Nine days in and I'm feeling very very nauseous!


Hello beautiful people,

I haven't been feeling good today at all. Last night, I was sitting down and had this major urge to throw up. I felt dizzy and didn't feel in control of the situation. All I could do was lie down and drink a little water.

I woke up today fine, but right now I'm feeling the same as I felt last night. I keep feeling like I'm about to spontaneously throw up

Does anyone know what this could be?


P.S. I don't feel sick right after drinking a shake, it has been hours since I last had a shake, I've no idea what this is :mad:
Could it be that you need to go up to the next step because your not getting enough?? I'm quite new to this but from what i've read that is something that people find they need to do when they stop feeling okay? xx
Could it be that you need to go up to the next step because your not getting enough?? I'm quite new to this but from what i've read that is something that people find they need to do when they stop feeling okay? xx

I agree, are you near a healthy BMI? I was heady, dizzy, lethargic and a bit unwell as I got closer so moved from SS to SS+ which has fixed it for now . It's likely your body telling you it needs more fuel!
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm nowhere near a healthy BMI at the moment unfortunately.

Hmm... that may be true, perhaps I'm not getting enough nutrients. I've only just started experiencing this though.

It may be that I'm losing the weight too fast? I have no idea.

It's so frustrating! :cry:

I'm going to stick to it though, because this diet is just too good :D
Have you had any green tea. I feel so ill after drinking it?
Nope. I haven't had any green tea.

The only things I drink are the shakes and water.

I was considering trying it, but after your post I think I'll be avoiding it. Lol. ;)

The nausea has settled a bit, but I don't want to speak too soon.