nikki's diary - closed...... moved over to maintenance to test the water!

p.s - have bitten the bullet and have pre-registered an interest in the edinburgh marathon for 2011. it's may time i think. now just need to get a place on the 1st august. :D
Nikki! You lost fab....such a huge difference since your last photos. Don't be so hard on yourself, you DO NOT have fat arms! Arms always look bigger when we take pics of ourselves, especially in side pictures, cause they are clamped tight against your side.

Also, when you are kicking yourself for not having a washboard stomach, don't forget two babies have come out of that! lol. My sister in law is a teeny size 6-8, always has been, but hates her stomach because it never returned after her two kids. She even spent 6 months, doing 200 sit ups a day...nothing, still there! lol

I've sent you a long reply on my diary. :)
nicki you look skinny and amazing!!! theres a real difference from the last pics even though i know you havent lost loads since the last pics you look LOADS more toned and defined in these new pics. i would love to have your figure. i seriously dont think you need to lose anything more girl!
:cry: oooo you make me cry (so emotional). i'm so critical of myself, i know that but i'm striving for perfection. i keep thinking that after ems when i did CD last time i was thinner and got down lower, i think i was harder on myself and didn't allow any treats.

i can see faults in every picture. large arms, big legs, bulges etc.

just been back from body pump and combat.

i've had a really bad bad bad day today (a follow on from yesterday obviously). i'll explain....

got up this am at 5.30 and dude woke up. followed at 6am by ems. dithered around and then tried to find my keys to my car and couldn't. phoned parents as i finally went round there yesterday (1st time since wed) after our argument. no keys there so i went to the car. luckily (which turns out to to be so lucky :() the car was open and my keys were in it. so i got them out. loaded the kids in there and then tried to start the car. :cry: it wouldn't start. battery was totally flat, wouldn't even turn over. hubby had to come from work and my dad had to come over to take ems to school. hubby started my car so i popped over to get a new battery and get a few things from tesco. i was meant to drop ems off as school then go and get some new running shoes.

anyway, my dad fitted the battery for me and the alarm wouldn't stop going off. i was in a stress mood and shouted at hubby, i was horrid to him. i kicked the car. anyway my friend looked after ems and i popped over to darlington to the running shop there. luckily :)() the alarm stopped going when i was driving the car and i managed to get it so it only went off when the car was locked, and only went off once. i got to the shop, found it fine, but the shoe choice was limited.

i tried on a man's neutral fit mizuno trainer but i was rolling in, could be because i'm trying to change my running style that this has happened but i am knock kneed and flat footed :eek: so i ended up with a support trainer by mizuno in a man's style. i'm hoping that this is the reason why my hip is so sore and my back is sore too. basically the left foot was the worst for rolling in and it's my left side which is the worst, so bad that i can't sleep on that side as i can't put any weight on my hip. seeing chiropractor on thursday.

anyway my bad luck continues.... i went swimming with dude and when i pulled down my goggles to go under the water i knocked out my right side earring. couldn't find it either as i was blind as a bat and i just don't know where it went. cheap pair though as a few months back i lost one of my expensive earrings, right side too.

the rest of the day has gone well. :)
food for today:-

cd shake for brekkie (140 cals)
apple (50 cals)
coffee x 3 (milk allowance 100 cals)
crusts from bread from ems sarnie. (50 cals?)
scrambled egg x 2 on toast (300 cals)
banana x 2 (140 cals)
handful of kettle chips (bad :() (100 cals?)
salad with cottage cheese covered in masses of chilli powder (300 cals)
slice of brown multi grain bread (yes more bread - bad) (100 cals) 1280
cd bar (173 cals)
4 pints of water.

estimated cals..... 1453
estimated cals from exercise - 400/500 (1 hours body pump and then 1 hours body combat) (was estimating 350 body pump and 500 combat 850 cals so i've dropped it by around half.)
p.s at least i've had my 5 a day :D
Oh Nikki sounds like you've had a really crappy day :( hope tomorrow is better!!! I've been in bed since half 8 feeling very under the weather, can't decide if this hayfever or a cold but either way I feel grim, I've just woken up from a snooze, so I just thought I'd check in before I go back to sleep, I'm so tired :(

On the plus side my mum has started CD again after her hold so at least I have some more support :) xx
support is great. wish my parents could do cd. my mum struggles loosing weight. mind she'd got so many health probs that she just ticks along i think.
weigh in today. eek!
back from weigh in and -.5lbs! :D half pound loss, better than nothing, better than STS and better than putting on :D:D:D
well done nicki! a loss is a loss after all!

you do seem to very crtical of yourself, but i am the same. i HATED myself on holiday and now i am back home i feel skinny-ish again. on holiday i might as well have been 20 stone the way i was feeling. anyway, you look great and you will get down lower.

i am seriously thinking of joining my local canons as i really want to try some classes. i am going to wait until i come off cd or move up the plans as i dont have the energy at the moment. like you i am also thinking of getting laser eye surgery this year, have you had any quotes checkups yet?
i had a quote a few years ago think it was around £2000 total for both eyes. going to try optimax i think this time round was lasercare last time.

thinking of doing it after GNR so end of september. going to see about it and have an app end of august.
hiya nikki, thats for your support on leeds page. i thought id drop in on yours and say hi. sounds like you have had a crap few days, your loss is good though. every bit off helps and its much better than putting it on.
i know exactly how ya feeling with the hip pain. ive suffered with mine all my life, was born with a dislocated right hip and had to have a few operations throughout my life. the last one was only 19 months ago. had to have my hip socket and pelvis broken, remoulded and pined back togther with titanium pins. was awful, and drs say i may need a full replacement when im about 40!!!!! int life meant to start at 40! lol, feels like im 70 some days. oh well im jabbering on,sorry. hope you have had a better day today hun.xx
ow that sounds really painful dani. glad i can help. anything that i can do to offer advice i will :D
well i've lost count of what i've exactly eaten today as i haven't been careful since i've had weight in.... very very naughty!

back to it tomorrow full force. going to try out my new trainers tomorrow. see how they bear up under running conditions. see how my hip behaves itself. lucky for me i'm off to the chiropractors thursday, probably mentioned this loads of times but i can't wait. i need putting back together again. then i think i'll start on my sports therapy every 4 weeks too.
Yay nicki! Some activity, it's so slow on here these days :(

Hope your trainers go well. I got fitted for some mizunos a while back, cause I walk on the outside of my feet. Can't remember what it's proper name is. But causing problems with my knees and causes me to over extend on my knee (bend them too far back).

I'm so bored, can't wait to get to bed! Just so I don't have to amuse myself.
i was a neutral gait but now i'm an over pronator dropping into the insides of my feet. could it be an under pronator?
Possibly, my arches are way high. When I stand on the spot my toes don't touch the floor and I rest my weight on my heels. Very bad! lol
oooooo. i'm totally flat footed and put most of my weight on my big toe so there's always hard skin on the base of it.
gob munchies:-
slice of bread
scrambled egg (x2) on toast
weight watchers bar
cd bar

leg and butt moving:-
5 mile run 640 cals aprox burnt.
body pump tonight :)

mental status:-
just about sound although a few marbles have been lost recently :D