New to Keto


Full Member
Hi All,

Happy New Year!

Been a few years since I've been on here - I'm a past Slimming World member and now looking to follow the Keto plan. I have tolerance issues eating too much bread, pasta and generally anything with a high gluten count (although I'm not totally gluten intolerant), so Keto seems to be a good option for me. I've tried the Atkins plan last year and had some good successes, but ideally would like more options which seems to be the case on Keto.

Now that I'm past the introduction, I'm new to Keto and would love to know where I can get a free Keto meal plan - everywhere I've tried wants to charge (a small fortune) for the privilege. Can anyone help? Would also appreciate it someone could provide me with the 'basics' and a good starting point.

Thanks in advance!

P.S Apologies if this should be posted somewhere else - still trying to get my bearings round the site again :classic_confused:
Hi little_mynx, I started following keto with a free two-week diet plan on the website, which was easy to follow and got me off to a great start. There's loads of recipes and articles, advice etc on there too.

The Ketostix Strips are handy at the beginning to show when you have gone into ketosis.
I am also ex slimming world member and on 10th January started keto :D
On SW felt all the time hungry and now I am so happy eating full fat and feeling satisfied...
I have put my scales away because I really trust in keto after doing all the research...


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I am also ex slimming world member and on 10th January started keto :D
On SW felt all the time hungry and now I am so happy eating full fat and feeling satisfied...
I have put my scales away because I really trust in keto after doing all the research...

Good luck with it but I'm sure you'll be fine. I started in late August and although I had a bit of a lapse over Christmas, it's been a great success and I feel so much better. Really enjoying the food too and always finding lovely new recipes :)
Hi. I need to sort my life out following the death of my husband a year ago. I have put on almost 2 stone and feel like a lump. I am not in a position to pay the charges to purchase the plan as additionally I am a pensioner. I saw somewhere something about a daily apple but did not understand what that meant.
Really appreciate any help anybody could give me to get me started. I lost 4.5 stone on Slimming World but find it difficult to control my eating with SW now.
Thank you
Hi All,

Happy New Year!

Been a few years since I've been on here - I'm a past Slimming World member and now looking to follow the Keto plan. I have tolerance issues eating too much bread, pasta and generally anything with a high gluten count (although I'm not totally gluten intolerant), so Keto seems to be a good option for me. I've tried the Atkins plan last year and had some good successes, but ideally would like more options which seems to be the case on Keto.

Now that I'm past the introduction, I'm new to Keto and would love to know where I can get a free Keto meal plan - everywhere I've tried wants to charge (a small fortune) for the privilege. Can anyone help? Would also appreciate it someone could provide me with the 'basics' and a good starting point.

Thanks in advance!

P.S Apologies if this should be posted somewhere else - still trying to get my bearings round the site again :classic_confused:

Hey hun, I've been doing keto since Jan the 1st this year with great success, I never used a plan or anything. I just researched allowed foods on google and i just made sure to keep my carbs below 20g for the first month.. then raised it to 30g (which works for me). A usual day on keto for me would be omlette for breakfast with spinach and mushrooms (sometimes I even have a little fry up and have veggie sausages too) , for lunch I'll have a big salad with whatever protein I want, usually fish, for dinner I'll make something like chicken fajitas and just have it without the wrap and have veggies on the side! After the first month I introduced treats like keto icecream (£2.50 from morrisons for a tub). For the most part I usually make meals that I used to have before like curries, chilli etc and just make sure Instead of rice and pasta, i accompany with veggies! I also drink at least 3 litres of water a day, but I got so sick of it I drink all my water with sugar free squash!! good luck xxx
Would this work for me (keto) I do not like veg but will eat spinach, rocket and watercress, would I lose weight with eating proteins and those green leaf salad. I also do not like cheese?
Looking into recipes and getting things set up for starting a Keto diet soon. Can someone recommend the best place to buy the test strips? Thanks.
I got test strips from boots. But to be honest ive never used them. I just go by how my body feels.