

Full Member
Hi everyone!

Just started weight watchers today, im doing it online as I cant really get to group,and finding it a bit hard to get my head round, any tips welcome :) thanks x
Hi! Good luck! What I found helpful with the online version was to sit down for a couple of hours, mark the things that I like to eat, point them, copy them on a notebook and make them favorites on the online tool so it became easier to track. As days go by, you get to point anything new! Don't worry! It will work!
welcome. It will get easier. I spent a lot of time planning my days and weighing things I would normally eat to make sure that I was prepare dor my day.
it helpt to look through the food items and learn about pro points. Its what helped me get going in the beginning.

best of luck!
Hi and welcome :)

If you have an iphone download the ww app it's brilliant, makes it really handy to track everything on the go. Otherwise carry a notebook with you so you can do it.

Also the weight watchers kitchen scales look really handy. I haven't bought mine yet as I'm saving up, they're about £30 I think, but they make it really easy to point things. You type in what you're measuring then put it on the scale and it comes up with the points. Really clever!

I also have bought some fun size chocolate that is 3pp each. It's great to have one in the evening and still get your choc fix without having loads of points.