Total Solution Needed to chew!!!


Full Member
... And I ordered all shakes on exante. My dads just got home (we share a house with my folks as they are away a lot so we live here pretty much for free and have the house to ourselves how cushy is that!!!) anyway.... He's just got home with Atkins bars so I nicked one but now feelin totally guilty coz I know they stall weight loss. Even tho I had it instead of a shake. I'm proper panicking it's gonna affect my loss this week.
I have a pair of jeans in next size down that go on just not quite do up that I've put ready specially for weekend away with my fiancée next weekend feelin like I don't deserve them to fit me now :( really hoped I'd be feelin all good in a smaller size too.... A 20 keeps falling down but an 18 doesn't do up without being painful so thought it was a realistic goal as it was an 'almost' fit... Argh SOOO cross at myself :(
What makes you so sure its going to stall your weight loss :confused:
General consensus of those who have used them seems to suggest they do. But you're right nothing says they definitely will - I'm just paranoid. I rarely had them when on Atkins due to majority opinion saying they stalled them.
I'm in a bad mood today anyway I think.
this is true :) - and there is always a multipack of choc bars in the car for my son if he gets a smiley face report each day so could easily snack on those but i havent since i started so am very chuffed at that driving around with temptation in the car all the time. thankyou :)
Humm. They aren't total meal replacement either do I guess I should have a WS day and still do 3 shakes to be sure of proper nutrient intake.