Oh wow, i just managed to jog for 7 minutes including up hill wow wow wow, ok it may not sound much but for me its a big deal. Never thought i would get this far, also i managed it without passing out lol. So happy with myself, hopefully by next week i will of increased it some more!! Foods been good today, not h-ad enough really so going to have some supper soon!!
Good for you!!! you girl Rach!!
Hi, hun, I'm fine thanks..just had some mini shredded wheats but the were new kind with berry in the middle...really quite yummy :)

How's your day?
Oh i love them ones, but they do not like me, :eek: they upset my tummy. I had so many cals left over yesterday i decided to have a bigger bowl of cereal for my breakfast this morning as i am hoping to get out for my job again later and dont want loads of calories left over like yesterday!!
They are nice aren't they, bit rich though...don't think I'll be buying them again.. porridge is my all time favourite for breakfasts and dinners actutally lol!...I just don't always get time to do it, I prefer the proper oats on the hob...yum!

Have a nice jog hun! xx
Feeling a bit down today, started thinking about how far i still have to go which is never a good idea :( I know i should be thinking about how far i have already come but some days it just feels so hard!! i sometimes wonder if i will ever get there. I dont know whether to go by the weight the doctor said or to go by what is classed as a healthy BMI, which my husband heard on a course he was doing is a load of rubbish as it hasnt been updated in years apparently. If i go by BMI i still have over 90lbs to lose :( but if i go by doctor its 65lb. Really hating the way i look today too, just feel massive and ugly!! urgh so depressing. Sorry to go on, just needed to get this out of my system.
Don't be sorry for telling us the way you feel, we all have those days. You've done tremendously well it would be a shame to let it slip. You will get there, trust me.
Just take it a stone at a time like your doing or set mini goals of 7lbs, it doesn't seem as daunting.

Don't think about it. I often feel the same but I can't think about how long it will take me. Stone by stone by stone . Smile and think how big you would have been if you'd carried on as you were and not how you are now
We all have these days hun...self doubt is an awful emotion, but you have to believe you will get there!..and you will will!!!
You've changed so much hun and you going to change a whole lot more too, out heads sometimes don't catch up with us...maybe you need a boost, a hair cut or a manicure or pedicure or maybe buy a new top or a pair of shoes or a nice piece of jewellery...i like bangles, they're never too small when I try them on ;)
hey everyone. i know its been a while since i dropped by, been ever so busy building my empire lol
so far iv lost a total of 10.6lbs its been a slow process but im chuffed to have lost it even though its taken me a while to do so...

hey rach hope ur well hon. try not to tjink about the amount left to lose take it slowly that way it wont feel like a mountain..

hope everyone is doing well
hiya Rach - hope you are ok hun :hug99:

it wont be long now before you go on holiday and i imagine loads of people are going to be amazed at how you look now.
keep going hun - it'll be time to sit on Santa's knee before we know it :flirt2:

i'm sitting here in my lovely pjs waiting for the nurse to come and feel so good that i'm not bursting out of everything anymore. :D

i'm thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling good today. :)
feeling bad still had a sneaky weigh in and i am 4lb up ??? :( dont know whats going on!! I just feel like going and pigging out, but dont worry i wont!! Just feel like i am trying and getting no where at the moment. grrrr!!

Thanks for your lovely comments though girls. Mrs A hope your recovering well!!
aww hun... i hate it when that happens... a lot can happen between now and wi day.. still I know how you feel, you just feel like you're not making any progress, you just feel like your stuck in the mud and you can't get out,'s maddening I know, but you'll get through it hun!
Dont do it. I'm living proof that bodies please themselves . Keep on going and next week it will be gone. Smile. Chin up :) x