Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB

Amazing coincidence. One in a million chance... The yummy son I met in Spain again 2 weeks ago was at the Keane concert last night & I practically walked into him in an empty corridor as everyone was leaving... Still leaves me gobsmacked even now. I've never met him in England before, always in Spain & yet out of the 8,000 people there last night I still managed to see him 4 times after the concert including the whole tube ride back to Leicester Square (although to be fair he wasn't really talking - I think a hangover might have been kicking in judging by the colour of his eyes!).

Had a strange evening. Left work at 1, got to London about 2.30, managed to get my arse smacked by a couple of ar$eholes while walking up Oxford Street (no idea why!). Went to Alexandra Palace for 6 opening & found an enormous queue waiting. Both warm up acts were lame but Keane was excellent, absolutely brilliant! Need to sort out my pics! Missed the train to Paddock Wood by about 5 minutes as there was scrambling to get the shuttle from A. P. but there was one at 00.08 to Tonbridge so rang Dad to let him know I was getting a taxi from Tonbridge the last bit home at 1am and he came & got me instead. Got home & found we couldn't get in! The middle door in the hall - the lock had gone! We were trapped in the hall with no way into the house. Dad went round the back but he'd locked the back door so I grabbed my spare car keys off the hall windowsill, got my screwdrivers out the car & took the handle & lock off! Not something I really fancied doing at that time of day!

It's deathly quiet in here... Alison's got day off, Julian appears to have taken day off & Mike was on lunch when I got in at 2ish so was on my own the first 3/4 hours in. Only had 1 visitor & 1 call so far.

Oh well, will read my book instead!

Dad has gone to Spain this afternoon, his flight is 4.30 so he's probably hanging round the departure lounge even now... I'm bound to get a rollicking later as he's hired a smart car out of interest & he'll either love it or hate it!

Talk soon
Love Anch xxx
Thanks so much for my magazine. It arrived yesterday, haven't had a proper chance to look at it yet but will have a flick through tonight.

Love Anch xxx

I don't have his phone number but he does have ours.

Also he is so far out of my league he's invisible on the horizon! Nice to dream though.

A - Where are you? Are you ok? I'll ring you later.

Love Anja xxx

Keane Pics: Public Album
Hiya Anja,

Sorry have been up to my eyes in it and not allowed to post from work. Am off today as no school, so am at friend's house, fixing their Internet connection - as you can see it's working!
Then have to get boy's guitar stuff, put flowers on husband's grave - 5 years ago today:( , all household stuff, Judo lesson and then see 2 clients tonight!
Busy, busy:)
Find the yummy son's telephone number and call him!
Chat later,
I'm sorry you've got such a busy day lined up & also about the anniversary hon.

No chance with the phone number as I'll look like a stalker BUT I did e-mail his Dad to get his e-mail address to send Keane pics so we'll see if I can get hold of it sneakily!

Talk soon
Love xxx
Hi everyone!

Hope all is OK, sorry for not being around much - BT have only just fixed my Broadband line at home and not allowed from work!
Gotta dash now as fixing friend's pc - will be on line soon
May God preserve me from computer illiterate friends:mad: am being driven slowly mad here:mad: :mad: :mad:

Congrats Ann on reaching goal - mega well done!

Anch - ring that boy - he sounds well lush;)

Irene - hulloo {{{{{waving madly}}}}}}

Few updates:

Went to see locum doc this morning about circulation and she doesn't know; could be lots of things or "just because". Some people "just get" poor circulation for no reason at all. I need to keep the appt for Tues am with my own GP and they will chat about it before I go in, to confer...

Daewoo: No chance I think. Just got an e-mail saying he would send me cheque for £3,000, to deduct my car costs and give the balance to the person collecting the car. Uh NOOOOOO! I know that scam - £300 cash or NO DEAL! Will see if I hear from 2nd querier again.

Mum & Dad back from Spain on Sunday 12th so 2 busy weekends. Postponed my nails to next Sat as I need to do loads of housework tomorrow and my nails go very bright pink with the cold so need to show doc.

Very quiet at work. Can't wait for my Spanish results, roll on December. soon

Love to Irene & Cat!

Love xxx
Still no phone number but have just e-mailed Keane pics to the "yummy son"!

(Knowing my luck he'll just say thanks and that'll be it!)

Love xxx
Just to let you know weighed & measured & have lost 4lbs & 2.25 inches since Monday. Was 11,5 Monday am & am now 11,1. Should be back in the tens by next Saturday.

Oh also - I have woken up today with quite a bad phlegmy cough so maybe the particularly bad circulation is a side effect?
Love xxx
Wow - good weightloss duckie - you'll be in the 10s in no time at all!
Perhaps it's a cr@ppy old cold you've got instead of a circ prob - cold'll be easier to get rid of no doubt!

Have you sorted out the work top yet - I'd practise lying about the cat getting caught short myself!

