New ... Again and gastric band!

I know , I succumbed to chocolate last night after real bad cravings where I was almost hallucinating eating it before hand ! Seriously I could taste it before it got in my mouth lol. Evenings seem tonne the problem for me. I can get through all day at work and not even think about it but as soon as I relax the chocolate devil jumps on my shoulder !

Do you have some dark chocolate? Maybe have some in for when the cravings are that bad? 70% at least! Although watch its not just the sugar you're craving. Evenings are hard, that's where the emotional side comes in. I keep wanting a desert again lately but I know that It will subside as it will for you too babe. Try reading maybe or something else to distract you? How has today gone x
Succumbed again but not as bad . Mainly done well but just had three chocolates . I think it is chocolate rather than the sugar because I don't crave other sweet things . Tomorrow I am going to make sure I haven't got chocolate in the house so I can't fall into the trap. How are you doing ?
Succumbed again but not as bad . Mainly done well but just had three chocolates . I think it is chocolate rather than the sugar because I don't crave other sweet things . Tomorrow I am going to make sure I haven't got chocolate in the house so I can't fall into the trap. How are you doing ?

I'm doing ok always do in the week. It's the weekend i struggle with! The social things get in the way! But I can only do the best I can do eh! Sounds like a good plan to get rid of the choc it's tough when it's in the house isn't it x
Chocolate is the devils food lol . Quite pleased though as I weighed myself this morning and I have lost three pounds since Monday . How much have you lost altogether ?
Chocolate is the devils food lol . Quite pleased though as I weighed myself this morning and I have lost three pounds since Monday . How much have you lost altogether ?

Excellent well done!! Not sure as I'm not weighing. I get stupidly obsessive over it and so am just trying to stick to plan for now and hoping the rest will follow.
You probably have the best attitude and more likely to succeed by not weighing . I can't keep off the scales but will try not to jump on them until Monday which will be a full week . I am definitely staying away from chocolate too unless I buy the dark choc . Which one do you buy ?
You probably have the best attitude and more likely to succeed by not weighing . I can't keep off the scales but will try not to jump on them until Monday which will be a full week . I am definitely staying away from chocolate too unless I buy the dark choc . Which one do you buy ?

I got some from hotel chocolat although Lindt is nice too! Xxx
I daren't go in Hotel Chocolate , it's like taking an alcoholic to the pub lol! Well tonight has gone better thankfully ! Made a bacon hotpot with cabbage and onion. The challenge will be weekend when we go off to our canal boat for the weekend . Normally Saturday night is m & s meal deal. Will have to get my creative head on !
LOL! Glad you had a better night - your hotpot sounds lovely. I had chicken ratatouille, it was lovely and bought the leftovers in today for work. Have you tried the butternut squash curry? it's really nice. I'm also going to struggle this weekend - know that i'll be drinking, plus have dinner with friends tonight and italian tomorrow, plus lots of things on with the kids. But, i've been good all week and will continue to try and stick to plan, my goal is no chocolate bingeing this weekend!! x
I can second that . Just had peppered steak and roasted veg with stuffed mushroom . Call the mushroom a Friday night treat lol . A bit better than lots of chocolate ! Really feeling a bacon omelette in the morning ! Woo hoo I really know how to live it up! Good luck with all the weekend challenges !
Yum. I love steak! So last night wasn't bad. Had the dinner which was spag Bol with garlic dough balls followed by a bake well tart and squirty cream. Later a cream egg. Plenty of wine. Lol. But once I got home had a big bowl of porridge and put myself to bed which seemed to have worked a treat as I didnt raid the chocolate. Yay. So just tonight to go...
Oooo! Good luck . Weekend is so challenging ! I have brought milk back into my diet and will try and stick as closely to it as possible . How do you go on with separating fat meals and carbs ? I think having fat meals seems so much easier . Think I will stick to mainly protein with very few carbs. Today doing well . Had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Chicken sautéed in butter with onions, garlic and courgette noodles for lunch . Tonight it will be beef burgers with salad and a few fried onions . Must admit I could kill for chocolate ! Might go to thorntons for some dark choc !
Oooo! Good luck . Weekend is so challenging ! I have brought milk back into my diet and will try and stick as closely to it as possible . How do you go on with separating fat meals and carbs ? I think having fat meals seems so much easier . Think I will stick to mainly protein with very few carbs. Today doing well . Had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Chicken sautéed in butter with onions, garlic and courgette noodles for lunch . Tonight it will be beef burgers with salad and a few fried onions . Must admit I could kill for chocolate ! Might go to thorntons for some dark choc !

Fat meals is loads easier, especially as I have a slight wheat intolerance but I find carb meals a million times easier at breakfast. You will lose better and be less hungry with fat meals too! How have you found the milk? Any reactions?

I've done good today, rice cereal and shredded wheat as didnt have enough cereal left for breakfast then been having a massive cook up for me and the kids this afternoon so had chicken drumsticks with home made garlic coleslaw for lunch! Was yum. Tonight is now an indian x
I have been ok with milk . Other half has just gone to the pub to watch footie . A danger time for me, so I have garlic prawns to nibble on and I had a trip to thorntons and have some dark chocolate. Are you allowed just a couple of squares ? Going to have porridge for breakfast and try not to use sweetener . Hard to be perfect though !
I have been ok with milk . Other half has just gone to the pub to watch footie . A danger time for me, so I have garlic prawns to nibble on and I had a trip to thorntons and have some dark chocolate. Are you allowed just a couple of squares ? Going to have porridge for breakfast and try not to use sweetener . Hard to be perfect though !

It's not allowed as such but is the cheat she recommends and if it keeps you on plan then go for it! Nobody can be perfect and trying to be just makes it too difficult to be sustainable so don't be stressing too much you're making great changes and that's what is important! Ill be out enjoying an indian as I won't put my social life on hold but straight back to plan in the morning! X
Sorry clicked on send before I had finished ! The hardest thing I find is fitting it into the family . I managed to get my other half to have salad and beef burgers - with the added delight of fried onions tonight . He didn't notice he had no carbs ! How long have you been doing it ?
Sorry clicked on send before I had finished ! The hardest thing I find is fitting it into the family . I managed to get my other half to have salad and beef burgers - with the added delight of fried onions tonight . He didn't notice he had no carbs ! How long have you been doing it ?

Have been on Thd since the start of the year. Hubby just has what I do but generally do him carbs and me roasted veg. Seems to work ok for us. Kids eat separately at the moment as we eat later when hubby is back. I tend to make their meals Thd friendly although they are p3 with mixing. I've always tried to cook proper food for them though. Snacking breakfast and lunch I find harder but they're still young so hopefully it will get easier as they get bigger.

I so enjoy the food though on this plan which I find easier. Had chicken drumsticks with garlic mayo for lunch. Yum x
I made the mayo last time I was on it and was really ill after having it , I am a bit cautious about it now . May have been a problem with the raw egg but it was bought fresh