My weight struggle


New Member
hello everyone it's kim again, Of course I'm not quite as slim as I was 20 years ago!! Like many others I started to put on weight as I got older, I don't play squash or badminton now, my present job is not very physical so I'm not burning off the calories and I've got a sweet tooth!! Not long ago I was invited to a wedding and decided to try on my favourite suit, which I hadn't worn for about 2 years. I realized that it might be a bit tight, but that wouldn't matter as I didn't want to buy a new suit just for one day (I like to dress casually mostly). A BIT TIGHT!! I couldn't do up the zip on my trousers!! I couldn't believe how much weight I had put on around my waist.Needless to say I did have to buy a suit. I decided then, that I wanted to lose weight and get into the clothes which made up 80% of my wardrobe.
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