
New Member
Hey all,:)
I've just started cambridge again after falling of the wagon (with a huge thump) so i thought id share my stupid aims with you all for some inspiration and hopefully you can post some back.


- For shop assistants not to look at me thinking "we so havent got anything to fit her".

- To buy clothes for anywhere

- Not to have to go right to the back on the rail where my size is.


- For there not to be that awkward silence after someone makes a fat person joke, when im there.

- Not to have to sit and listen to them talking about shops and jeans i know i cant fit my big toe into.


- To sit on a seat without taking up both spaces.

- To not have to put my hand up and ask for an extension belt on a plane.

- Not seeing the paniced look on peoples faces on buses when the only seats next to me, so they have to balance on the end.

:p Me:

- Not being discribed as "plump" or "chubby" becuase people dont wanna say fat.

- Cutting my hair or wearing whatever makeup i want without considering which makes me look slimmer.

:pGoing out:

- Not to be nackered, and bright red after going up a flight of stairs - its never attractive.

- To not have to squeeze past everything, espcally tables that are nailed to the ground.

- Not to have my make up running down my face before i even get to where im ment to be going.

If anyones got anymore id love to here from you im sures theres loads.
love CR xxxxxx
Me too.... awesome goals! Just want to walk down the street and not feel like the whole world is staring at me and judging me and feeling sorry for my husband cos he's married to a heffa!
I have a goal, well four actually!
1. To buy anything in TopShop....anything (while I'm still hanging onto my 20's by a thread, don't want to be fat and 30!)
2. To go on holiday and not just tan my face, ankles and wrists because everthing else is covered up!
3. To bump into all those people who I know have had an opinion of me and rub it in their noses!
4. To wear a pair of jeans for the first time ever......!
*to share clothes with friends
*have people ask me where i got an item of clothing *because they so want to buy it
*wear a skirt in the summer without my thighs rubbing and getting sore - then having to put on talcum powder
*putting more water in the bath and lying down in it without fear of it going over the edge
*painting my toenails without straining too much
*eating something in the street without people looking at you thinking "fat cow"

just a few things
NOT SILLY GOALS AT ALL!!! They all sound pretty good, normal & great to me!
* to ride a horse, mounting WITHOUT blocks & to not feel sorry for him/her having to carry me!
* not having a 'wobble' anywhere on my body, except my boobs.
* To wear stockings without a HUGE overhang at the tops.
There's tons more, not to feel embarrassed to have a shopping trolley full of food, shopping in regular shops & markets for clothes...
they all sound like fab goals :D

mine are the same but also

*to go out on night out n hide from the camera
*to not be the fat friend, just the normal friend
*to be able to go into ya average shop 'river island, topshop etc and be able to fit into everything
*to build up the power to control my portion control
*if i hear someone laugh not think they are laughin at me
*to buy food in a shop and not think every1 is thinking she
dosent need that

Great goals - print them out & stick them up where you can see them everyday, remind yourself why you're doing this journey when it get's tough.

Great thread guys :p

- To only have to shop in Bon Marche or Evans through choice rather than forced necessity!
- To choose a pair of jeans because I like them as opposed to because they are the only pair that fit me.
- To be able to sunbathe outside and never hear the words "beached whale" in a sentence from passersby.
- To be light enough for my OH to give me a piggyback when I have worn a pair of unsuitable shoes out and my feet hurt!
- To be able to fit (comfortably) into something from topshop for the first time ever. I don't necessarily have to buy something from here I would just like to know that I could if I wanted to.