Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB


Floors steamed, spider despatched (eeekkk!!!!), mother spoken to, cat stuff washed, washing dried, filing all done and dusted, halo polished.....(and slipping somewhat as had some berry smoothie - yumyum), story read - 2 exciting chapters, photo sent and now about to go and do some rebounding - ta-da! what a little heroine I am!!!!
Wow - Well Done!

(Don't despatch them - they keep yucky flies/maggots out! If I'd been there I'd have put it out in the garden!)

For evening weigh-ins I'm never booted. I always wear bra, knickers, watch, a pair of standard work trousers & a long-sleeved top but no tights/socks/shoes. Only 'cos I started in January & don't want to mess up weights by going for crops/shorts/little tops etc.

Just replied to your e-mail. I'm not sure about that short 19 pic, that seems very short & if you're going short for the first time in ages maybe not quite such an enormous difference. Also if the curls are growing out it might look a bit strange. (I love the mid 9 pic though! I'm getting that done before my hol!)

Sorry wasn't about much last night - Dad was using PC. Was 11,0 morning weight this morning but I only had 1 litre water yesterday as was so busy at work then so lazy at home so retaining again! (Weird that I can be that nude in the morning and the previous evening that weight dressed & after whole day's food & water!) Am concentrating on trying to get at least 3 litres down. Drank 4 litres every day the first week of WLR when I lost 3lbs & only managing between 1 & 2 every day this week so need to up it again to get the losses going again!

Better go & make Julian's lunch. Yuck - mackerel + ryvita!:eek::(

Love xxx

10 mins to hols - well now actually as have done all I'm going to do!
The boy has a friend (a girl but not a girlfriend!!) coming home with us from Supercamps - she lives in our village and is in his class at school and is jolly nice.

Am thinking about going to visit my great aunt in Yorkshire tomorrow, she's 89 years young but no longer in the best of health! Yuk - just checked weather - might go on Sunday and hopefully avoid the pre and post bank holiday traffic jams - or we might go next weekend instead - decisions, decisions.

Mackerel and Ryvita - very wholesome - mind you anything seems yummy to me right now! Scales said 10.8.7 this morning so heading downwards slowly but surely! Thanks for comments re hair - #19 is where I want to end up but how long it takes me to get there and how tousled and scarecrowish I look in the mean time could be interesting!

I definitely think that water - plain unadulterated only - makes quite a difference and noticed that even tho I drank lots of 0 cal fluids it was only when it was pure water that the weightloss was good. Have been 100% today - let's hope that continues - mind you I'm always 100% SS until I get home so it's not any sort of achievement yet!

What plans do you have for the long weekend - going anywhere nice/doing anything special?

Am off to collect kids and start my break - have a fun weekend if we don't catch each other on here!

Lots of love,

Am aiming for 2000 words dissertation. Have 3 weekends, bulk this weekend, tape next weekend, remainder & fine-tuning weekend after! That's roughly 700 words each of these 3 days! Arrrrrgh! If I start tonight I could make it 500... Gonna be glad when this weekend is over (BUT ONLY if I've got my words done!)

How long does it take for a perm to grow out? (Never had one so haven't a clue! Although mine goes into tight ringlets in the rain!) I have to have mine cut just shy of shoulder length as it has so much bounce that when I next wash it it ends up chin length, if I had it cut to chin length it would be ear-length!:(:eek:

Hope you have a great weekend whatever you decide to do. I shouldn't be around much, unless taking much needed breaks but if I procrastinate too long I won't get it done!

Love Anch xxx
Insomnia strikes as usual but if I start Spanish now I won't want to get up & go to post office & Asda when Dad gets up so I will go, try & sleep now, do those & then get stuck in at a normal hour!

Have a great day!
Love Anch xxx
Hiya, hope the shopping or Spanish is going well - hope the insomnia hasn't ruined the day for you! Personally I don't know there are 2 5 o'clocks in the day!

I'm on here just doing the home/buildings insurance before going downstairs to do the week's ironing. The boy has quite a bad cold and doesn't feel like doing much today so we'll just bimble about the house, might go to the library later.

