Nearing 2 weeks, no weight loss, consultant useless. Rant.

you have a few posts about this hun and i have replied on the others i think.remember you do have very little weight (very little)to lose at a point where you are responsible for breast feeding your little one. maybe try again when you stop BF....
Im constantly eating fruit. To be honest Im constantly eating, fruit veg and still Im hungry. I have 4-6 pears a day. 4-5 apples a day 2-3 bananas, carrots, celery all in bid to curb the hunger and its not working. Its the breastfeeding thing making me eat.

While eating all that fruit is good from a vitamin level if your really hungry you need to have PROPER food ie Free foods - pasta, rice chicken, eggs etc

Maybe your bodies gone into starvation mode - remember your body wants to run your body and your babes yet. Try eatin more dense food so your not hungry and stick with it :553: