New start, new life! Any advice for a Lipotrim new starter?


Week 1 weigh in done today. Really nervous on the bus, thinking that I'd only lost a pound or two. Nine and a half pounds! In a week! So pleased, just the boost I need to keep going with this. Pharmacist was really chuffed, she's going on Lipotrim herself on Wednesday. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support :)
Wow well done lepensky!!! Thank goodness for the results huh! Only thing that keeps me going! :)

Lost 31lbs in 6 weeks :)
Fantastic Loss :) Well Done !
Brilliant loss... well done!.... doesn't it feel great knowing you've lost so much.... ! my weekly weighins are (sadly) the highlight of my week lol

I've just started Lipotrim too, just completed day 2, but not found it very easy :sigh: still stuck with it so far. I didbuy one sachet of chick soup, but from your comments, I think I might give it a miss!

Well done Lepenski on such a great 1st week, I would be very happy with that kind of result.
Hi... Failedatdietsfor15years! Maybe get a shorter name to start with, lol! :) love it though!

Good luck for tomorrow, stay strong... I promise it gets easier! Chic soup... Vile.

If you like coffee, try a few ice cubes, Choc or vanilla shake into a blender with about a cup of water, one teaspoon of instant coffee and a sweetener if u have a sweet tooth, blitz and hey presto... A Fappe!! It's lovely! :) Good luck
i am soooo glad i found this thread.... :)
Hi, i've just started the Lipotrim diet last saturday so am now on day 4 of it... day 1 was hell... all i wanted to do was eat and felt jibberish and shaky but i figured that was normal cause my body was just getting used to the change over... woke up sunday feeling grand and got through the day ok but then yesterday, i was grand all day at work but when i got into the car to go home all i could think about is food!! thought there's no way i can stick this for 3 months or how ever long it takes to reach my target... was really going through hell! and like yourselves i even have the house cleaned from top to bottom to keep me distracted! it was soooo refreshing to come across this thread this morning and reading all your experiences which are pretty similar to mine.... feeling much more confident about it now.. apparently after today (day 4) it is going to get better so here's hoping this ketones craic starts to work :)
am 15 stone and have been on weight watchers for as long as i can remember - last year i did actually loose 3 stone on that but ended up putting on a stone and half since xmas so i needed the change. 2 of my friends have done this diet and the results were unbelievable - they lost 11 stone between them in the space of 6 months and both look amazing! so that was all the motivation i needed to start it! i just didn't think it was as hard to get into....
Welcome and good luck keep checking the site for support
Hi everyone,day one for me but am only taking two shakes a day plus a weight watchers meal as I don't think I would stick to it eating no food at all ,am already hungry ,x
Hi everyone,day one for me but am only taking two shakes a day plus a weight watchers meal as I don't think I would stick to it eating no food at all ,am already hungry ,x

That's what the problem is, the ww meal, I started this a few weeks ago, im on week 5, and was advised to stick to lipotrim and only that, because if you are eating other food the body doesn't go into ketosis, which helps to burn the fat and blunt the appetite, the first week is tough but so worth it.

week one ... -7lb
week two... -9lb
week three... -6lb
week four .... -5.5 lb

get through the first week and you may find it gets easier, its not for everyone but I think its mind over matter, I actually stop and ask myself if im physically hungry now, and the answer is no, drink lots and lots of water.

Good Luck I hope you do well
Tetleyteabags said:
Hi everyone,day one for me but am only taking two shakes a day plus a weight watchers meal as I don't think I would stick to it eating no food at all ,am already hungry ,x

It's not going to work doing that. You aren't going to get the nutrients you need you won't be in ketosis. It just doesn't work like that. You're going to not only make yourself ill but also affect your weight loss

You're only on day one. You need to give it a go first the first few says are the worst. If you really do need food then LT isn't the diet to be on. You'd be better looking at Slim and Save or Exante which have higher plans which allow food

VLCDs have to be followed properly. They're not like conventional diets where you can tweak and adapt them
Hi Neady, i'm just a day behind you, and not finding it easy either (yet). I've been on slimming world for as long as I can remember, but can't stick at it (just one small slice . . . .bite / packet etc). I took the advice of Nixb24 and added coffee to my vanilla shake with ice, and it was lovely! :party0036: Hope you stick with it, for day 5

Good luck Tetleyteabag, hope you can get to grips with it! Let us know how you get on tomorrow.
Hey neaady I myself are on day 4 and totally feel the same , I'm sure it will start getting easier now tho so stay positive and keep logging on for support

Neaady I feel that exact way about finding this site ! I'm starting my LT on Friday and I'm not looking forward to the1st few day but reading every ones story is making me feel a lot more confidence about sticking to the diet for how long it takes to loose the stones !!!!