv luv luv d mini goals under each persons message - very cool!! Ur doin fantastic Gettin awful close to d 9's- fair play!!! Hope Ur winnin
Have a superb energetic fun day now ya hear!!!
Miles of smiles!!!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hello diary,

Feeling very tired cant get moving..been up late cramming for an exam...I should know better really. Really need to get up now do a workout and then head to library for more cramming. Gonna continue with the 2packs and one low carb meal in an effort to ease into atkins next week without gaining after all that hard work. Hope all of you are ok have a good day x
Well done gorgeous lady. I like how well you're handling this. On S&S website there's a great page on re feeding after a vlcd in order to help not gain it all back. It's also on S&S forum (don't know where, I think it's a sticky) I read it and it's really well explained.
Hope you get your cramming done and don't accidentally cram anything into your mouth :p hehe xx