Am feeling quite bunged up atthe moment but scales said 10.8.0 this am so going down - want to be 10.7 on Monday for family party as little obnoxious bro is deigning to visit us and he was quite rude at Christmas when I told him I was going to be a size 12 - so rude my other brother took him to task over it later! Anyway, I can get thinner still but obnoxious bro won't grow - he's a midget compared with the other boys who are both 6'. If he gets unpleasant I'll just ask where he gets his shoe lifts!!!

My hair usually grows quite quickly - it was averaging about 2cm per month so it shouldn't take too long to grow out plus if I use the apropriate products I can get it looking fairly straight despite the perm. Hope being on CD hasn't affected my hair - don't think so, luckily no thinning hair or loss for me!

Crack on with that Spanish now - it'll all be worth it when you graduate!

Have a good weekend despite the dissertation,
On briefly to get away from books. Have been going between 12 & 4.25 - 515 words done... 1/4 of this weekend's target!:eek: Was averaging 100 words per hour then sped up at the last minute! Done most of my negative points so have to start on positive soon then link them.

Am going to try & get negatives to take up 1,000 words so need to put more examples, info, opinions etc. in!

Am aiming for between 800 & 1000 today so better get back on!

Hope you have had a good day despite the weather!

Love xxx

Major, major headache. Have just had nurofen but am going to try and do another 100 or so words then have a VERY early night. Dad's also reading in bed! Think he's expecting to get called out.

Night night!
Love xxx

I actually stuck to my cals yesterday & was rewarded with a 2lb drop this morning. Last week food-wise I was rubbish but Thursday & Friday I was well out too. Had Indian takeaway (split it into 3 & put 1 in freezer!) BUT on Friday I had 1000 cals over quota 'cos I'm a piglet! Once I'd had takeaway I kind of carried on going. Was 11,0 morning weight both those days but was 10,12 (lowest ever morning weight) this morning so i'll stick to my cals today - have it all planned - and then see if I can drop again in the morning. Slept through last night - 9 hours straight but I still woke up with my headache. It's probably dissertation stress so I won't worry yet...

Got up to 835 on negative points so will start on positives in a min. Feeling a bit better as I'm nearly a third of the way there...

Will go have a quick look at LR sale & then plough on. Starting much earlier today as was 12 noon yesterday!

Hope your weight drops for tomorrow's family do!

Irene - Hope you're having a wonderful Vodka Frenzy Bootcamp!

Love xxx
Hiya Honey - hope headache isn't getting too bad and the Spanish is going well. I'm downstairs listening to the Archers and drinking hazelnut coffee and water - def. the key to weight loss - was 10.7.0 this am - yay!!!
And you're down to 10.12 - BRILLIANT - the Indian didn't sabotage you too much then - phew!! How controlled of you to put 1/3 in the freezer -- can you send me some of your control please?? I'm ok as long as stuff isn't open and I can't see it - I've taken to putting things in plastic boxes in the fridge so I can't see them when I open the fridge door:(
One of the cats left us a freshly dead rabbit this morning - luckily left outside and smeared around the playroom - but apart from clearing that up today is going to be a lazy day - all the washing and ironing is done and as the family are over tomorrow and my niece and nephew are staying over there is no point cleaning the place to a new pin today as it'll be trashed by tomorrow night! I've got Thursday after they've gone and before the hairdresser comes to clean!
Might go out on bikes later as the boy's cold is better but don't know if the rain is going to hold off - what a miserable weekend weatherwise!!
Am cooking chicken for lunch and will make chicken stock with carcass and put in freezer for when I can eat - not long now! Will have some broccoli too as an add-a-meal and then make sure I do some exercise this afternoon. I've been doing my rebounding and am kind of coming round to the idea that I need to move my body more -- finally realised that being thinner and being fitter aren't the same thing. I s'pose I assumed that being thinner would automatically make me fit - errr NO:( Also when I am eating I can get away with eating more if I eat more plus I want the boy to get more physically active and to do that I have to set a positive example.
I've been reading about the documentary that is on tomorrow night about the 19 yr old girl who weighed 34stones. I feel sorry for her and hope the gastric band helps her but I feel her mother has a lot to answer for as apparently the girl's been obese all her life. If my boy is fat as a boy it's directly down to me as he has no health issues which affect his weight and I buy the food and allow him to eat it - a bit too judgemental maybe - will I get flamed for this attitude?

