Newbie! Advice to start journey.

Hi! it is really good to hear that even though you can't start a strict diet yet you did start eating in the morning and lunch that will defenitely stop you from having a binge at night when you're starving! they are really good things to do to start changing and you'll be surprised how much difference it makes i am sure of it.
About the skin i am worried about it too! it seems to vary from person to person i've heard people that have very little saggy skin left and i have heard people that have a lot. I am trying to put on coco butter on every day and see if it helps... if you're going to the gym then swimming and little bit of weights will probably help tone your arms and legs. i am sure i will have a lot of saggy skin in my tummy but i don't care as much about that i really worry about my arms most of all as i would love to be able to wear sleeve-less shirts without a wing on each side :) but we'll see ... as i think about it if i have to worry about saggy skin in the future it will be because i have lost loooots of weight and will be happy about that...mabye if it is really bad i can consider surgery... but for now i am focused on loosing the weight as if i had to choose between saggy skin and being super morbidly obese with a BMI of 49!! i will choose the sag for sure :)
Good luck and let me know how you're doing! you have already started changing your life now don't look back!!
ps: seeing the scales go down every week defenitely gived me a boost! no better motivation than that. on a not so nice note... the weeks maked with green are the weeks i've had a period and lost less weight 5 times so far in 8 1/2 weeks! i could scream. doctor says nothing to worry about just the weight loss playing with my hormones .. if i didn't have a period i would loose much more on those weeks..but i am still happy with the results :)
lol just read gived me a boost! gives me a boost i mean :p my first language is spanish so forvive for my spelling and grammar!!!!
Ahh thanks for that!! Dont worry about your typing, I know what you mean. I bet your English is better than my Spanish anyday!! Think with the invention of text that most peoples spelling has changed. I find it really hard not abbreviating everything!!
I am gonna keep going with this new me, am determined now!! Have only one complaint, cannot stop weeing!! But that's all good. I have bought some lovely body butter, its really rich and seems to make a big difference with my skin. I also have used bio oil which was brilliant for helping surgery scars to fade. Cant worry too much about stretch marks, having 3 children has not helped my tummy!! But I'm not complaining, some people have good skin, I'm just not one of them. :(
As for the good old bingo wings, well I will try my best to tone them.Years ago I worked as a shelf stacker for asda, it was really hard work with all that lifting and unfortunately it made my arms very muscley, not ladylike at all. I will get there in the end.

:princess: Have a vision for next year of me wearing a really pretty dress, high heels(I haven't worn either in 15years!), hair flowing (I'm growing it long), full make-up done for my daughters 18th birthday party. I want her to feel proud of me which I know she does already but you know what its like when their friends all meet you. I also have family coming from all over the country and want to suprise them with the new me. Have not told anyone except hubby and kids that I'm doing this as I have enough motivation now. :character00116:
I can see how well you and many others have done and having someone else going through this is so comforting, you know exactly what it is like... Thanks for caring xx
I have talked to a CD counsellor. I have to call her when I've had the all clear from the GP. Think I would find it a lot easier for me for the time being as I'm finding eating breakfast and lunch on time a real challenge. When I'm working I have to get up around 4.30am and I feel like death most mornings so eating is the last thing I want to do! But I'm on day 3 now and have managed to do it, not dead on time but almost. Have upped my water, had to tell work I'm detoxing hence the many trips to the loo!! Think the SS is something that sounds more to my way of thinking. Not sure how long I would need to stay on it as at some point I would need to work on my relationship with food. I dont smoke and only drink very occasionally, I have a very sweet tooth so helping to change bad habits is going to need time. It's been hard with the kids on school holidays. I've had packets of choccie biscuits in the cupboard but haven't touched one! Everytime I think about food I'm drinking more water and the desire goes. I have certain goals I want to reach so having them helps as I dont want to let myself down. :D
Good luck on CD MissHiggy. Keep that image of yourself at your daughters birthday in your head and you'll do wonderfully!!!
Keep us updated on your progress!!!

I will do! Has been a very hard day, my friends have bought chocolates so I've given them to the kids :wave_cry: (Thorntons), was very hard!! I haven't told anyone other than my family what I'm doing as the only pressure I need is from myself and a certain well meaning friend, love her dearly, tends to put her foot in it sometimes. Only those of us with genuine weight problems can understand, I love her to bits but she eats like a horse and at a size 8 she doesn't have the same issues as me. On here we all know what its like and dont judge. Anyway had a cake made, kids ate that too!! So far have stayed on plan, more water to stop thinking about the cake etc! Have sneaked a peak at the scales and know that this is working! :bliss:Will know for definate next wed when I weigh in!