Been a really busy day today, running about all over the place and then rellies coming etc. Had fireworks tonight and have saved some sparklers for tomorrow when off to see more rellies! Am feeling well cold so planning to go to bed any second soon! Just want the boy to nod off so I can nip downstairs and empty tumble drier - if he hears me he'll panic and get up again:rolleyes:

Has the dish rung you up yet? Hope you are having a fab weekend.
Only 1 more day of freedom before mad London friend arrives to drive me to the depths of my chocolate addiction. She's expecting to stay until Nov 17th - eeeekkkkk - I could be 17stone by then:eek:

Catch up soon,
much love,

Hope you're getting on well with your friend.

Irene - hope you're ok, & your Mum & Cat too! Love to all!

No e-mail or call obviously from "The Dish".

Daewoo may have sold possibly, will wait & see. Not holding my breath.

Docs this am again. Have got a blood test booked for Wed 15th @ 10.40 to check for anaemia & underactive thyroid. Pretty much ruled out Reynauds disease but may have to go back to that if the other two come back all clear. (Have noticed I'm fine until I eat/drink ANYTHING 'not hot' even fruit, cereal, sandwiches give me hands & feet like ice - Doc said it sounds like thyroid). Turns out my previous prob was hyperinsulinism, they never tested thyroid before.

Got my new ipod casing today so hopefully that will be working again tonight. PLEASE PLEASE.

Anyway better do some work.

Love xxx
Ho hum, well things are not going well here. Utterly cr@p weekend, had arguement (kind of) with new sis-in-law about monies I'm owed - she's a cheeky mare and I've now made my mind up that I really don't like her! Anyway, that capitulated me headlong into my sister and brother's in law "bake off" competition and I scoffed cherry scones, oat jumblies and gingerbread for England. Fume. Then realised that problem is not with all the milk I've been buying being sour - my fridge isn't working properly - double fume. As a new one would cost £250 and can't be delivered before next week, I've got a fix it chappie coming out tomorrow who will hopefully sort it out for much less - annoyingly enough the wreteched thing appears to be working properly again now - triple fume.
As London friend is now back in London for 1 night only (her stuff is making my house look like Steptoe's yard) she won't be here to let him in so I've got to take the morning off. And to top it all when she was here this morning she didn't answer the door to the Cambridge Delivery man so they took the stuff back to the depot! (Their fault - they have instructions to leave it without my sig. and it's all sorted now) but FFS - she picked up the bl00dy card they left thru the door and put it neatly on the hall bureau when SHE COULD HAVE JUST ANSWERED THE DOOR:mad: :mad: :rolleyes:
She's back tomorrow or Thursday and quite frankly I can see I shall be out a great deal!
She only expected to be able to pop in and out of the lounge whilst I was seeing my clients - I threatened her that if she did that she'd have to get on the scales herself - think she got the message!

On a much happier note my clients are all still lovely ladies who are doing brilliantly so not all areas of my life are doomed at the moment:)

Good news about the car, I'll keep my fingers crossed. Don't know about your med problem - I'll go and look up that condition in a mo - sounds v. serious. Are you just eating hot food then?

Sorry but must go and do some ironing - have washed my bed linen mid week just so I can iron myself into a better mood before bed!

Look after yourself,
love and hugs,
If you hear a dull thumping don't worry it's just me banging my head against the nearest wall - cos my head is being done in!
This could be the end of a beautiful friendship - me and house guest are going to come to blows - she didn't even make her bed - eeeuuwwww:mad:
Must dash, have to design Christmas Bazaar poster for school and look for fridges on the Net - her helpful suggestion was John Lewis' - yes when I win the lottery:rolleyes:

Hope all is well with you both,
much love,
Hey hon,

Sounds like I missed some blows on here lately too!

Roll on the 17th eh? Chin up, stay away from the baking stuff & just remember everyone's different (if incredibly annoying!) (Does that mean you don't like me for not making my bed?;) Pretty hard to do in the morning when there's a dog & cat lying on it! - and yes, the animals Do sleep on my bed! Guess that gets another EEUUWW!;):eek:)

Had a hellish evening last night but Daewoo has finally gone although only for £175. Got a call at lunchtime re car, coming from Hounslow last night to collect it EXCEPT when I checked before he gets there the BL**DY thing won't start! Tried for half hour to jump it from my car & failed miserably then he & his brother did EXACTLY what I'd done & it jumped first time - Grrrrrr. But by then I'd lost brownie points for having a cr*p car! He was going to pay £200 as no MOT, tax, insurance etc. but he said the valves in the engine were duff as his car purred where mine growled so he wouldn't pay more than £150 & we went round in circles for 20 minutes pacing round the car. I rang Alison for advice & told him to go back to Hounslow without the car at which point we finally compromised so I spent from 5.45 to 8.30 in & around a cold garage VERY stressed! & then cheered up my cold weary bones with fish & chips. Will I never learn? I refuse to be guilty. (Was 11,5 on hol, 11,1 last Sat & then 11,2 today so have to stop faffing about!)

Anyway some of my CD tetras are August/Sept so need chucking & will try & replace the odd meal with the Jan ones so I don't have to throw any more. Have got Special K brekkie, tetra + grapes for lunch & then low cal dinner so maybe I can go down a bit more and get back in the 10s. This maintenance/low drop diet is HARD BUT I'm more than 3 stone lighter than last January so I DON'T CARE!

Anyway essay over.

Love xxx