New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Thanks chick :)

I really like Shrewsbury too, such a lovely little town. I think there and Ludlow are my favourite places around here. ooh... I wonder if there's a market on at Ludlow this weekend as it's Easter. I love looking around markets :)
Loved seeing that scales pic! Brilliant. I have just said goodbye to The 14's once and for all so I know that feeling well. It has to be final, there is no going back, so that really will help keep you on track over the weekend.

I would keep your weigh day the same, tbh, because if you change it, you will always wonder what you would have been on Wed at 5.45 and I think you might end up having two WIs, which is no good. I find the actual hour isn't important so long as it is around the same point of your day -- i.e. whenever you wake up, or before dinner pack etc. but as you know it must always be the same scales so unless you can take your scales to Aaron's it wouldn't work. As I said, being a creature of habit I would stay stick to Wednesday.
Loving the pic!!! :) It's so good to see the numbers going in the right direction and to save you popping on and off the scales 6 times in 15 seconds after seeing the result ;) (or is that just me? ;) ) have captured it on camera..fab idea! :)

Have a lovey weekend hun x
Well I felt like I needed proof as I was so surprised! haha Might put it as a photo on my phone background or something, look at it when I feel tempted otherwise I won't see that 15 on Wednesday!
We love Shrewsbury! Have a lovely weekend.
Congrats on the 15s! I'm super proud of you.
I'm amazed that either of you have even heard of Shrewsbury!
Hehe it's in Shropshire, about half an hour from where I live. It is a lovely market town, it's got a nice feel to it. I just hope that it's not raining tomorrow or I probably won't bother going lol
I applied for a few international school jobs a week or two ago, a couple in Italy, Germany, Denmark and France. Not sure why I applied, just to see what would happen I guess, I certainly didn't expect an interview! Well I've just had an email from the school in Italy inviting me to interview (on Skype rather than in Italy unfortunately!) which has come as a bit of a surprise! Part of me would absolutely love it - the culture, the people, the food, the sun! The other part of me wonders if it would even be possible - what would Aaron do? I know he'd come with me if he could, well I think he would based on what we've said before, but it's whether that would be possible. Decisions! I don't know whether to just accept the interview and then see what happens and take it from there.
Oh, how excitng Caz! :) No harm in going ahead with the interview I suppose, you might always wonder"'what if...?"

In the meantime have a long, discussion with Aaron, then make a decision if the job lands on your lap! :)

Lots to think about and discuss, is it long term? Would Aaron be able to get employment easily? How practical would it be? Remembering it is a complete change in lifestyle and not a holiday (though it would be tempting to think otherwise ;))..on the other hand, you are both young, the world is your oyster, would the opportunity arise again if you declined a possible job offer etc etc.....

Good luck and happy 'discussing' :) x
Well this is the thing. He could carry on his degree there but it's how easy it would be for him to find a job. It'll be something to consider and look into I think.
Well done on the 15's Caz - I have the same scales as you, well done on the job interview as well, you might as well have do the interview, yo acan always turn the job down, if you decide it's not for you. What is Aaron studying for his degree?

I've heard of Shrewsbury as well, but I don't think I've ever been.

The painter is coming on Monday, to finish off our room, then it's a carpet for the stairs and our room, then it will be ready for going on the market.
I applied for a few international school jobs a week or two ago, a couple in Italy, Germany, Denmark and France. Not sure why I applied, just to see what would happen I guess, I certainly didn't expect an interview! Well I've just had an email from the school in Italy inviting me to interview (on Skype rather than in Italy unfortunately!) which has come as a bit of a surprise! Part of me would absolutely love it - the culture, the people, the food, the sun! The other part of me wonders if it would even be possible - what would Aaron do? I know he'd come with me if he could, well I think he would based on what we've said before, but it's whether that would be possible. Decisions! I don't know whether to just accept the interview and then see what happens and take it from there.

Do the interview and discuss the "what ifs" -- you can't let this opportunity pass. This is the time in your life to take these leaps of faith. You don't want to look back a regret not having even tried.
Exactly Mel. I've always said that when I'm old and grey and sitting in my chair reflecting back at life I want to be laughing at the fun I've had, cringing at the mistakes I've made, smiling at the memories formed and not looking back at a life of shoulda, woulda couldas, what ifs and regrets.

I've spoken to Aaron, briefly, and he's said to go for the interview. We've both said we would like to move to a different country. He's going Computing and IT Trisha, it's with the Open University so he could carry it on there no problem. I don't know how easy it would be to find a job though really. I'll have to chat to the school about that I think.

Good evening at my sisters. Our meal wasn't completely S&S but was perfectly fine and I consider it a 100% day. We had a baked salmon fillet, they had it with jacket potatoes but my brother in law did swede chips especially for us, carrots, broccoli and sweetcorn. Only broccoli is allowed, no carrots or sweetcorn but we didn't have much so would have been fine. We said no, multiple times, to alcohol, malteasers and chocolate pudding so I reckon we did well!

My PC auction ends on ebay today. Still at a bargain price at the moment but if it does go for a goof price I'm going to buy us tickets to go and watch the Lion King at the theatre. It's not cheap but like I said, don't want shoulda woulda couldas and I would about this as I've been saying for years I want to go.
Hi Caz, I'm pleased you are going to go for the interview! How cool, being interviewed via skype :) When is it due to take place? You are so should never be full of woulda, shoulda, coulda's :)

Good luck with auction, hope it reaches a fab price and you buy the tickets! I've said before, i want to see Lion King is coming to Edinburgh in October, tickets are expensive, but I don't want a shoulda moment on that one!!! I've got to see it..wondering if wee cherub would like it? MUST stop dithering and get me some tickets soon! ;) Cherub's T.A. has bought her tickets jealous! hee hee ;)

Well done on resisting temptation Caz :)
Yayy to being in the 15s and to the interview. Sounds like a fab opportunity...hope it goes well x
Thanks Aymz :)

The interview is at 12 (Italy time) on 9th April. Need to work out that time that makes it here! I know they're usually an hour ahead but get a little confused when clocks change!

The PC went for £588... I had £468 left to pay on my holiday, which I paid yesterday, leaving £120 left over. The exact amount for two of the best seats! :D It's fate, it was obviously meant to be :p
It's a place called Ferrara, never heard of it before!