Hmmm, the roasting chicken smells lovely, well I better go and do some housework - polish the windows or something or maybe I'll torture myself by reading recipe books:D

Have a fab day and good luck with the dissertation.

Lots of love,
Hi Irene

Hope you are enjoying the Northern meet up and the weightloss is continuing!
Is your weather better than ours which is constantly grey and threatening rain?
Sniff the sea air for me - I wish I could.
Lots of love,

Up to 1,230. Have done 400 already this morning. Despite nurofen I STILL have a huge headache which really isn't helping the ideas flow! I might try to get to 2,000 by tonight & then have tomorrow as a day off! I think it's my eyes as the bridge of my nose physically hurts when I touch it! PC just crashed so I had to retype the whole last paragraph of essay! Grrrr!

Going to have lunch now & pause briefly!

Bad luck about rabbit! Hope the rest of your day is going well. I think the exercise sounds good. I seem to have stopped since the accident but I have my twist disc to stand on & do so with 1.5 kg weights in each hand so that's got to help my stomach & biceps if nothing else.
Also I bought my cal counting skipping rope from Ebay so when diss. is all done I'll get a bit more exercise. At least I have no excuse - I can do the disc thing while watching TV!

Getting peckish & haven't started making lunch yet so off to do so, have decided to have Waitrose veg/cheese/rice stuffed peppers, 258 cals for both! then raspberries topped with WW yoghurt.

Love xxx
When's the doc & which channel? Sounds interesting. I hope you don't get flamed, it's totally true that parents can affect kid's ideas of food & anybody that lets their child get obese is to blame.

Maybe we'll both get flamed! I think children going off particular types of food is rubbish, if you make them try a little bit of everything when they're younger they don't tend to go all fussy & phobic!

Love xxx
Well, kids and food hmmm- my son is addicted to junk and when I was pregnant I was convinced he would think bitesize shredded wheat was a sweet and would only eat healthy foods - he, on the other hand, had other ideas!

I now work on the premise that he can eat what I give him or go hungry, his choice! Either way, I'm the one buying/cooking the food so if he's fat, who's to blame? Me and no one else.
That's why we went cycling this afternoon, probably about 5 or 6 miles along the canals and he had great fun helping out at two of the locks we went past - he was chatting away to the boat owners and quickly picked up how to open the gates and sluices etc. He moaned a lot at first as he's not used to a lot of physical activity - again entirely my fault and so I have to challenge this attitude and make stuff fun. I can hardly blame him - he's had almost 7 years of watching his couch potato Mum hardly move, kids learn what they see!
The doc. is on BBC3 BH Monday 9pm.

Hope the headache has eased a little and you can see the light at the end of the Spanish dissertation.

Have big family party tomorrow and then kids staying on. Dreading it a bit really - I don't like being over run with people - terribly antisocial I know! Hope will be able to get on sometime but not making any promises. Might text you with an "arrgghhh" if I get really peed off!
Have a fun day regardless of how you choose to spend it!
Lots of love,

Up to 1,661 so more than halfway through but giving up for today - will get a fresh perspective tomorrow but only aiming for about another 500 words this weekend as 830 per day these last two has been very hard work! Headache still here - I either need some new glasses or I did more damage than I thought in the accident! Will get my eyes checked before I bother the doc but seem to have had a continuous migraine for about 8 days now!

(Weightlosstickers is down - I've lost my crab!)

Going to have my last few cals & go to bed! Hope your family do goes well tomorrow!

Love xxx

Another lb down this morning - am now in new territory! 10,11 and I actually saw 10,9 & 10,10 before it just rolled to 10,11 to settle. I WISH my scales wouldn't round up but since my target between now & Thursday morning is 10,10 it looks do-able. Have got a daily morning weight sheet that I'm filling in now I'm on WLR and for every week I have a 2lb target, first week was 11,0 which I beat by a lb, last week's was 10,12 which I never touched! wavered on 10,13 & 11,0 all week but 10,10 this week is very, very likely! then 10,8 next week etc. GOD I'M ACTUALLY FINALLY MOVING THIS LAST BIT OF WEIGHT! The last time I was 10,7 was in 6th form at age 18 so a decade ago. I have never been near it since then!

