never going back.


Full Member

I just wanted to share that i had that definite moment of realisation that i'm never going back.

I had some friends over last night and we had mars bars & ben and jerries.

I woke up during the night, feeling really sickly, this used to happen most nights - and it had completely gone away, since pps, it hasn't happened, my sleeping has imporoved so much, never going back to feeling so yucky and horrible, it used to stop me from going out :( ! xxx:mad:
That's great you have had a moment of clarity!! It takes something like that to remind you why you want to do it. I was the same, i would binge on crap and then spend the night feeling ill and sore. I knew it would happen each time and yet that was not enough to stop me. Like you, there was one moment when i thought enough was enough!

Your doing great, :) x

Yeaaah, that moment of realisation is what i really need!, i remember feeling like that all the time before, not going back!, plad you have had it also:D!

Thank very much!, as are you :) !
