With you on that one peachy. Even tho I have bad feet would rather be crippled for a few days if the heels look pretty ;0) lol x x x
Any heel wearing tips direct this way please!!!!

No really.... I'm serious!!!

With you on this Dee.... Peachy walk with conviction?? :sigh: That means confidence and tbh wearing heals and walking is like being a baby learning to walk all over again... honestly my feet are so decrepit!!! LOL xxxx
With you on this Dee.... Peachy walk with conviction?? :sigh: That means confidence and tbh wearing heals and walking is like being a baby learning to walk all over again... honestly my feet are so decrepit!!! LOL xxxx

I know where you're coming from girls! However, being a short-arse with stumpy tree trunks I have had to train myself. So vain I know, but I do want to make the most of the new me :D
I used to spend my life in trainers so getting used to narrow shoes with heels took time but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I'd lost weight from my feet which made life easier! I started with ankle-high boots (can't walk out of them!) with a chunky heel and made myself wear them whenever I was out on a short errand so I got used to the feeling and could walk normally without teetering. Peachy's right it's all about confidence and conviction and I'm now comfortable with higher, spikier heels for sustained periods.

Probably 'mutton dressed as lamb' but this granny ain't ready for her Zimmer yet! I'm enjoying the bod I should have had for the past 22 years! So sue me!

I love the feeling of heels. I haven't been wearing them much. I realise now as I put on weight I was wearing lace ups to be comfortable. So I think being lighter helps.

Also getting shoes that are wide enough if you are large. Google EEE shoe widths and try with them. They come in higher heels now. Maybe start off with a kitten heel an inch or so, and then progresson to 2 inches.

Wearing them in around the house also helps so they are comfy. Practice! Think tall and confident and learn to stride with confidence.

Many of the business women I know wear flatties to commute/walk between meetings and change into heels around the corner or in a cafe before they arrive.

These heels Ive got are 3 1/2 inches, I can stand and walk in em, but my right foot twists under and then I think i`m gonna go arse over t*t!!!! But I like Denises advice about starting off small and progressing.... think i`ll do that, and loving the business women changing into heel around the corner ;) lol xxx
My ankles ache when i wear em... hopefully I'll get more practice when the weathers nicer and nice shoes can be worn!!! X
:(Yeah I know what ya mean Dee..... My Achilles Tendons really ache and pull.... but weak ankles as well... hence the going over!! :sigh: XXX
Ladies....try wearing wedges rather than actual heels as the support your feet more ;) once you've got use to walking in them then progress to wearing heels :) x x x
Great idea from Truleme. Make sure they aren't really narrow ones as wider will make you more stable. Also you get to go higher with lower foot angle!

Cheers yeah wedges are good.

Well I`ve broken the diet well and proper... had allsorts of carbs and crap... my mood is very low.. if I don`t start my period today I`m going to commit a serious felony!!!! I need it here and then gone asap so I can regain some kind of normality and get back on track :( so not feeling good today... life sucks too just when you think your well and truly over someone BAM that comes along and HITS YOU SMACK BETWEEN THE EYES!!!!! I know its the raging hormones girls and thats why I want it done with already OK.... come ON!!!!! signing out before I explode or sob... bye for now :(
Oh him that's awful you are low :-( you know you'll get back on track when the time is right. Hope TOTM sorts itself out xx
~huge hugs~ it sucks being a girlie at times. I usually do so well then TOTM rears it's ugly head and wham :0( everything that I know is bad becomes so tempting. Keep strong honey x x x
FINALLY started.... BUT I know the damage has now been done!! I will defo have a gain this week :(... weigh in tomorrow so with all this bloating I know I will be heavier! and if so it will be my 1st EVER gain....:cry:BUT I know its all relative, and will come off again... just when you "in the moment" it seem so demoralising.... just weighed myself and I`m now up 89.30 k` thats about just under 2 lb`s!!! SO nose to the grindstone today, lots of water and stick on the shakes again...
Oh how I hate being a WOMAN!!!....:sigh:
It makes everything so much harder doesnt it!!?? Hope your ok hun!!!

I've had a massive gain this week but think of the big picture.... look how far you've come!! With only 1 gain EVER!!! Thats an achievement...

So me and you.... Different programmes.... But both day one!!!

I'll race you to ketosis!!!! Lol..... GO!!!!

Keep your chin up sweetie!!!

:D:D:D Ha ha loving it Dee... ty hun thats cheered me up.... right your on!! Race ya...... weeeeeee.........woooshh........ wiiizzzzzzzzzzz... and were off.... Lol hee hee Love to you babes xxxx
I`ve added some pics of me girls if anyone wants to have a look in my album... xxx