Need some motivation!


Full Member
hey all, i started cambridge before but quit because i was so bad at it! It started really well and then i went away and messed it up, i totally couldnt get back into it.
I relly want to start again but everytime i try i fail, anyone have any tips etc. to help?
Come on here all the time.
Drink loads of water.
Write a diary.
Buddy up with someone - and email/text/msn/'phone them daily.
Write down your reasosn for wanting to lose weight.
Set yourself small achieveable goals.
Reward yourself with non food treats.
Look at health benefits of weighing less.
all of the above and also take some picture of urself "fat pics" and place them all around house--especially in kitchen and wen u want to eat look at wot u dont want to be!! also keep busy busy busy in the first week and drink loads of water whenever u get a craving!!
thankyou, everyone is really fiendly on here so ill definatey come on here more often thanyou i think ill go take some pics now!
I think you need to prepare mentally, for a few days before starting the diet, as it is a huge change! Thats helped me do my re-start!
Its sooo hard getting back into it! but it can be done!! ive struggled for the last 5-6 weeks to get going! I do fine for a few days then mess up! coming on here really does help tho and having a friend to support you and motivate you works aswell!! im lucky i have a fab friend (Ti@ra-m@ker) doing CD with me and so daily texts / emails from her and my CDC does help!! im going to keep trying and trying until i get into my size 14 jeans!!! even if it means falling off the wagon a million times until i get to my target!!! All the best in your journey!!! xxxx