Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB

Cat and I are going to the Globe to see Antony and Cleopatra on Sun afternoon. She is doing it for her AS lit coursework. We are really looking forward to it. Then train back to Newcastle at 8pm arriving at 11.45pm Not sure about rest of Sat yet. Staying at the Travelodge near Kings Cross

Do you mean Robbs.
Irene xx
Hi Irene

Yes, I do mean Robbs - is it still there - will I have a chance to get a quick shop in before or after the wedding??

Just spoken to soon-to-be sis in law and dropped a right clanger by calling her by bro's ex-g/f name - whoops! To be fair to her she didn't hold it against me for too long and we had a half decent chat. Perhaps I've been too unfair on her - hopefully she's just been wound up by wedding preps and will be generally pleasanter when the wedding is over. Oh dear, sometimes I think I'm not a very nice person at all:(

I hope you like the play, the Globe is well cool and I'm a bit of a Shakepseare buff. You and Cat could come and stay here and we could go to Stratford - it's only about an hour from here and they have loads of choice of performances etc. I'll let you know what Slaley Hall is like - providing I get there in enough time. Am planning to leave no later than 6:30am and just praying we don't hit traffic/roadworks etc. It's quite posh I think - the rooms are £180 each at normal rate - the deal my sister's got everyone is cos her firm is something to do with a travel company so she could book them at half price.

Cripes, it's gone eleven and I've not replied to Anch yet - better go as have a million things to do tomorrow, I need this holiday in Majorca - I feel like my head's about to explode!!

Enjoy the weekend,
lots of love,
:( Honey - what's the matter - why all the sweetie eating? Surely not over the car? If you don't think the bloke is genuine can't you relist it on eBay? If he's not genuine then I wouldn't worry about upsetting him and if he is then he's going to be thinking about lots of other stuff and won't have time to be offended. Either way, you stuffing yourself with nice but naughty things isn't going to change what he does - it may change how you fit into that DDG La Redoute dress tho!

Come on, get back on track and concentrate on your exam revision - or is the snacking an avoidance tactic for that?? You're the clever one with the normal iron will who knows exactly what's she doing and why - it's my job to be the weak-willed feeble one who can't shovel the crap in fast enough!!!
Perhaps, if it's all getting too much and your hormonal - give yourself a bit of leeway - don't expect so much of yourself. You have had rather a lot of "exciting" events to contend with lately. Stop being a perfectionist and take a leaf out of my "near enough is good enough" book:D

Lighten up babe, tomorrow is another day and you, of all people, can do whatever you set your mind to - I have the ultimate faith in you.
Nighty night,
Thank you honey!

You had your soapbox out last night didn't you? Your advice to Mrs T was excellent - well done hon! (It's helped me too!)

Am feeling a bit better today too as scales went back down to 10,9 again... Feeling a bit low & out of control these days; worry about car/accident/dissertation & exam/Dad's troubles/money is all getting to me & with TOTM too it's all gone a bit haywire. Am also avoiding Spanish oral preparation 'cos I'm an idiot! REALLY MUST do some today as Alison is still sick, Julian is at docs & Mike will be out most of the morning/afternoon so should be quiet.
(Do think Nexia bloke is genuine now but I don't like hurting people intentionally & the sweeties were probably more about hormones & worry about my Dad!)

Irene - thanks for the compliments, sounds like you & Cat have an action-packed weekend planned!

Love Anch xxx
Didn't mean to nag

Sorry if it came across as that - I just wanted to help in my limited little way. It's so difficult sometimes to express oneself in words - even with the extremely broad vocab. available to us English speakers:eek:

Glad you are feeling a bit better, you must do your Spanish prep - so crack on matey - exam day will be here soon enough!
As for worrying about your dad - I know it must be really tough but you worrying isn't going to help him or change the situation. I hope you are not going to fret on your holiday too? What will be will be and even if it's rubbish - this too will pass. I like to remember that when times are bad and when they are good - makes me appreciate what I have!

Am feeling like death warmed up today - neither the boy nor I slept much last night we were listening to the Agatha Christie hour on BBC7 at 2am! Then I arrived at work (having done volunteer reading at school earlier - poor K didn't get as much support as he should have done this morning) to find defence expert report on desk - bricked it completely and handed to colleague to check thru - who needs laxatives when sheer terror sets in?? - I hope no one else wants the downstairs ladies loo today! Am at too low an ebb to cope with any professional criticism today - could weep from exhaustion right now. Am necking the water like mad and hoping to get my 2nd wind real soon.

The boy is off to his friends straight from school and I have appt with IFA re life insurance etc at 4pm, then have to go via friends to drop off/collect stuff, hare back to see new client (no show from yesterday) at 5:30pm, then round to other friends to sort out their wireless problems, then collect boy on way to shop to get cat litter, home again, then collapse in sweaty little heap on floor and sleep!!!

Anyway, I must show willing and try and get my head off my desk and do what I'm paid to do and work!
Will try and catch up later,
lots of love,
Sorry hon!

