

Full Member
Hi everyone,

My story is familiar with a lot of peoples in that I have tried many, many diets and initially do well, but end up piling the weight back on.

I had the most success with the Dukan Diet where I lost 17lbs, but a year later I had put all my weight back on, and at the beginning of this year I did Lipotrim where I lost 19lbs but after 5 weeks 100% (the soup and flapjacks were hideous so just had the shakes) I couldn't carry on to my goal weight because the shake bored me, and in the last 3 months I've put 12 lbs of that weight back on!!!:mad:

I'm determined to get to my goal weight as I'm getting married next year and I will not be a chunky bride, I WILL NOT!!! I also want to keep the weight off this time.

I've researched loads of various diets and have decided that Exante is the way forward to me, its VLC like lipotirm but there's more flavour and food choice so I shouldn't get bored. I received my 4 week mixed pack today at I got it at half price with a 15% discount so I feel I've got a real bargain this month. I'm excited about getting started, I just hope I like the taste of everything in the pack.

Good afternoon and good luck on exante Sarah xx
Hi there! I'm also getting married next year and wedding is enough motivation to lose weight!! We need to look good in the photos... Lol :) I've just started my Exante diet and I have also ordered my 4 week mixed bumper pack. I'm on working solution!!!