Well done for staying strong! Bet the kids loved you for giving them extra chocolate and cake. :p

I had to leave them to it!! Was really difficult but I have only just started and to give in would make the last few days worthless. I'm normally a very strong willed person the only thing I've ever struggled with is food! We all have our achilles heels and that is definitely mine. They were over the moon and said how good I was being. We have a rule in our house if sweets are eaten then no pud so letting them eat it all was for my own good but it make you worry where the bad relationship starts with food? :break_diet:

Think I will always have problems when events come up and as no one wants to be a party pooper. I'm sure thats the same for most of us. My mother God help me is coming to stay for a week, mid August. Another size 8 only she doesn't eat! Smokes instead! I told her today that I'm on a strict diet so not to plan on taking me out for meals. She was to my suprise very supportive so we'll see how that goes. Its just over 3 weeks away so I hope to be in a good routine by then.:D
I'm sure your mum will try and respect your wishes, given that you're on a strict diet. It's brill that your mum is very supportive.
Co-incidently I'm in my first week too and my parents are coming on "holiday" to visit me in 2 weeks. I know I'm going to have to be strong... even though they're "supportive" of my diet, my mum is a "one pudding/sweet/bar of chocolate/packet of crisps/glass of wine etc. won't hurt". I don't think she understands that for me, in the longer term it does because I start applying that mentality all the time and soon I'm more off my diet than on it.
Good luck with your mum anyways.
Stay strong, you're doing amazingly.

Thank you. I think it will go ok, we haven't got the closest relationship so a week may be stressful but she's said that I'm not to take time off work as she wants to visit places on her own. She's bringing hubby number 4 with her, my mother is Liz Taylor in disguise!! :D Are you in France at the moment? We holiday there every year, absolutely love it! Food is gorgeous. :sigh: We where in Cognac in April and it was lovely and warm. Can't wait til we go back but no rest for me for the time being. My sons are going away to camp for a week so I've had all the cases to sort so that has kept me really busy today. We have puupies on the way so with our brood of 6 dogs that'll definitely keep me occupied. Think that's the going to be the key for me, keep busy then you dont think about food!!
Yeah, I live and work just outside Strasbourg. I moved here a couple of months ago, so I'm still getting used to the warm climate.
Good luck with the puppies!!! You'll have to put some pics up!

I will do. Have you found the change of life easy to adapt to? We did look at moving there but with the drop in the Euro and the crunch here finanicially its just not viable that's why I'm going back to college so I can qualify here. (Nursing)
I will do. Have you found the change of life easy to adapt to? We did look at moving there but with the drop in the Euro and the crunch here finanicially its just not viable that's why I'm going back to college so I can qualify here. (Nursing)

Its been a big change, but then it was always going to be... i just graduated and moved out here for a job. So I moved to a foreign country, to love on my own, to start my first ever real job!!!
I've lived in both France and Italy before as a residence abroad for my uni course, so there wasn't so much of a culture shock, and for the most part language isn't a problem. For me, personally, the hardest thing is making friends. There's just me and my boss at work (in her flat!!!) and I don't have the self confidence to just start talking to people in a bar or whatever, so its been pretty lonely.
But on the whole I like it here, and Strasbourg is such a beautiful city.

That takes some courage!! And confidence!! So dont knock yourself, not many people could move away from their families and without being patronising your still quite young! I think your brave. Making that first step to talk just takes time and the right situations, maybe when you've been living there a little longer you'll be more of a familiar face and people will talk to you? Sometimes just biting the bullet with people is a start but you need to do whatever feels comfortable. I'm that nutter who strikes up conversations in the supermarket queue! Can talk for England! Just ask BT they love me! :eek:
I'm really shy, and really do have major self confidence issues... in my head I feel like I have no right to just start talking to someone and can't see a reason why they would want to talk to me. Plus I'm socially awkward.

You're right! I am young, and this move certainly did take a lot of courage, but I know that it was the right thing for me, definitely on a professional level, if not a personal one. It was an amazing job opportunity and I couldn't turn it down.

Thank for the support MissHiggy :)

Your very welcome hun. My daughter is quite shy, I try to encourage her my usual saying to her is what is the worst that can happen? Building confidence can be hard, I understand that. My daughter is 17 and will not ring anyone on the telephone other than her friends. Even going into a shop to ask for a particular size shoe, she would freeze and refuse to do it. She said she would sound stupid? Think just getting out in the world and forcibly coming across new situations helps you to learn ways of coping. I helped her to get a little part time job while she's a student. It was murder but after about 3 months of being very quite they couldn't stop her! Everything takes time, go at your own pace. You've made good friends here and thats a definite start :D:D
Hi Miss Higgy :)

Just wanted to say that your image of how you want to look for your daughters birthday is lovely and ACHIEVEABLE!!:D

Lacey..xx :D

P.S. I'm the other "nutter" who would probably strike up a conversation with you in the;):D