Got up to 1,660 last night & haven't started again yet. Will do in a min. Had a 2 hour cuddle with a soggy moggy at 6am! She woke me up by walking across a newspaper before she jumped on me luckily so I towelled her off and then she curled up just under my neck & went to sleep!

Better go wash up, put washing on & carry on again!

Hope your family is fine - don't forget your shoelifts comment if he's nasty! And have a FANTASTIC time at Cadbury World tomorrow. A few little chocs as you're going round won't hurt you & might prevent deprivation BUT don't buy any to take home unless you are absolutely certain you won't eat them!

(Think my lack of crab is some setting Dad has disabled or enabled on this machine! Kam's is from the same site & hers is still on here! Maybe he's blocked pictures from that site or something but I'm damned if I can find out how to undo it! Will put it back on at work tomorrow!)
Love xxx

Got to 1,922 words & have given it up for the day/weekend! I was struggling so I want to come back to it with a stroke of genius later!:eek: So far I have done negative impact & positive impact but need more quotes/opinions/examples from the hispanic world, I need to link the two halves together & do a conclusion so whole thing needs to be 2,700 to 3,300 long. Feel much better about it however Dad is working out on my car in the brief sunshine (1 or 2 very minor flaws - the radio aerial extends up & down when the ignition is on but only about 95% not 100%, the sunroof is leaking a little & the switch on the heater only works on 4 not 1,2 or 3! Also it only starts in neutral not park but Dad says he can sort that too, just a switch jammed but slightly more difficult to get at! Apparently Mum had one that did the same - I've started it in park once by accident but usually no go!)

Just feel like doing nothing, helping Dad, charging the Daewoo battery which is now flat & sitting watching a DVD tonight rather than stressing.

Love xxx

Insomnia as usual! - Have avoided an Indian takeaway/restaurant meal but had a fight with Dad in the process. He was pi$$ing me off anyway! Didn't get battery charged, didn't fix lots of things & now have a broken sunroof. The gearbox in the motor has gone with it left a little bit open so I'm praying for no rain today! Aerial is 100% fixed but Dad was switching radio on & off constantly like a child, after he'd fixed it so I told him to stop pi$$ing about before he broke it again - he didn't take too kindly! Sunroof was sticking so we took it off, motor worked fine but was jamming while it slid. Oiled it all up & then the bl00dy motor died while it was dipped down, no gears so glass is back on but it's not sealed, it slopes backwards & we have to go to Reliance Recovery AGAIN to take the motor from my other car. They are not going to want us to do that but it's still my car so tough luck! (Am hoping Dad will do that as I wouldn't have a hope in hell of taking off the all parts required to get to it!) It's parked under the bike forecourt across the road at the mo so it won't get wet tonight but today...

Starting it in park now works - the switch is maladjusted. If you push it just past park it starts every time! Still need to sort heater & b*ggering sunroof! Have got my Nissan books stuck between the cover & the glass to try to push it up to get the gap as small as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While we were working Dad said he wanted Indian - I dithered but then started craving. He went out - I assumed to get something from the car - but then he didn't come back for an hour & a half by which time I was starving & raging. He'd gone to the pub. I went to get him to find out if he'd eaten or what we were going to do only to meet him halfway back weaving alarmingly back up the pavement (basically bouncing off the hedge & avoiding the road!) & got angry that he'd f'ed off without telling me! I made myself a salad in a strop but then spoilt the good efforts slightly by eating the snickers from the fridge - Well I suppose it was going to happen eventually & it did manage to stay there for a fortnight so I suppose I was pretty good... better than a curry anyway, so went 400 cals over BUT I'm still 500 off the cals I need to maintain so I may still go down today. (Must try not to eat when I'm angry but it's been a long & trying weekend!)

Better go & try to get another hour's sleep before I have to get up for work!

Love xxx