nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

i love peter barrats but hate the prices. need some plants for my new part of my front garden so i'll be going there soon. love dalton park. like my new balance top i got from there and the gap outlet.

day didn't improve much. went to the tip at haverton hill and some paint fell out of the car. i thought i could pick it up but it went all over my had and my leggings. tip men were really nice and covered it with old clothes. wanted to go back and dump some more rubbish but didn't dare.

then had an argument with hubby cause he was going out at 3pm and said he'd be back around 8pm - leaving me to feed and put the kids to bed, not bad normally but with ems not being well i've not been impressed. told him so and went from ok to 100% pi$$ed off in 0.01 seconds.

anyway we compromised and decided it was better for him to go out tonight. then i was miffed cuase i wanted to see SIL and BIL too so my dad came over and i went out tonight with hubby for a planned 1 hour. got there had a small glass of white and my dad text to say little ems had been sick again. so i drove back home again. cleaned the upstairs bathroom, changed ems then dad went and i put her to bed again. she's now asleep.

good news was friday i had my depo injection and my bp was 123/78 and my pulse was 53! cool! still bleeding. haven't been ar$ed to take my iron tablets today and because i've been stressed and pi$$ed off i've eaten lots of rubbish - blueberry muffin from costa, rice cakes from tescos, couple of glasses of wine, crisps and a couple of ww biscuits. bl**dy grrrrrrrrrr!
p.s got all my jobs and then some done.
i am an emotive eater. i need to stop!
a picture of emily and matthew's play room. not totally 100% finished but 99.9% finished.

Looks good and Matthew looks like he approves x
the great thing is that the kids love it. ems was all 'wow, is this for us mummy?' really appreciating it all which makes it all worth it.

anyway a recap for last week:-

exercise so far this week:-
sunday - 8 miles, 1 hour 30 mins (-1037 cals)
monday - body pump and body combat 2 hours (-450 cals)
tuesday - 3.4 miles, 40 mins (-400 cals)
wednesday - nowt!
thursday - 3.62 mile run in 40 mins (-400 cals)
friday - body pump class (-200 cals)

total hours exercise:- 5h 50 mins
total miles ran:- 15 miles (couldn't be bothered going out for an hour on friday so i'm 5 miles short this week).
total cals burnt:- 2487 cals
recap of what i've still got to do:

1.8.10 this week
run 1 - sunday 8 miles - actual 9.15 miles:D
run 2 - 5 miles
run 3 - 6 miles
run 4 - 5 miles (p.m - 23.5 miles)

sunday 8 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 25miles)

sunday 8.5 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6.5 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 26miles)

sunday 9 miles
monday 5 miles
wednesday 6.5 miles
thursday/friday 6 miles (p.m - 26miles)

sunday 9.5 miles
monday 5.5 miles
wednesday 7 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (p.m - 26.5 miles)

sunday 6 miles for middlesbrough 10k
monday 6 miles
wednesday 7 miles
thursday/friday 5 miles (p.m - 24 miles)

sunday 10 miles
monday 3 miles (slow paced)
wednesday 3 miles (fast and slow)
thursday 3 miles (very very slow almost fast walking pace)
friday and sat rest days involving lots of stretching (p.m - 19miles)

GNR day 13.1 miles
right... i really must get on top of my eating this week. i've been dragging myself down towards the end of the week and the cinema munchies have to stop. i'm doing enough, if no more than enough exercise to keep myself loosing but i must focus on my diet now. i'm going to take a protein focus. i'm going to try to eat more protein and cut down on my carbs. i think that 90% of my diet must be carb based. i need to cut out the bread. it's really easy to eat bread as it's just there in the fridge and keeps you ticking on whilst your waiting for tea. it's doing me damage though. being a non meat eater it's hard find good sources of veg protein.

i'm not stopping carbs but i'm being more selective now. so porridge, veggies, fruit, fish, quorn, cottage cheese etc. no more wine until the weekends and no more cinema chocs and popcorn. i'm going to take my own snacks. think i'll start taking a CD bar and a few sugar free things. i must focus on keeping my weight off and not do this ping pong thing all the time.

lets see how that all pans out.

so far...

cd bar before run
biscuit (was giving one to matthew and one slipped in my mouth), it was post run

today's exercise etc.