Don't take that the wrong way - your advice was excellent!

Hope you feel better soon. I wasn't up at 2am, Thank God, actually for 2 days in a row I haven't got up in the night at all! What on earth? Did you stay up to listen to it or were you listening 'cos you couldn't sleep?

Am sorting out meeting Ann on hol which is good but bus times are rubbish so I think motorways may be the best option. 5 hours to drive it or 8 hours by bus! And loss of a whole day as departs 10 am & arrives 6pm... What a waste!

Love xxxx
Thanks for your kind words sweetie, I've cheered up now as a result of them and having seen there's nothing at all to worry about in the defence report - what a waste of worry that was!

Wasn't listening to CDs/radio in the middle of night for fun but because I couldn't sleep. Boy had been banished to his room on at least one earlier occasion but kept coming back so both of us lay in my bed not sleeping! I hate it when that happens cos I know I'm gonna feel rubbish the next day! As I am right now. Have tried to cheer myself up by looking at houses in Berwick and planning my fantasy move up there, but it'll never happen - I'd miss my family and friends too much. Plus it's my standard "running away" response to current stresses which aren't at all bad really - I'm just doing what I do best - avoidance but without the food to help me.

I do hope Mrs T is OK, I think I know a bit how she's feeling and it's not nice.

Anyway, enough about me - how are you feeling now? So glad to hear you've been sleeping properly again. Did you make any decisions about GL/GI foods and your current diet? Are you still WLRing? 10-9 is really good - lowest you've been in years - I bet you could get to at least 19-7 by your holiday and then suck in your stomach and strut your stuff in that dress! No one will recognise you and you'll feel and look utterly fabulous. You must be really looking forward to seeing your Mum again.

Eeek - just remembered I've not organised Euros - better go and ring post office!

Have a good day and get on with the Spanish - soon be over and then you can really relax in Denia.

Lots of love,
I think I'd cry if I reached 19,7 by my hol!;)
My lowest morning weight is still 10,8 which I've reached a few times but have been 10,9 mostly for 2 weeks now...

Glad to hear we're both feeling a bit better! Am going to work out how best to get between Salobrena & Denia & read the paper at lunch & then do Spanish all afternoon.

Still WLRing, got Linda McCartney low cal cottage pie for lunch. Read GL book cover to cover & still don't really understand it... Might see if I can find a branded food list with GI or GL values in, Warburtons advertise "all in one" low GI bread & I want to see if that's the same as the "best of both" that we have at home!

I seem to have been on here all morning - I'm addicted!

Love xxx
Debba, Kam's friend, contacted me about calorie counting & might be coming on here soon as we talk about food...

Enjoy Majorca, churros & all. I'd forgotten about churros but must make a point of having some as I haven't had them dipped in thick hot chocolate in a long time... You're clinging to SS 'cos you're fearful of being at goal but whether you like it or not you have to dip your toes in sometime. It shouldn't be a comfort blanket you keep going back to ... You learn from your mistakes.

Bad timing but have a little work to do so will be back in a bit!

Love Anch xxx
Sorry - stopped mid-rant.

If you gain weight you know you can lose it again, by a conventional diet or by CD but you can't just keep taking packs forever. That's denial. At some point you'll have to start eating REAL food constantly, you'll put a bit of weight on, lose some and move up & down constantly like everyone else in the world does. It will be HARD but you'll manage it the same amazing way that you've managed this diet; for yourself & your son, so take a deep breath & look through your maintenance book. The hard part starts now.

Right, rant over. Sorry hon!

Love Anch xxx
19-7!!!!! please tell me that's a typo!!!!!

You are not ranting at all - I completely hear what you are saying and wholeheartedly agree with you. I can quote the CD weightcare book off my heart now I've read it so many times.

I guess I'm scared/discombobulated etc cos I've NEVER been here before - I have never been on any diet in my life and got to goal so it's frighteningly unfamiliar. I also have all the voices from the doubters and dissenters in my head telling me that the very second I start eating again I'll put all my weight back on. Now, even I, hardened gobbler that I am, know I couldn't manage 11stone in one sitting but I'm kind of afraid I might try!

I've never moved up and down the weight charts as it were like most people do - I kinda went up and up with the odd dip down by a couple of stone before I got bored/took the easy way etc. On a good note eating AAM hasn't made me want to binge - well maybe a little bit but I've run away from the temptation as much as I can. Like you say I've to stop being silly and just get on with it. Lots of other people manage and there's nothing special about me so I will too!

Heigh-ho - best do some work today or I'll get sacked and then where will I be?????

Thanks bud - you've helped more than you know!
Love as always,
Guess it was too good to last... Insomnia kicks in again, cold be 'cos I went to bed early-ish with a headache. Am treating WLR like SS again briefly, did a whole day yesterday of just under 1100 cals, drank 4 litres water, reached my cal limit & went to bed. Have got today all planned & fully intend to do the same again today.

