My Journey :)

I wish I'd measurement my tummy when i started cos I know alot has come off there.
Apparently my hip measurement when i started was 68?! Which I don't think was right cos I was wearing a size 22 at the time so think somethings abit a miss there...
Now I'm 48.5 hips and 38.5 waist down from 49 x
Krissy - my waist/stomach is defnately where I hold most of my weight.
Scooter - my measurements aren't far off your hunni, you have not really well. My measurements from the start to now are as follows:

Waist - Start 50 / now 45
Hips - Start 58 / now 54
Chest - Start 54 / now 50

No movement for the last 4 weeks though. I hate my waist :( it is a proven fact that women with PCOS hold most of their weight in their :( xxx

Wow - that's a lot of inches off! Like you I carry much of my weight in my stomach and would really, really, really like to see that go! I didn't take my measurements before starting, but did do it after a few days and will keep it up. My waist was one of the last places to go when I gained weight - perhaps it'll be one of the last places to show a loss as well. Who knows? :confused:

What's PCOS? :eek:
Polycystic ovarian syndrome hunni!!

Ive had it since I was 16. Makes you gain weight very very easily and also it makes you very carb sensitive. But my symptoms are defnately improving since weight loss xx
I wish I'd measurement my tummy when i started cos I know alot has come off there.
Apparently my hip measurement when i started was 68?! Which I don't think was right cos I was wearing a size 22 at the time so think somethings abit a miss there...
Now I'm 48.5 hips and 38.5 waist down from 49 x

Krissy that's amazing!!! Well done!! Hope I managed to lose as much as you have.

Well I have exactly 9 weeks now to try and shift some more weight. Hoping my waist will go down in that time :) xxx
Polycystic ovarian syndrome hunni!!

Ive had it since I was 16. Makes you gain weight very very easily and also it makes you very carb sensitive. But my symptoms are defnately improving since weight loss xx

I've got that too. I think its like a fat magnet tbh! My bf eats nothing but junk and stays skinny, so logic would dictate that the fat flows thru the air and sticks to my stomach! lol!

I also get all the other wonderful side effects of pcos, excess hair everywhere and the worst menstrual cycle possible! :eek: Ho hum! lol!
I know what you mean about excess hair Hun. I had laser treatment last year, was the best thing I've ever done!! It's amazing!!

I'm in the process of getting that done just now. Been getn electrolysis too but the laser is much less painful lol! Can't afford to get it all removed at the one time tho cuz its fairly pricey, but I'm getting there :)
Did you k ow that if you take a letter from your doctor to confirm you have PCOS, you get 25% off. Each treatment I had at skin cost me £60. I needed a total of 4 in the end xxx
LilyPotter said:
I don't work Fridays, if I only I was closer I would come and help you!! Lol!! I do love a good wedding!! My hubby is going to be an usher next year for our friends who are getting married in Winchester cathedral!!!!! I can't wait, is beautiful xxx

Was reading through and saw this. I'm from Winchester, live in Southampton now. Really miss the city though, it's actually very beautiful x
Did you k ow that if you take a letter from your doctor to confirm you have PCOS, you get 25% off. Each treatment I had at skin cost me £60. I needed a total of 4 in the end xxx

Really? Hmm... I'm going to continue to get the 2 areas im getting just now at my beauticians because I really like her. Might go see about getting some other bits done there once I've got pennies for it.

Decided that I'm saving for a boob job since I've wanted one for 7 years and noones offered to pay for it yet! lol!
Took my measurements properly this morning.

Bust - 55" now 48" = 7"
Waist - 52" now 44" = 8"
Hips - 55" now 50" = 5"

So 20" all over Woo hoo! and a more defined waist :) bloody pcos, maybe one of these days I'll have a proper waist. Thankfully I don't have the hair problem, cos I'm blonde I think, but I do have the lovely skin and the skin tags on the neck, although my neck is very smooth now I'm loosing weight.
Are skin tags a symptom? I've got a fair few of them. Accidentally cut one off on the front of my neck a month or so ago when I was shaving before my ipl! Didnt actually hurt and its lovely now its not there!

I've got one under my arm pit and a couple round the side/back of my neck. If I was brave enough I'd just use the nail clippers and cut the ******* off. My beautician keeps wanting to use electrolysis to take them off. Might get her to do it one day!

Oh, sorry, congrats on the inch losses!!! pcos distracted me there! lol!
Yip, skin tags are another delight of PCOS, esp on the neck and under the boobs. Also don't know if you've ever noticed women with a kind of brown shading on their neck? That's a sign of insulin resistance and is very common in PCOS. Along with greasy hair, spots, male pattern baldness, fat waist, it really make us highly attractive lol!
Lovely! I always knew I was such a catch! ;)
Ooohhh just seen your weigh in from this week.....fabulous!!! Well done hunni!!

My scales are refusing to move this week....grrrrrr but im sticking with it :) xxx
I hope the scales start moving again for you! How annoying when they show no progress! Hope that doesn't happen to me til much later on in the program. Great that you're staying positive and hanging in there - you go girl!
Thanks hunni, no movement today again and I'm getting pretty down. However, it is TOTM so maybe that's a factor ? Xx
Thanks hunni, no movement today again and I'm getting pretty down. However, it is TOTM so maybe that's a factor ? Xx

Ha!! You are SO my twin :D My TOTM too.
Hi Lillypotter
just had a quick read of your diary
we similar height and want to lose similar amounts of weight
i think you`ve done fab so far, i know it`s disheartening when the scales don`t show much loss but you really got to give yourself credit
you have done fab so far and i think you`ll see them pesky lbs dropping again.
keep at it and well done

Thanks girlies. I'm just so conscious about my brothers wedding in 9 weeks time, which is when I go to kos. Would really like to be a size 18. Am in size 20 jeans now. I think I'm just having a down day. Might be something to do with hormones too!!

Scooter I was just reading some old diaries and am I right in thinking that a combination of metformin and CD helped you get pregnant?? Got drs on Friday and they want to put me back on met to get my periods regular now I have started having them xxx