Newbie help please!!!


Full Member
Hi everyone,

Reading all your stories, you've all done so well! I have a quick question. I have about a stone and a half to lose. I'd like to do the slim and save but i'm a little confused with the website as i don't know what to order? I think i'll do the 4 items a day one, but does this mean 3 shakes and 1 meal? Is there anywhere that explains which one is right for you?

Thank you x
You just choose either 3 packs and a protein meal, (100g of protein, with up to 200g of veggies, there's a permitted list that S&S send you) or 4 packs per day, you can choose whatever packs you want in that day, so if you wanted 4 shakes one day, and 4 cottage pies the next day you could do, but you should only have one bar each day.

Least that's my understanding of it. If you go for 3 packs + a meal you will need to take a multivit supplement too to ensure you're getting everything you need.

I started 3 days a go, and I'm doing 4 packs a day, last 2 days, I had a shake, 2 soups and a bar, with some added veggies, within the 200g allowance, but today have had 2 shakes and a cottage pie, and will be having a bar later.

Personally I think it's great so far, there are loads of good stickies that will give you answers and help too :)

Good luck
Forgot to add, the benefit of the 4 packs is you don't have to think about food at all, just choose your pack, which I'm finding helpful at the beginning, easier for me as I'm an all or nothing type.

Don't forget to drink lots and lots of water.

As for what you order the samples pack is great, you get one of everything so you can find out exactly what you like. I'm working through mine now :) Taster Pack - All Flavours - Full Size Portions
Welcome Lottie! Hope you enjoy SnS!