Need somebody & general chit chat

Yes yes yes you should wear it! It looks great, I wish I could wear something like that!
Hi MB, Taz and everyone.

Sorry it's been so long. I've had an eventful few weeks and all in all my head and time management are not in the right place at the moment as well as visitors for the next 2 weeks also.

I've had lows and highs but mainly lows.

MB, i love your new hair!!!!!!

I hope and will be back slowly in the next 2 weeks and feeling that it will be a more positive time for me. Love you all and have missed everyone and the support.


take care and I promise to be back soon.

welcome back. did you have a good time on your road trip? hope so.

thank you, i cant get it to look like the hairdresser did, but you never can can you lol.

hope to see you more over the coming weeks

went to the pub at dinner with work....had a jacket spud. my friend sat opposite me with my fav' cheese burger and curly fries. i was proud of myself for not even looking at the menu just going in and ordering the spud, i mean , come on i know the menu inside out anyway! and it tasted nice too so bonus.

im wearing a red elastic band round my wrist with H.A.L.T on one side and Your Choice on the other to try and keep me right, every little helps.

my friend is coming round tonight and we are doing an hour on the cross trainer and rowing machine in alternative sessions so we dont get bored or wear ourselves out too much all in one go

see you tommorow and good luck to all tonights WI's
:sign0168: need I say more x
well we managed 40minutes. we took it in turns i did 10mins on the rowing machine while my friend did 10mins on the cross trainer then we swaped. we were aiming for an hour but i think we did well at 40mins and we worked hard. i think its better to do 40 mins on the first attempt them do too much and put ourselves off ever doing it again. see if i can walk tommorow lol

my exercise with my friend is the only exercise i have ever stuck to cos i have to be home from work, ready and at her house by a certain time, shes expecting me and i will let her (and myself) down if i dont go so it makes me go. we normally do an exercise video but thought we would give the equiptment a go for a change. had to dust them first lol

im also proud of myself cos i just stood in front of the kitchen cupboards about to get a bowl of all bran, for no reason as im not hungry, saw my elastic band and thought, no you dont need it. so i didnt have anything :)
Elastic band?

You done very well to do 40 minutes and you should be very proud of yourself
i have a red elastic band around my wrist that says H.A.L.T on one part and Your CHoice on the other, to remind me that its me thats making the decision to eat that food and to stop and think before i do.
its hardly WOW lol

yep, i open the post at work and the post office near us uses red elastic bands that are smaller than normal ones so i thought, why not, it can either work or it cant so lets give it a go. belive me its tacky, but hey ho i do tacky quite well
at the moment im hungry and just about to munch on an apple.

felling rather slim today but its only cos i got drenched walking home from work last night and my trousers still aint dry so iv got a pai of 16's on wich keep falling down lol

thank you for asking.