newbie who needs all the help she can get

Have you tried keeping a food diary and checking where you could make changes? that might help kick start the losses again?
Have you tried keeping a food diary and checking where you could make changes? that might help kick start the losses again?

I had been keeping food diary Bella and it was alright except maybe that I wasnt eating enough ....I will give it another go and see how I go thanks hun x
Well I put 1 1/2lb of the 2 that I lost last week back on and I've not been able to keep my butt in gear over the weekend, it's got that I dread the weekend coming 'cause I just can't stick to plan but I'm still going to keep at it 'cause it has worked for me and the proof in the pudding is reading others experiences on here. I've never had a sweet tooth and all of a sudden I'm craving chocolate, I don't get that and I'm eating lots of fruit to stave off the sugar craves.

I'm not sure about the fasting idea Jem, it may be confusing to your body. Don't give up Jem, remember what got you here in the first place. I did ww 8 years ago and lost really well but it was difficult to maintain, i do believe the concept of sw, you can eat plenty of everything that is good for you, so you can feel fuller and feel like you aren't dieting . I hope this week is better for you hun xxx

Thanks GG I really wanted to be sitting here at this stage with at least mearly 1 stone off but instead its just 3 measly lbs ...but I will keep at it for now have only 3 weeks left till the big party and if I can lose anything between now n then it will be a bonus ...hope you have a good week too hun x
I know it might not seem like a lot to you now, but 3lb off in this time is sooo much better than what you could have gained if you hadn't been sticking to plan.

Don't lose heart. What about going back to basics, and writing down every single thing. Mix things up a bit and try different healthy extras etc. to re-jig your body a bit.

Come on Jem, you can do it :)
I would agree with keeping up your diary Jem, it's very rarely that I don't track my food EVERY day, it does help and if I fall off plan, I look back on my food diary and I get back on track again. Yes you can do this Jem xx
Hi Hun, where are you? Hope all is ok x
Hi Jem, how are you? Missing you.

I had another bad week last week, and since my holidays I have gained a lot. It is the kick up the backside I've needed though and I've finally found my mojo again. Determined to have a great week this week.

Hope you're not still struggling, at least not in silence. We're all here if you need a hand. Hope to see you back online soon xx