9.15 miles in 1hour and 42 mins burning 1172 calories.
Aw it's lovely when all that work is appreciated!!! I went to DP with Mum this morning just got back to find my Dad has laid the slate down the side of the path it looks amazing, and was a nice surprise!! I'll put piccies on my diary later.
what a wonderful surprise, your dad is great!
I know, love him to bits!!! He's done it properly whereas I'd probably have made a right mess of it.
feel sick today. woke up at 4am not feeling great and now i think i've got emily's bug. :( whereas hers made her be sick, i feel sick but it's my tummy that's affected. gripes and lots of loos trips in pain. haven't eaten anything yet as i just can't stomach anything. just drinking water. so looks like my exercise plan is out of the window this week.
Oh no, hope you're feeling better soon!! X
well... finally chucked up and then felt better but still had a bad head. have eaten some bread today and a banana, a couple of cups of tea. headache is coming back now though so i guess more tablets.

no classes tonight. don't think i'll be running or going to the gym tomorrow either. maybe my body telling me to chill for a bit, take time out. think i live life at 100mph :)
Hope you're feeling better Hun. Take it easy for a couple of days xx
right. back at it.

not going to do any exercise until thursday this week and it'll be a run. my sunday run will be adapted and i'll do 6/7 miles rather than 8-9 miles just to make sure i'm recovered. next week will be back to plan. think i just need to recover my health and not push myself stupid.

busy busy day anyway. took ems swimming, free class from our local council ran pool. i did go in as the instructor was in with them. then off shopping with them both. put stuff away, then went to my mum's and did lunch for everyone. then off to the gym so ems can do her class. i sat and had lunch. then back home and i cleaned the house, got dude from nursery and did tea whilst finishing my cleaning of our desperately needed it house. kids to bed, internet time. still 100% running around doing stuff but no exercise and a bit of me time.

gob munchies:- still not 100% well and have pains when i eat so have taken it easy. in no particular order.

cd drink 140
cd bar 170
tuna salad 400
beans on toast 300
yog 100
milk 150
apple 50

total cals 1310 cals.
nicki slow down!!! i'm 100 miles an hour at the moment too!!!
horrid day :(

dentist at 9am for drilling round my tooth where i lost part of it ready for a crown. my mouth tasted of blood. so had some smarties :( not a full tube but practically.

gob munchies:-

cd shake 135
beans on toast 250
small latte 50
banana 70
quorn escalope with potato, carrots and cauli 400 (guess)
hot choc 40
milk 100

snacks -
ww bar 90 x 2 - 180
glass of wine 150
tube of smarties 150 :(

total cals - 1523 :cry:

exercise - 3.75 run - 400 cals burnt

totally fat, huge tummy, depressed!
Great things - I have been reading your diary and you are a pure inspiration! You have done so very very well! I am on my day 4 and every time I have struggled in the last few days I have turned to your diary for inspiration. You must live really near me, all the places you mention I know of. Am soooooo jelouse of your caravan at primrose valley, spent many a summer holiday there as a child. Keep going, you are doing so well x
Great things - I have been reading your diary and you are a pure inspiration! You have done so very very well! I am on my day 4 and every time I have struggled in the last few days I have turned to your diary for inspiration. You must live really near me, all the places you mention I know of. Am soooooo jelouse of your caravan at primrose valley, spent many a summer holiday there as a child. Keep going, you are doing so well x

awwwww thanks :D

i live in teesside. it takes us ages to get to our caravan and it's only 60 odd miles away... it's all those country/back roads.

been really busy lately. talked to a chap at the gym about my running, he works there and is a runner. so great ideas from him for my running and he's written a programme for me for the next :eek: 5 weeks :eek: hadn't realised that my half marathon is so close. yikes!!!!!

it was our wedding anniversary yesterday. hubby cooked so i had pasta, which i just don't really eat, garlic bread - how long since i've had that.....and about 3 glasses of wine (was pi$$ed) and today i've been busy with the kids and our garden.

got lots of balls in the air and keep juggling them. could totally do with another 6 day time ours please. so did the washing, put it on the line, did the dishwasher, tidied up, got the kids up, dressed and fed, out if the garden and grass cut, tent up (small one), off to asda as i wanted to bake with ems and i found weavels in my flour so i binned it and needed to get more.

cooked cookies - cooking chocolate is free of calories :rolleyes: right? :p

got to do my run tomorrow and then tackle the garden, go to the garden centre to get plants. got a clash on monday. need to see my cdc at 10am but have molly at the vets for her annual booster jabs at 9.50 so i'm going to have to phone monday morning as i've forgotten to phone before 12 today. grrrrrrr to my memory.