New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I'm so tired.. Do I HAVE to get up and go to school?! We're doing practice reading SATs and have a guy doing our PE so at least it's not too difficult a day!
I'm tired too Caz, TGIF this week has been so long, so glad it's half term, :) but i bet today will drag,and I'm on lunch duty too :(
Can't remember if I've already mentioned this, I don't think I have but sorry if I'm repeating myself!

Someone told me about these slimnming wraps which help you lose inches. I was quite skeptical but she spoke really highly of them, saying how her last one made her lose 3.5in from her stomach, which stays off. Did quite a bit of research i to them, there were good reviews and some really solid science behind them that explains how they work. It isn't that they dehydrate you because they actually encourage you to drink lots!

Anyway, I'll get to the point! I decided to give it a go, still a little skeptical, but it worked really well! It keeps working for up to 3 days but today, after 2, I'm down 11.5 inches from my lower, middle and upper stomach area! Did my thighs last night and down 2 inches already. Might do my arms, bum and chin next!

Some of the before and after photos are amazing! People have lost, and kept off, 2 dress sizes just from doing these wraps! They work by breaking down toxins and fat in these cells with a long name I can't remember lol That's why you need the water, to flush it out. Might do it every couple of weeks :)
Interesting on the wraps.
Lunch duty? On a Friday?! That's horrible!! We don't have to do lunch duty thank god. Monday I do have to do playground duty before school and morning and afternoon break. It's annoying, means I need to sort as much as possible on a Friday otherwise I have to get in really early! Ah the joys of working in a school.
@Trish -- do you get paid extra for duty?
Hi Caz, Happy Friday!

The wraps sound very interesting and even better when you know someone who has tried them and been successful! Thanks for that...might indulge one day? Do you go somewhere, or are they DIY? ;) How affordable is this treatment? Thanks hun x
DIY, do them at home. It costs £40 for a set but that does 6-8 wraps. So a little expensive to pay out for at first but it's actually fairly cheap per wrap.

Mel highly doubt Trisha does get paid any extra, certainly don't at our school. It's part of your job description, whether you're a TA or teacher here.
Well let me know if/when you want to and I'll send you a link :) Seems to have helped with the slightly saggy loose skin I was starting to develop on my thighs!!
Ooh, link please chick. How interesting. I know someone who did it once before a party. She was bigger than I am now and lost a very noticeable 11 inches. :)
Hi, have seen you posting and thought I'd have a nosy at your diary-hope you don't mind! Going great guns aren't you :) I also spotted your old username in some quoted posts and know who you are now x Jo x
Mel highly doubt Trisha does get paid any extra, certainly don't at our school. It's part of your job description, whether you're a TA or teacher here.

Cazis right, no extra pay but we do have our lunch either p4 (before lunch) or p5 after lunch ,because we have to do the whole of lunch, but you are normally on your own (billy no mates) in the staff room as one TA has lunch p4 and the other p5. (threre are only 2 TA's on duty.

The wraps sound interesting
Sorry all! Squeezy is right, Aaron's here so not managed to get on yet. Normally come on early whilst he's still asleep (like now!) but yesterday we were both up early ish to get ready to drive my Dad down to near Swansea to buy some new wheels. Hit a pot hole over a week ago, buckled two of the wheels!! Second time it's happened now. He ended up finding some a lot closer, just 20 miles away instead of 80, that had come in that morning so took him to get those.

I have a confession to make..m. Forgive me minis for I have sinned!! Aaron and I have both really struggled the past few days/week and so we decided to have a day off plan yesterday. Went out for a lovely lunch together and bought some of my favourite crisps and chocolate for the evening!! I don't feel in the slightest bit guilty. I enjoyed every mouthful! We didn't eat everything and put the rest in the bin. We've both said we want to just get straight back on plan today. Yesterday was a treat, NOT the end of the diet and our hard work! So straight back to it today. Not expecting a loss on Weds but a sts would be nice!
Morning Caz (and sleeping Aaron!) ;)

You are right not to feel guilty! A wee treat is absolutely fine. You ate it with the right attitude, it isn't giving in and giving up, it is a day off plan and not the end of the world :)

I think we 'appreciate' those wee treats when we indulge in only now and then..instead of taking then for granted in the same way we the old days! ;)

Enjoy your Sunday..any plans?
Exactly. I said to Aaron I'd feel guilty if I caved and ate a pizza because it was there in front of me. That's just proving I have no willpower! This was a conscious decision. I weighed up the pros and cons and knew exactly what I was doing! I did probably eat more than I should though! A started and main from the pub, with diet coke no alcohol, though I did leave some of my main because I was full. Then crisps, chocolate and a cookie at home later! Scales aren't showing too much damage and I really don't care anyway. I've had 5 and a half weeks being 100%, I'm sure I can allow myself one treat day!

No plans really no. Aaron goes home today obviously :( Hate saying goodbye on Sundays! I think I might cook us a S&S roast for dinner today before he leaves. Then probably finish catching up on Spartacus and Dexter before he heads home, I would think around 3ish.

I've been awake nearly 3 hours and he's still asleep!! Am I allowed to 'accidentally' wake him up yet? lol
Get hoovering in the room!!! ha ha...No, gently waken him and remind him you only have 5 hours of precious time together before he heads home :)

I remember how upset I got every Sunday when I had to leave my OH and head home to the mainland :( I cried each and every time, although I promised myself I wouldn't... I couldn't control the tears as he drove me to catch the ferry every week. :(..Awwww

So, i know exactly how you must feel Caz! x