new to ww pro points some help please!!!!!! xx


New Member
hi every1,
started ww pp this week and it is going well..... i think lol.
reading through the site im a little worried now as people are saying that if you dont have very much to lose then you tend to put on weight!!!!!!! that i definatly dont want lol!! They are all saying about discovery plan (old points)?? being better??????

does any one have any opinions on this?? has put a bit of a downer on me??
also any good tips would be great thanks guys!! xx
Heya. I'd say keep going and see how the current plan works for you. I've tried both and was really unsure when the new plan came along. It seems to be working for me as well as the other did
Heya. I also don't have much to lose but if you look at the points plan the new one you can't really not lose as basically the calories they calculate for you with the points allowance are too low for you to gain on. I know everything there is to know about calories as I used to have anorexia am afraid. I need structure in my eating because of this and I calculated 29 pp worth of food yesterday and it is bang on target for weight loss for me. So don't worry stick to your points enjoy a treat night with the extra 49 points and you will lose weight. Scientifically it's impossible for you not to
Hope this helps
? Clare x