my journey :)

And screaming! We went years ago, loved it! Even plucked up the guts to do Oblivion....but not Ripsaw, I was heaving just watching people on it.

There you go, that's the answer. Eat what you like for lunch and then go on Ripsaw...sorted! :)
lol @ kez! love ripsaw! i dont have any tetras and dont see my cdc til thurs afternoon so im pretty stuffed really! what would you all do? i havent been 100% this week as it is so really dont want to add to the damage by eating crap allday.

have got totm feel bloated and totally yuk, cant go to the gym today either as oh has got the car so feel very lazy today which doesnt help either.god listen tome moan! ( slaps herself across the face) lol.

i do really enjoy this diet, thats the thing in a weird way, but i got into my 15s which i desperately wanted and now im mucking it up!!

right lets do positive stuff now, actually not in a posisitve mood, infact lookad at pics of myself today and hated them and i only took them fri nite, i really didnt like them, how long will it be to be happy about myself??i give up, going to have a good cry, cup of tea and il be back.
I think other people tend to see change before we do - Its taken me 5 st to actually see it! I know I needed smaller clothes but I never seemed to look any different than I did to start with!

Chin up hunny!
Morning hun,

I hope you're feeling better about it all today??

Come on you can do it!!
Morning everyone...

I hope that we are all in a much lighter mood than the posts that came out last night - it is a lovely day here and we are all doing our damnest to lose this weight - whether it be the scenic route or not !
It didn't go on overnight and it aint going to come off overnight but just think how far you have all come - you are all doing brilliantly...

Hope the sun is shining where you are


thankyou guys, am feeling alot better today, didnt mean to sound so dark lol.not me atall.well have started day well so far so good and got pump booked later :) excercise does wanders for me.

today has been very odd actually as seem to have a facebook stalker! he keeps writing all over my fb and commenting on all my pics! in one he commented and i quote <your bra is too high,i would like to see on of them jcb stop buttons> pmsl!!! i kid you not! so am in process of deleting and blocking lol.

well only had a 1l of water so far so am off to have a litre before kids get home from school and play school :)
hiya mad, well at first i thought i was in school with him but now know i def wasnt! hes obviously been looking at all my pics which is a bit unnerving but am going to delete him :)
Haha! I used to accept anyone I'd ever known on FB, until a friend called me a FB whore! lmao, so I deleted about 400 people and am really stingy about who I accept now!
Haha, I meant more along the lines of people I worked with for a week, 3 years ago. And the people I went to school with that made my life a misery. All miniminners are welcome! lol
Argghhh for the FB stalker! I wondered what that JCB status was about lol!
I had a MAHHHOOOSSIIVVEEE FB clearout earlier! Got rid of all the weirdos/cling ons/twats from school! Very liberating! Just waiting to see how long its gonna take for the nosys to try re-add me lol!
Glad your feeling alot better today! x
Think I will do that as well - it seemed a good idea to accept all the invites from people who were friends with people who you might have been friends with - if you know what I mean

Then when one guy commented daily on how many times he had 'relieved' himself in the previous 24 hours, I know it was time to de-friend....

I have my FB link on here so if anyone wants to add me then feel free

moorning everyone havent been on for a few days as hadnt topped my dongle up but all done now :) well alton towers was amazing! really enjoyed myself and did lots of walking and a good job as had kfc as really had no option :( it was burger king or kfc! silly place no thought for cdieters lol. well had 10th wi yest and only lost 1 lb :( gutted but not bad considering im totm and had kfc evening before! so 5lbs off the 30 lb challenge. how is eveeyone else?
Eek! Were we counting the week before on the challenge? I thought this week was week 1. Oh well, I'm counting this week as week 1 cause last week was a gain, so that would mean I've got even more to lose! 5lbs next week missy and I'm back on track to challenge target! We'll both go for a biggie next week :) Glad alton towers was fun, did you barf?!
ha ha noo didnt barf! oh did nearly it was awesome! dont count your gain just count this week thats fine! im off to work now yuk x
Hey girlies,

Are we counting this weeks or last weeks too?? I'm either 8.5lbs off my 30lbs!! woop woop! Lol! or 8.5lbs +4.5lbs!! woop woop!!

Glad you had fun in Alton Towers Frannie!!

Don't worry about the KFC, a 1lbs still fab!! I've been naughty today too!! I was so busy in work that I forgot to have my shakes and we'd planned to go out with friends tonight for a meal - I was just going to have a SS+ friendly chicken breast and broccoli and I caved and ordered chicken breast in a tomato and pepper sauce! Then pinched 4 chips off OH's plate!! It tasted so yummy at the time but now the pain in my ribs is back and I feel bloated and bleurgh!

Wish I'd just stuck to shakes! you live you learn aye!
