New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I missed that loss Caz. Well done. 3lbs is fantastic especially because you have come from a VLCD. Well done :)
Will reply properly later but I didn't get the job and actually, I'm ok with that.
I wouldn't want you working for anyone who wasn't smart enough to hire you.
God I hate mornings! It'll be so nice when I move and I can get an extra hour of sleep. Looking forward to that the most! No idea what I'm having for lunch today. Always struggle for lunch ideas and today I'm drawing a complete blank! Need to start planning out meals for the week to help with shopping and staying on track.

It's really encouraging to see you lose so much coming off a VLCD - did you switch straight from one to the other? I'm contemplating what to do after Egypt - I have a month supply of S&S to use when I get back but then thinking of switching to the 'normal' way. I'm fed up with feeling rotten periodically!

You are doing so well - very inspiring! X

No, there was a weekend gap with a bit of a gain involved. Oops! It wasn't a particularly bad weekend but over that and the first couple of days I put on 7-8lb but I think that was my glycogen stores refilling.after that it started to go down and had 3lb by the end of the week.

There's an app for SW to work out syns and generally it's 1 syn for every 20 calories. Think it just gets trickier when it might have some free food in it. :)

I've downloaded one now actually. That's the problem though, if it's not all syns it's tricky. Makes eating out complicated unless it's something listed in the book.

That is a brilliant loss! I struggle to lose 2lbs a week on CD! And as Nef says it is so encouraging to hear that there are such great losses after coming off a vlcd. Well done for sticking so well to it. You wanted a plan that would allow you to relax at the weekend, and here you have found it I'd say. If you can have a nice weekend and still lose 3lbs why not to stick with it for now? Maybe look at SW when you move?

Thanks Frances :) I've decided that that's what I'm going to do. If I went to SW now I'd have to go to one where a lady from school goes and I don't want that, the rest are too late to do a 75 minute drive home after. For now CC is working so I'll reassess when I move.

Morning Caz!

Sunny here -- I hope it is to the west!

Three pounds!!! Whoop!!! I think the cooking is a good idea -- DH and I often work as team at dinner. He is sort of my sous chef. ;). I'm training DD, too. She's more of less wait staff working up to assistant.

I was thinking (I know... It hurt! But, I did it). If you join SW and do the pay monthly rather than at the meeting -- you can go to whatever meeting works for you and you access to the very good online site. Then, you can "shop around" and even do a meeting near Aaron's, etc. there are people at our local SW who are at goal (don't pay) but still pop in years' later to weigh, say, "Hi", etc.

There was no sun here unfortunately! A strange mix of cold spells, sunny spells, dry, damp and raining! SW sounds interesting, I didn't know you could do that. I'll look into it.

Awww..boooo! :(

*uncrosses fingers..until the next time!*

Glad you are okay with it hun, if this one wasn't for you...the next one is! :)

Feel completely ok with it, not even slightly bothered. Think I just knew that it wasn't the school for me. There is one out there, just need to find it!

I wouldn't want you working for anyone who wasn't smart enough to hire you.

Hehe exactly! ;)
Morning Caz,

Supposed to be the warmest day of the year so far - I hope you get to enjoy it.

When do you move? If you really don't have any ideas for lunch, why don't you take a bar for those days? Low calorie and nutritious...... and no thinking required ;)
I'm rubbish with lunch ideas! What about making wraps but using lettuce instead of tortilla wraps? Xx

Lettuce isn't as good as slightly softened cabbage leaf. :D Different cabbage types have different kind of leaf, so depends on purpose. Lettuce just falls apart and is weird when it's warm. :D

Stuffed peppers maybe as a lunch idea? Stuffed with Quorn/mushroom mix? Or with some big couscous + meat mix? Stuffed peppers can be done in advance and frozen/heated up as needed. :)
Or Tabbouleh ? Or butterbean casserole?

Hope you have a lovely day Caz!
I make my DH egg or tuna salad and stuff a large tomato or put in on a green salad.
I did say I was rubbish with lunch ideas!

That wasn't a rubbish idea!! :D Every idea is amazing - you've reminded me of cabbage fajitas OH and I used to do for dinner :D Can't wait to get back to those when I'm closer to goal.

I experimented for a long time with it - started off with lettuce too... and then with all the different cabbage types to find the perfect cabbage leaf.. Settled on a savoy in the end. Steamed for a minute or so beforehand and then it's perfect.
Afternoon all!

Nope Mel, definitely not the warmest day here. Bit dull and miserable really, very overcast and grey.

Not sure when I move exactly Frances. The room should be ready next weekend (guy moves out this weekend then landlord needs to put stud/partition wall up but needs to 'pop' to Spain too!) and as it's the bank holiday weekend I'll probably move in on the Tuesday after school or possibly Monday evening actually. Like I said, really not sure!

Lunch... I thought about taking a pack Frances but, well, they're boring! I've kept bars and shakes and have them for breakfast. If I had them for lunch too I'd end up being too low calorie probably. Have you tried doing the lettuce wraps Nef? Not sure if I'm keen on the idea but might give it a try. Blurgh hate cabbage Minerva... :yuk:I've had cous cous actually, think I need to stat prepping stuff like that ready for the week, isn't something I can throw together in the morning! I wish I liked salad, I just find them a bit boring. They're ok occasionally but I couldn't have them often although they're better now that I've grown to like Rosie's favourite thing (besides Artem)... beetroot! Today I had 3 ryvita thins, some light garlic and herbe philly, strips of red and yellow pepper and a few cherry tomatoes, fruit salad for dessert, it was pretty tasty! I could probably make pizza for lunch too using the warburton square wraps, forgot all about those. Think the key for lunches really is planning and preparing things before hand. I've been trying to do an extra portion of things for dinner and having that for lunch, if it's a suitable dinner.

Need to go shopping tonight on the way home, will have a little think and plan things out. On my laptop somewhere I have my calorie counting planning document! All my meal ideas for breakfasts, lunches and dinners with rough calories ready to be copied and pasted into a table to plan for the week ahead. Could have done with that here now! My sister's backed out of Aqua Fit tonight... AGAIN! She said yes but said she didn't see the point if I was moving in a couple of weeks.... :doh: What a silly and pointless comment to make! She then backed out anyway as apparently she thought it was at 7 and not 6 so wouldn't be able to fit in dinner before hand. Well she'd be home by 7.15 so could eat then, seems like excuses to me but she assures me it's not.

Might look into Rosemary Conley classes when I move I think. There's one on a Monday night very near the new house, that would work. I quite like that there's exercise involved and not just sitting and chatting about what people have or haven't lost that week. I'd forgotten all about them until Frances mentioned it the other day. They actually do a 12 week NHS subscription in this area if your BMI is over 30. I might join a doctors here and ask them to refer me on, possibly, or I might not bother with the hassle of signing up. It's only £24 a month though actually, that's nearly a gym membership!
Oh meant to say, I've been put in charge of music at school. I only found out though other staff who asked me something about it and when I asked my head she was like 'Ah I've been meaning to talk to you about that...'! Good thing I don't mind too much. Not sure how much I'll have to do but it's something extra to put on my job applications!
Oh meant to say, I've been put in charge of music at school. I only found out though other staff who asked me something about it and when I asked my head she was like 'Ah I've been meaning to talk to you about that...'! Good thing I don't mind too much. Not sure how much I'll have to do but it's something extra to put on my job applications!

If you ever need any help i can always get the old minis choir together. We're so tuneful :)