Nicola's JUDDD diary!

Weigh in today was 9st 13.4! At last I'm in the 9s!! Now I just have to stay in them :).
Really happy with that. So a loss of 1.4lbs when I was expecting a STS because of TOTM and I've been feeling bloated all week x

Well done! My aim is to get into the 9s after Xmas has been and gone. x
BedtimeBear said:
Well done! My aim is to get into the 9s after Xmas has been and gone. x

I'm sure it won't be long before you're there too.
Tried on my pair of size 12 work trousers and they fit no problem, BUT they're from Asda and I think asda clothes run a bit bigger anyway. My aim is to fit into size 12 New Look trousers, because the size 12 jeans I got from there are still really tight. Agh why can't all shops run the same size lol :)
Actually scratch that, I just tried on an old pair of New Look size 12 work trousers and they fit! And also a pair of size 12 skinny jeans from Next which were too tight a few weeks ago, also fit perfectly.
Just proves this diet really does work! I think the exercise has played a part too. I love love love JUDD!!
Derbynanny said:
Yeah isn't it a great feeling I am wearing a pair of new look size 10 boot cut . Until now have been 12 everywhere accept asda . :)

Size 10!! Wow, we'll done.
It's funny the way our bodies work isn't it, you weigh a little more but are in a smaller size.
It's my hips I have the problem with, they drive me mad lol x
I have narrow hips and no bum and then I just gradually gets bigger and bigger ! Lol from the waist up I am a 14 so always look bigger than I am would love to be pear shaped !

We're the opposite. I'm a size 10 in tops usually. I have a big ol' booty lol wish it was smaller x
Had a good DD today. Realllly looking forward to tomorrow though lol. Bought whole meal pittas, cheese, ham and coleslaw tonight, to make for my lunch tomorrow..yumm :)
Had a nice UD so far. Had golden syrup porridge for brekkie, 2 pitta cheese, ham and coleslaw sandwiches for lunch with a bag of crisps and now about to have sausages and chips. Then probably half of a Double Decker duo bar :)