My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Well it is now the early hours of Sunday morning and i'm on my last night shift for the week. Hoping i wont have many more to go i've asked to move back on to days as it's starting to wear me down with the volume of people coming through for assessment and i'm starting to psychologically take work home with me which isn't a good sign.

Boring stuff diet wise haven't strayed and managing with water volume, got back into my size 16 work trousers tonight and they don't feel as tight as they were when i wore them back in March so taking it all as a good sign :) Really really need to get my boobs measured too, cups are half full and i'm on last notch but then i'm loathed to spend a lot on a bra that won't hopefully fit me in a few months time oh decisions decisions

Hey Hun great about the clothes shrinking its costly but fun buying new 'I fit in u now' clothes :)
Well today or rather yesterday was weigh in and i was expecting a spectacular weight loss i went 11 whole days without a treat night as it was that long between WI and did i lose a spectacular amount NAHA lost 4lbs it couldnt even give me 5 to reach 7stone which means ive stuck at this weight since last friday GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Right rant over.

Been another busy night for me, thanfkully only got 5 more shifts between now and august and then i go back on day w/c 5th :) No weigh in until 9th August coz of how my night shifts do fall so i'd better be very near the low 15s when i next get weighed, my body has had ample time to stick in the high 15s grr
Well today or rather yesterday was weigh in and i was expecting a spectacular weight loss i went 11 whole days without a treat night as it was that long between WI and did i lose a spectacular amount NAHA lost 4lbs it couldnt even give me 5 to reach 7stone which means ive stuck at this weight since last friday GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Right rant over.

Been another busy night for me, thanfkully only got 5 more shifts between now and august and then i go back on day w/c 5th :) No weigh in until 9th August coz of how my night shifts do fall so i'd better be very near the low 15s when i next get weighed, my body has had ample time to stick in the high 15s grr

4lbs is brilliant nina well done! :)
Thanks WPW but 4lbs after missing out on a usual treat night was a bit like a kick in the teeth as was 4lbs for almost 2 whole weeks of being good so i was heartily disappointed. Still i'm back on it and last night shift tonight so it better treat me nice then ive only got 3 next week and thats me done for nights for a few months hopefully.

Got a nice weekend planned ahead; tomororw gonig to a friends lil girls 5th birthday party and sunday we're going on a picnic with soem other friends then monday gotta register at new GP's as we've moved house. oh and hows this for a lil annoying. I won £350 on a bingo site a few days ago, one ive not been on for almost a whole yr, withdrew the cash weheyy then got an email off them to say they'd had to cancel the withdrawal as my recorded address and bank recorded address are different well that's coz we moved 4 weeks ago and muggins here forgot to change my address before taking the money out grrrr. But not only do they need bank statement to confirm new address they want driving licence or passport ID my driving licence is with DVLA awaiting to be changed to new address and my passport is still in my maiden name ARGHHHH so ive got to wait til Monday now and speak to the customer service dept to find out what i have to do. I'm all for security but this is ridiculous they dont ask for driving licence or passport when you sign up nor did they have a problem with my putting money into the account with the same blooming card grumble grumble grumble. Still at least i suppose it'll be nice for a treat when it eventually all does get sorted
Hey nina

How r u getting on? X
Hey nina haven't heard from you in a while, how r u?
Hello you!

I am gob smacked!!! 7 whole stones! So proud of you! Ruddy well done girl xxx