My 'slim girl's box of secrets' Diary ...(I LUV IT)


Gold Member
Right well here goes - Im starting another diary and this will be the last one. I cant diet :break_diet::break_diet: I can never stick to anything long enough I end up binging and feeling crap, I have lost nearly 2 stone since I had my son a year ago but I am totally stuck - I just cannot seem to get past these 7 lbs - I have been fluctuating now for about 9 months and Im so sick of it. Im going on holidays in sept with my gorgeos skinny SIL and although she is lovely ill feel crappy beside her unless I lose some weight.
I am now doing paul Mc Kenna's weight loss system and listening to his cd - I love it in theory but I am struggling (again) and Im starting to beat myself up and that is never good so I thought Id start a little diary to remind myself why Im doing this and how much I enjoy it when I follow it correctly and have set myself a mini target of 10 lbs - which gets me out of the 7 lb fluctuation trap, I have also started jogging and I really enjoy it so hope to keep that up regularly - Im looking forward to reading your diarys and getting to know you all.
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Hey! Just saw this, Ive been looking for someone who's doing PMck for a while, Ive just started today. I lost a couple of stone via Cambridge diet but put on another stone so 2 stone to lose. Like you I cant diet anymore, end up bingeing and in a cycle of gain and lose constantly, it's ruining my life! Im hoping this plan will help me stabilise long term and I want to be free of diets.
Maybe we could keep in touch and support each other? PM me if you want to buddy up and good luck on your new journey!

Hugs x
Hi Reena - Id love a buddy, how exciting would it be to never have to diet again and have a lovely healthy relationship with food. I was flicking around the web and found another similar option - the slim girls box of secrets - and I just had to order it, I think its the same principal - ill let you know. Ill be very interested to see how you are getting on. Do you have a diary too?
Well first of all, congrats on already having lost two stone! that's awesome!
I really hope that PMcK works for you.
Best wishes.
Hi Annie:) Good to hear from you, no I haven't started a diary, but thinking of doing it to keep on track etc. I did one on the Cambridge diet but couldn't continue long term, I think cutting out carbs and certain food groups just makes them more appealing to me. I need a long term solution like yourself.
Oooh lemme know how the 'slim girls' thing goes, need all the help I can get! I already feel better today after just yesterday, even though Im finding it hard to recognise the hungry and full sensations, might take a bit of practise after abusing my metabolism so much.
Anyway hope you have a good day and hopefully hear from you soon.

Thanks Pink! I'm hoping it'll work cos I just want to be happy and comfortable in myself now:)
Hi- I'll be interested to know how you go. I've read the book,which made perfect sense, but haven't listened to the CD. It really does make sense though, doesn't it? Good luck!
Hi Minusfour, the first time I read it I never bothered listening to the cd - do, its a huge asset, makes it so much easier.
Hi Reena, I find the hungry sensation not too bad to identify but I can never really tell if Im a bit hungry or very hungry - I dont think Ive ever felt ravenous but like you my system has taken a fair bit of abuse. I find the full sensation much harder but by stopping and conciously thinking about it, I think I am getting better, but I often feel a bit over full a while after eating, but I think even noticing that is a step in the right direction. How are you doing today
Hi Pink, thanks so much for the encouragement - how are you getting on?
Thanks shrikingannie, I'll listen to it now. (On the weekend actually, I have to find it now) It's funny what you will and won't do to help yourself sometimes, isn't it? I remember buying that book during a trip to Melbourne, reading it really quickly, and thinking I should listen to the CD. (I was in a motel at the time, no player) The trip wasn't long though, I was home a few days later. That was last year. Now I have to find the book and CD. (But I would do anything to lose some weight!) I am hopeless sometimes!
Your not hopeless minusfour - Im the very same!!
Well I have been disastrous these last 2 days - why do I do it, I hate eating till I feel sick and bloated but I still do it. I even think about it now some times but so far I can only come up with reasons like 'I just want to eat' and ' ill start properly tomorrow, I have to get a grip I want to feel better about myself and I cant at the weight Im at:mad::mad:
Right well my Paul Mc Kenna diary has become my slim girl's box of secrets diary and I love it, there are a few additional principals but it is easy and enjoyable, Im not going to weigh in for 5 weeks - and today is day 5, but I feel a bit slimmer already and my hubbie said I look slimmer yesterday! The biggest challenge is finding time, Im supposed to exercise daily and listen the cd and meditate and I have v v little time to myself with 2 small boys but I am managing so far.
wow I love it, something is happening to my brain, im drinking loads of water and making healthier choices and only eating when Im hungry which is definately the best bit and best of all I had my first weigh in today and Ive lost 4 lbs which is fantastic because it gets me out of the 7 lb rut Ive been in for 8 months Im so excited I could scream - I just know Ill be in the tens in a couple of weeks - yipeeeeeee