When I said earlier about going up & down a little bit I meant the standard fluctuations of maintaining; the daily differences & the making up after treats. This is something that we all have to learn... When I first started eating again for my birthday week I ate lots of naughty things & put on 8lbs, it took me a while to get down again & stop eating bad stuff after eating the first yummy meal... I can now pretty much eat out and then eat salad a few days but it's taken a while to realise fully that that's what I need to do to maintain.

Finished with dictionary on Spanish texts, will re-read, make notes & go back over my course notes today. Oral topic is Women's rights before & after Franco, I think the written exam will be generally on the environment (I hope!) judging by last year's specimen paper, (Hopeful as it was my favourite topic of the whole year!).

Better try & get a bit more sleep!
Anja xxx
Shame that the insomina has reared its ugly head again. What time did you wake up this morning?
I was greeted by 2 dead mice and a dead rabbit so big Aoife couldn't fit it thru the cat flap! Some thing had given the rabbit a good old nibble tho - right down to the bone on the hind legs- yuk!!
I also almost did a back flip with sheer excitement when I stepped on the scales and they said 9-13.3 - yippee I thought and then I thought - hang on...I don't think so. Anyway got on with shower etc and then put specs on and weighed myself again (a whole day early cos I thought today was actually tomorrow) and zeroed scales (cos I'd moved them from downstairs) and beggar me it was 10.5.9 - utter pants :mad: Oh well, it was a nice feeling whilst it lasted and it proved to me that I do want to get down to the 9s before I start maintaining properly. Humppphhh, well after a week in Majorca I'll probably have gained so much weight I'll be able to SS again!
Work fairly quiet, am trying to fix friend's laptop that I "unfixed" last night and after work today I have to go and upgrade my Majorca friend's brother's pc (confused yet?) with my current destructive track records I'd better warn he could be left computerless unless this current jinx leaves me.

Had a nice email from a lady who saw my article in the local paper - unfortunately the paper took so long to pass her details to me she started with another CDC, but never mind at least she's getting the benefits of CD. I'll email her back in a mo - she has a relly in my village who knows me from church apparently!

Right better go and fettle this laptop before sorting out my backups etc and then I can start list making for the holiday and trap the cats inside - oh my leather furniture - I hope it survives! Sorry, probably rambling like mad - brain too full of what I have to do - eek - I thought holidays were good - I'll need one just to get over the planning for this one - oh no, just remembered must book holiday club for boy at half term and then Christmas and...and....and.....

{{{not waving but drowning}}}

Manky - we had a headless mouse just outside the back door too. Skanky little mogs!

Bad luck about the scales; to be honest I'll be lucky to see 9 something this side of Christmas but I'm reconciled to taking it slowly & listening to my body. Don't be silly - Majorca has tonnes of fresh fruit, meat, fish, veg etc. healthy air & lifestyle. Countryside to explore. Much healthier than here!

I'm chuffed on 2 counts: the Urbanizacion has decided to keep the pool open until the 15th Oct rather than the 1st so I get 1 week of it instead of them shutting it just before I get there! Yeay! Also I got weighed & measured early today too (was Wednesday last week too for some strange reason!) & have lost 1lb & 1/2 an inch. Evening dressed weight was 10,10 tonight with work trousers & long-sleeved jumper on. Am now exactly 150lbs down from 202 so more than 50lbs gone. God knows how I lost weight as according to WLR nutrition report I had an average of 1812 cals every day for the last 7 days!:eek::( Oops! and it's TOTM too so I was gobsmacked to get a loss, My half inch is 1/4 off calf & 1/4 off neck but all other measurements stayed the same.

Was up from 3.30 this morning to 5.30. I thought I saw Ann as online at 4am on gmail but maybe I'm wrong!

Good luck with the PCs too, I'm also listing like crazy & have started a pile in the corner of my room of all the stuff I need to remember to take.

Drove down crash road this morning & they have partially tarmac-ed the corner I went off at; will write to council with photos asap as my original photos were cr*p & the new ones I took at lunch show the tarmac! Oh well! At least they've made it marginally safer!

I'll ring you tomorrow night about 7.30 if that's ok. Would be nice to have a conversation before you go away but no worries if you're busy or have clients then or anything!

Love Anch xxx
Slept right through so that's good!

Have got my food all planned again today. Have started putting my menu on the Wemitt maintenance thread daily now as I find listing it out for everyone to see discourages me from cheating or adding anything really naughty to it!

Better go & get ready for the day as I'm in a lazy mood so am going slow!

Still 10,9 this morning but am drinking 4 litres of water again (I had let it slide a bit!) and saw a glimpse of 10,8 so will wait & see tomorrow!

Talk later!
Love xxx

Churchill just rang with another offer for the write-off which is acceptable; £150 higher than the last one, up to £750. We paid £790 + £35 AA data check and I used it 3 weeks so that's fair.

Should get the cheque mid next week so that should be one less thing to worry about.

Love xxx