Step 1 Sole Source NEW STARTER ON 3RD MAY 2017


Starting weight 11st 8 lb height 5ft 1ins

Goals: lose 1 stone
Drop a dress size to size 12
Lose 2 stone
Buy new clothes (just a few) at size 12
Drop to a size 10
Buy new clothes at size 10
Buy a bikini.
Lose 2.5stone
Have more self confidence

Hey everyone thought I would write about my journey as I go along in the hope it will keep both myself and others on plan!
I've been ashamed of my weight for years, avoiding social events with friends and family as I just can't face going out whilst looking so fat!
I haven't been on holiday for 8 years due to the same feeling which makes me feel low and depressed with a lack of self esteem.
Well I have just booked our first holiday in years and I fly out on the 30th June, what better motivation than now to get those stones off!
I've only got 7.5 weeks to shed at least 2-2.5st so chose Soul source with my consultants agreement.
If I don't shed some weight there is no way I will have the confidence to wear a swimsuit and will spend the holiday in my hotel room, so this flab has got to go!

DAY ONE 3/5/17

Was super motivated for my first day and mega busy which I think helped, and I breezed through day one.
Breakfast: Ready made banana shake which surprised me as tasted good.
Been feeling really dry mouthed all day and drinking (what I think) is tons of water and permanently attached to the ladies toilets!
Lunch: Chocolate Shake again surprisingly good and so far so good I'm not tempted astray yet!
Still suffering from really dry mouth and managed 1.5 litres water so far.
Dinner: Leek and potato soup which was really nice, struggled in the evening as I normally eat late but my motivation kept me strong!

DAY 2 4/5/17

Awoke still feeling really motivated another hellishly busy day at work which to be fair helped me keep on track as I didn't have time to look at food!
Got by on a banana shake for breakfast
Chocolate shake for lunch
Vegetable soup for dinner which again was nice!
Dry mouth continues and really struggling to drink 2.5 litres a day I generally manage 2 litres so I hope that doesn't hinder my weight loss!

Day 3 5/5/17

Well today I struggled a bit but stayed strong I'm proud to say!
Sat in a training room all day with which they supplied goodies at break time of chocolate biscuits, cakes and hot chocolate, so thought I was gonna die as was so badly craving sweet things, it got worse at lunch when we all sat together in a room and everyone proceeded to get their "goodies" out, cheese baguette, crisps chocolate, even the bloody fruit looked to die for!
Needless to say I say their with my ready made chocolate shake feeling somewhat deflated
Dinner : Mushroom soup which was good
Feeling super tired today and slightly dizzy at times so tried to increase fluids but still struggling on the water front!
Really struggling when making kids dinners even a pea looks to die for at the moment ha ha but temptation avoided and on I go!
Even my kids feel sorry for me with my youngest saying "mummy will you die with not eating food" bless so then had to have a long conversation about balanced diets etc and what is in CAmbridge diet.
Shattered this evening so fell straight to sleep.

Day 4 6/5/17 (Today)

Awoke amidst a dream I was laying on a supermarket conveyer belt covered in food lol so just knew today was going to be a bad day!
Breakfast: Tried a Chocolate orange shake and really didn't like it so only drank half and threw the rest.
Day off today so willpower definitely being exhausted today!
Lunch: was. Making daughters lunch when temptation availed and I placed a bite of a cream cracker in my mouth!
The minute I placed it in my mouth I felt so bad and guilty and disgusted with myself I went straight to the bin and spat it out!
Leek and potato soup for lunch and onwards I go.
Not dinner yet and I'm starving lol today is going to be a very very long day!

Dry mouth continues, feel very dizzy today hope it goes soon, and strong gurgling hunger pains!
I pray I survive the rest of the day!
Oh and feel really really cold especially my hands and nose!
Has anyone else experienced this?
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Thought I would add a photo!
Wow couldn't find one as I hate seeing what I look like! Could only f9nd a horsey one though sorry, I'm going to get pics this week whilst still in my first week in the hope I can see the progress every week!
Oh and did my BMI which came in at 30 eeeek meaning I'm obese, I already knew that lol
I also started last week and have set myself 100 days to lose 3.5 stone. So happy to support and be supported. Weekend is always the hardest with plenty of time and food around. Just keep strong till Monday morning.

How are you all today?

I strayed off the diet this weekend - it's always the weekends I struggle with the most :( I just hope it doesn't affect my weigh-in too much.

So I'm strangely glad it's Monday and I'm back to work!
Day 5 7/5/17
Feel a little less hungry today tried the tomato soup and really didn't enjoy it, getting bored with the shakes already but I'm hanging in there I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end!
Day 6 8/5/17
Weigh in tomorrow eeeek
I've been really good but don't feel like I've lost that much so hopefully come tomorrow the truth will tell.
Started getting cramp yesterday which worries me a bit as feel I might be starving my body.

How is everyone else doing?

How are you all today?

I strayed off the diet this weekend - it's always the weekends I struggle with the most :( I just hope it doesn't affect my weigh-in too much.

So I'm strangely glad it's Monday and I'm back to work!
Crossing my fingers for you for weigh in! Let us know how u got on. I struggled on my day off as really wanted to eat bad things, hang in there!
I also started last week and have set myself 100 days to lose 3.5 stone. So happy to support and be supported. Weekend is always the hardest with plenty of time and food around. Just keep strong till Monday morning.
Thanks how are you finding it?
Hi, this is the beginning of week 3 for me, I lost 8lbs week one and only 1 1/4 week too which I wasn't to please about.

I have had 2 bars today and just finishing my 3rd litre of water for the day.

I'm doing the plan with 3 products and a 200kcal meal x
Thanks diheart42! Weigh-in on Wednesday so got a couple more days. When's your weigh in day?
Just started my second week and all my initial first week side effects have subsided yay
Not craving food as much now which is a plus to hoping for a good loss this week too.
Hey fab loss. I had my wi today and although it was 8 days since last was only 5lb. Maybe I shouldnt expect more. But its so tough!
Decided that Im going to step 2 at least for the weekend. Its less uncivilised like that. Will see how it pannes out on the scales though.