Newbie :-)


Full Member
Just wanted to say hello - i have done some various research and its all kinda pointed me in the direction of CD.
i have my first appointment tomorrow (very excited) so was just wondering what i can expect? and do i need to take anything inparticular with me apart from my nerves lol

looking forward to meeting you all
Victoria x
Hi and welcome. Nothing take other than yourself. You will get weighed and set a goal and talked through what you need to do. Then you choose a weeks supply of packs and you're ready to go xx
cash! first meeting i thought i'd have to get a doctor's form signed so i didn't bring enough cash. An average cdc charges £42 for 21 packs, but your cdc might suggest having 4 a day, and you'll need some spares in case you come across flavours you don't like. plus any extras like fibre that you want to buy.
thanks for your replies - my appointment is at 10 (eek!) really excited n nervous rolled into one lol
V x
well here i am day 1, my cdc put me on ss so i have a selection of porridge, soup and shakes - are you able to have the choc mint shake as a hot drink?
Hi lastbiscuit!

Im on day one too, but its not my first time on this diet. Good luck and everytime you get hungry or want to eat - come on here and have a moan. As you have probably gathered, everyone is really nice and there is no *****iness here and more importantly, nobody judges you!

I think you can have the choc drinks warm, but please let someone else confirm it as i don't do anything to my shakes other than have them cold.

Again, good luck!
just wanted to say make sure that you ask to get measured as well. not all cdcs will measure you from the start but it is a really good thing to have. my cdc did not measure me to start off with but after about four weeks i felt like my weightloss had slowed down so much and she measured my waist but then there was no point coz i had nothing to compare to ... but then another four weeks after that she measured me and i had lost 7 inches round my waist. sometimes scales wont show what ur body does so its good to have both weights and measurements to go by xxx hope that helps. all the best xxx
thanks ladies x im really lookign forward to this hopefully my successes will be as great as all of yours :)