New to site, new to Exante.....just ordered month's supply

fantastic frenchie
Wow Frenchie!! That's blummin fantastic!! :)

Thanks for the explanation Trickshot!! Team G sounds like a team I want to be in!!

Im glad all my family visiting / socialising is over now and I can get back to keeping on track. I haven't weighed myself since Wednesday but feel like I'm losing a bit of weight. I hope the scales behave themselves next Wednesday for weigh in!! :hmm:

Hope you're all having good weekends :)
Good luck for Wednesday! Been a beautiful day down here in cornwall except I have hidden under layers of clothes coz I have been Sooooo cold! The kids ended up in tshirts while I shivered. Anyhoo, day 8 almost over. Keep smiling girls! X
Whoop whoop! 3 pounds lost this week. I'm really pleased to have reached the stone mark in terms of losses, but I'm finding it really hard going :cry:

Ive been very close to giving up, but then today's loss has spurred me on a little bit.

Hows everyone else doing? Please feel free to give me a smack round the chops and tell me to (wo)man up!!

Hey, Kate,
that's fantastic! You're losing weight fast! Well done!
Just think how many more lbs you will have lost by the end of the month or in the next 4 weeks, that always helps me as I then get a bit competitive with myself. You know, I do the worst case and best case scenario for a few weeks in the future and then I really want to make sure I meet my best case scenario. But that's just me. In any case, it will defo get easier, just give it a bit more time and you'll get into this new routine of not having to cook and shop much etc.
You can do this!
You dont need a smack round the chops, you've done great, 3lbs is right on target to where you should be. Well done on that and on your stone in 3 weeks, it took me an extra week to get there :)
Well done Kate, a stone in 3 weeks? Thats awesome! Think how you felt 3 weeks ago about how much you wanted to lose the weight, be proud of yourself for doing it! :)
go and lift 14lbs of potatos! thats is what u would not have lost u if u were not doing this! how many more potatos can u lose if u keep going x
Hi I'm new to exante trying to get my head around the app at the moment so I hope I'm posting this right !!! Ordered all the stuff so just doing no carb for one week to prepare myself ! Competed lighter life before and lost 5 stones but over the last 6 years I have gained then lost gained again and never really stuck to anything and have ended up the same weight I was when I started lighter life !!!! Hate myself and really need to do this for me !!!! can you tell me what all the abbreviation mean as in TS etc love reading all your posts makes me feel I can do this
Hi Simone :) There are lots of us who've done Lighter Life in the past, me included, I also lost 5 stone, but put back 7 stone :(

The abbreviations are the different levels of the Exante diet. TS is Total Solution (food packs only), WS is Working Solution (the packs plus a small meal) and then I think there's SS (Simple Solution). The other abreviations you might see are VLCD (very low calorie diet) and TFR (total food replacement).

Good luck x
Thank you Do most of you do 4weeks on TS then have a week when a low Calorie meal is included ? If so is this with your packs ? Do you then go onto TS again ? Sorry for the questions just on lighter life I didn't have any food for 5 months ?
Hi simone, don't worry about asking questions, we all help one another (i'm fairly new, day 13). The exante site says AAM (add a meal) up to 201 cals every 21 days. So 3 weeks 3 packs per day then 7 days 3 packs plus small meal. Good luck with your weight loss!
I'm not having the food weeks, I dont think anyone I'm following on here is having actual food weeks (although some have had some food for a meal or on a trip or whatever). I think Exante have that to cover themselves as obviously we dont have to have medical supervision the way LL requires you to. I had a meal out 2 weeks ago with my family, we went out for sushi, but that's it really. I have been naughty some weeks and picked a little at some chicken slices but I didnt do that at all this last week and had my best weekly result (other than the first week) so must remember not to pick.
Wow Frenchie - you're doing so well! You must feel amazing!!

I lost 2lb this week.....I wish it had been more.

However I had a big trying on session from the depths of my wardrobe tonight and can fit into soooo much stuff I haven't been able to get into in years. So that's been a bonus.

I guess I'm just a bit grumpy and disheartened at the slow progress this week. :cry:

How's everyone else getting on?

Hi Kate! Well done chick, keep chipping away, its all worth it! And wow to getting back into clothes, it feels like you've been on a shopping spree without the dent in your bank balance.
This week has been soooo hard, I almost caved several times and I am not very optimistic about the weigh in. I think its hormonal though, I no longer have totm thanks to a skilled surgeon 8 months ago but I still have the hormonal bits. So I wont be disheartened on Saturday morn, just keep going! Xx