Newbie with a question : Are we allowed .....?


Silver Member
Hi Girls,

I only started last week but I already think I've made a few mistakes as last week I just did 4 mealpacks a day and lost 8lbs but this week I've been doing 3 + a protein meal and 5 days in I've lost nothing, I'm feeling really hungry and my ketosis sticks are negative so i know i've went wrong somewhere and kicked myself out of ketosis :(

Are we allowed Mushrooms as our Veg?

And can we use Turkey Rashers as our Protein as they are both low cal & low carb?

Firstly well done for the first weeks loss. Alot of people lose very little or STS in the second week too. Don't pay any attention to the 'stix' as they're notoriously unreliable. As long as you follow the plan you will stay in ketosis. As the poster above said? Maybe post an idea of what you've been eating. Yes mushies are fine, but not sure about turkey rashers-you'd be best off emailing rob to check x HTH x
but this week I've been doing 3 + a protein meal and 5 days in I've lost nothing, I'm feeling really hungry and my ketosis sticks are negative so i know i've went wrong somewhere and kicked myself out of ketosis :(

Maybe it could be due to the day off you had a few days ago... well, depending on what you had. I know that if I had anything off plan my scales were not my friend at all. Some people can have the odd thing/day off and still lose, I found that wasn't me

I assume you're awear of the no citric acid, so it could be the day off, or because you had a big loss in week 1

I understand how frustrating it can be though when the scales don't move and you feel hungry, it used to drive me insane!
Maybe it could be due to the day off you had a few days ago... well, depending on what you had. I know that if I had anything off plan my scales were not my friend at all. Some people can have the odd thing/day off and still lose, I found that wasn't me

I assume you're awear of the no citric acid, so it could be the day off, or because you had a big loss in week 1

I understand how frustrating it can be though when the scales don't move and you feel hungry, it used to drive me insane!

Just wondered where the OP said about having a day off? I think I've missed that-as it would have changed the post I wrote if I'd known there'd been a day off! x
Hi Girls,

As love2be slim said i had to take Sunday night off for a family event but I would have thought I would be back in ketosis by now?

Last week I had 3 mealpacks + 1 bar + my milk allowance & water everyday and by Sunday (Day 6) I had lost 8lb.

On Sunday I had a shake for breakfast then went out to my family event which was at an Indian buffet so I tried my best to stick to just chicken but the nan bread was calling out to me so I had to have one :(.

The next morning I had gained 3lbs as i totally expected but I went straight back to plan.

Monday I had my milk allowance + 2 mealpacks + a bar + a 2 egg omelette + Dr Pepper Zero.

Tuesday I had my milk allowance + 3 mealpacks + 200g cauliflower + a bar + Dr Pepper Zero.

Wednesday & Thursday I had my milk allowance + 1 mealpacks + a bar + a 2 egg omelette + Dr Pepper Zero but because I was a pack short on each of these 2 days i had a small handful of cheddar cheese in my omelettes to make up the calories (which I know now isn't allowed so this was mistake 1 but although cheese is high calorie I don't think it would have affected ketosis)

Other than this the only blips I had where all very low carb as i stole 2 cheese strings from my toddler midweek and a slice of cooked ham I stole while making up my o/h's sandwiches for work, other than this I was 100% so I would have though I should be back in ketosis by now (5 days) but my sticks are still negative and I'm still hungry so I'm sure I'm not :(.

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Actually re-looking at things I think I've maybe been looking at it the wrong way as on day 6 (the morning of my Indian meal) I had lost 8lbs which is still the exact same weight i am today on day 11 which means I havn't lost anything in 5 days but of course i havn't took into account that I would have gained weight after the meal and would have been out of ketosis again for a few days.

If I hadn't weighed myself on day 6 and just waited until day 7 after my meal my weight loss would just have been 5lbs for last week and not 8lbs, then that would mean since the meal 5 days ago I've lost another 3lbs which is probably more realistic, does this make sense!! lol.

So I was thinking it was:
Wk 1 -8lbs
Wk 2 -0lbs

But actually it will be:
Wk 1 -5lbs (After 1 day off)
Wk 2 -3/4lbs

So basically if I look at it as a whole I've lost 8lbs in 11 days so even if i just loss another 1lb by Monday (weigh in day) that would be 9lbs in 2 weeks which isn't bad considering I had a day off somewhere in between so I'll not start panicking yet I'll just do another full week 100% and see how I go :)

My ketostix are definatly negative though but I know they're not always realiable so I'll ignore them for now.

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It sounds like you should be back in ketosis now. Your analysis shows that things are a success or not depending on how you look at them! With this type of diet if you knock yourself out of ketosis you can't expect to lose weight until you're back in ketosis - which takes around 5 days. You burn fat when in ketosis (rather than getting into ketosis - when stored carbs are used for energy) so if you take a day off then you should expect to sts for the next week. The good news is that you should be back in the fat burning mode now!
Thankyou Weasey & Girls,

Well today my ketostix are still negative but I have lost 1lb so after 5 days things are finally on the move so I'm not complaining.

I think I'd drive myself crazy if I though I didn't loss this week so when I weigh-in on Monday (my official weigh-in day) I'll just look at my loss over the two weeks since I started as it should be around 9/10lb in 2 weeks and I'm happy with that considering I had the day off :)

I'm wondering now if the S&S wafers could be affecting me as I had none last week but 2 packs this week so I'll see how I go and if my weight loss slows again then maybe I'll cut them out and see what happens x

(Ps: A word of warning, don't have a day off unless necessary as I don't really like Indian food so I regretted my day off as soon as it happened and I've been regretting it every day since :()
Sounds like things are moving again which is great! The ketostix are very unreliable - I never bothered with them personally. The downside of this type of diet is that any off plan carb can stop all weight loss for a week - the upside is that if you stick to plan you loose weight very quckly. The wafers may be affecting you if you are sensitive to carbs. However - it's far more likely that it was the naan bread. Good luck with the rest of your journey!
lol Weasey I don't doubt for a second that it was the nan bread that well and truly kicked me out of ketosis but I was just wondering why it took me so long to start loosing again but I suppose after a high carb day 4-5 days to get back into ketosis isn't really that bad especially as I had a quiet week and was home most days so didn't do much to burn off the carbs :) x