My new life


Silver Member we are again old friend. Why is it everyone keeps telling me it's not January yet, so don't start the diet? I think I can do without an excuse to keep eating, and more to the pont drinking.

I feel I'm on the cusp, the edge of a cliff, a fork in the road, and it is time to make changes to my life. Not just the weight, I will be going to my first AA meeting on Monday evening. Kind of ironic as it's New Years Eve.......well there I said it, it's out in the open, my name is Catherine...and I'm an alcoholic.

So 2013....13 unlucky for some...hopefully not for me. I need to turn my life around, I mean it's not all bad, hubby, kids, decent job, horses. But I'm not happy.....the weight...the drinking...relationship with hubby isn't fantastic, but I think deal with the first two and the third will probably work itself out.

I've decided to do a weight loss diary combined food diary, maybe somewhere to document my rambling thoughts.....
Hey hun

What's your starting weight if you don't mind me asking?

I'm in a similar position, I don't need any excuse to eat/drink more. Mine's not so much alcoho as obsessively fizzy drinks.

Good luck catherine and they say the first step is admitting you have a problem - so good on ya. I hope all goes well for you

2 eggs, 2 slices hexb, ketchup 1 syn

Smoked salmon salad with seafood sauce 2 syns

Aldi thai salmon fishcakes 3 syns

Prawns and seafood sauce 3 syns

Daily - 9
Weekly - 9
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