never tried CD before advice please...........


Gold Member
Hi everyone

I have never tried the CD before although I have tried SW numerous time ( with success when I stick to it )

I have to confess I don't do breakfast often skip lunch and don't usually eat until at least 2pm due to working shifts so I am used to skipping meals.
Despite this I am 5ft 7 and around 240lb so within the range to warrant the need of help.
I have often thought about CD after seeing others loose lots of weight.

I'm at a wedding in 3 weeks time and have my own wedding in Sept this year ( just over 6 months ). I would love to be around 13 stone as that is what suits me.

I have a friend who has given up on CD so I am buying around 3 weeks supply of packs from her to see if i can stick to it and how I get along.

How many packs a day should I have ? Do I need to space them out like 3 meals ?
Any top tips ?

Thanks in advance x
For 5ft 7 i think youre supposed to have 4 packs a day but I could be mistaken.

The first few days are awful, but it gets better once you've got through them. You should definitely get yourself a consultant because they help with motivation and any questions you might have.

Good luck x
hi ya,

Yes just checked the book and it is 4 packs a day for your height.
Its probably best to space them out as keeps the hunger at bay, kind of.
I find it easier than other diets as you know what you are having, and not calorie/fat counting.
As said, it is best to see a consultant (no charge) as they can give you all the help you need. They also will have a better variety of products then what your friend may have given you.

Good luck with however you do it

Thanks for checking for me.

I am going to book a consultant once I see if I can stick with it. The 3 weeks off my friend should be a good test for me and a chance to see if I like the products, there is quite a range in the one's she has left over so I'm sure there will be a few I will like.

Hate to be a pain but as Ive never seen the packs do they have info on about how to make up etc ? Am I going to need a blender ?

Also do I just have packs or do I have fruit and veg ?

Thanks again for geting back to me x
Yes, all the information is on the packs. You would normally need a shaking cup but I use a hand blender to mix mine up. I find it works better.
The Sole Source step is just packs only, and you MUST drink atleast 2.5 ltrs of water a day, that is really important and will also help weight loss.
I do the Sole Source + step, which means I have 3 packs a day (im 5.5) and a 200 cal meal. This consists of just protein and a small amount of specified veg.
Definitely no fruit as high in sugar.
Have you looked at the main Cambridge website? This explains alot.
Hi Katherine!

Now, forgive me for saying this, but I'm always a little bit worried when folks say they're buying packs from other people...

Has your friend got a decent range of Cambridge packs for you to try? Hopefully they're not all soups or all fruits of the forest (after all, you might hate them and give up on Cambridge before you've really given it a chance!). Oh, and check they're in date. Out of date shakes are really mank.

If I were you, I'd think about finding myself a consultant right from the off. I've got no vested interest in this, by the way - I'm not a consultant - but it would be better for you to get off to the right start. A good consultant will let you swap packs that you don't like (though probably not your friend's old stock (though maybe, you never know!). A good consultant would also let you buy 10 shakes instead of 21 so you could gradually use up your friend's old stock (well, mine would, anyway. They vary a lot!!)

Now - the good news - it doesn't matter when you have your shakes/soups, so you can time them to suit whatever shift you're on. If you don't usually have breakfast, there's no need to start having a shake at breakfast.

Stick to Cambridge 100% and you could easily be 4 stones less in 3m time. But it's not a diet to mess about with. The first 3 days or so aren't easy but it gets one hell of a lot easier after that. That's why it really is a good idea to start off on the right foot. Well, why I think so, anyway. :)
Doh, just read that your friend has got a good range of shakes for you to try. Ignore that bit! :)
My advice would be to cut down on carbs few days before. I tried Cambridge few yrs back and had a massive pig out before. I was really sick the first few days of starting and give up. This time I cut carbs right down a few days before increased my water and it was lots easier I sailed into it by comparison x good luck x
Hi there
Just noticed responses, I have at least 3 flavour shakes and a couple of soups flavours and that's just a quick glance in the box. I'm sure I have around 12 options to get me started. I've emailed a few consultants as I want to be as organised as possible fir when I'm dine with the packs I have or if I need more of a particular flavour. I'm so tempted to start Sunday as the more I read the more excited I get.
Thanks again for responses, much appreciate it x x x
Please excuse any spelling mistakes as on my iPhone x