

Hey guys

Am new to this. Been struggling with dieting on and of now. Can't seem to control the way I eat and what I eat. I work nights so I don't suppose that helps. Was wondering if I could have some advice.

Ok I'm male, I work nights, 4 on and 4 off. 8pm till 7am. I'm thinking about doing the s&s diet as I think it would suit me well as has meal options in it to.

Ideally I'd like to lose 2 and half stone. I was looking at everyone's blogs and you all have done amazing work. Im wondering starting to wonder if this any diets out there that will work with me.

Can I have as much veg with s&s? There's so many questions I don't even know where to begin. I ideally want to start this diet ASAP so your help is much appricated.

Many thanks

hi Rob!

welcome to the forum, there are a couple of other guys doing the diet here...

fire away with the questions..

the veg is 200g cooked weight from the allowed list, i sometimes have it, some days dont :)
Hey Paula

Thanks for a prompt reply :-D

Iv never done anything like this but I reckon s&s is for me. Do I order a months worth and risk it or trial pack? I notice a alot of people lose a hell of alot in the first week and then not so much in the weeks to come or does this depend on the person?

Thanks for getting back to me :)
Everyone's losses are different but males can potentially loose more and s&s recommend 5 packs a day.

1st few days are a struggle but as you can see by People's stories very worth it.

Best of luck in your journey and welcome :)

a stone a month is the normal average loss...

not long eh?
robj I've gone with the sample pack first and got quite a decent selection, however there was only 1 of each sample so it's left me kinda short for lunches as I only received two soups and wanted to use them at work as we don't have a microwave. The good thing is I can have a good try of all most of them and if I haven't eaten my hands of by the weekend, I plan on ordering a month pack. good luck matey
Hi Rob

Both my husband and I started today, we ordered the sample packs first to make sure we knew what we were letting ourselves in for. Day 1 is over and it wasn't as bad as I thought. The milk choc truffa bar is amazing.

Good Luck
Thanks guys. Defo Gunna give this a try. Will keep you all posted will order when pay day arrives at the end of the month. Is it good idea to do workouts like jogging for an hour a day ect? Or will my body be tired. Iv been looking over this group and it seems like such a great community. You all encourage each other :)
Hi and welcome they advise not to do strenuous exercise at the start :) good luck