No fruit, but...


Gold Member
When I was on conso the last fortnight, I mainly had melon as my daily fruit (it's the season). I've just been logging my food intake (as I remember, didn't write it all down:eek:) on myfitnesspal and saw that melon is quite low in carbs (sugar). It stands to reason, I suppose, as it's the same family as courgette, etc.

So no fruit as I'm back on plan, but if I'm craving some, a small slice (100gr tops) surely wouldn't harm (too much)? I have more carbs in my daily yogurts (combined amount) than in a slice of melon.

it's high GI which is why it along with most other fruits (for varying reasons) aren't recommended... the blood sugar highs and lows are the thing this diet aims to prevent....

the craving you're experiencing is probably down to unstable blood sugar - this should rectify if you resist over the next few days....
Not craving...yet. Just wondered as it has the same amount of carbs per 100 gr as carrots (which we're allowed, albeit sparingly).

Best to avoid, I suppose.
The man who blogs on how stuff works eats melon (and nuts!) justifying it as low carb and still loses, but he's a man and without a set pp/pv pattern so whist it's an
Interesting read not really an example to follow.

Whatever works for you.
I hear you Robin, and am sitting on the fence on this one (because I'm doing my own thing at the moment as I've mentioned). If it works for you...? But, if you find you're getting cravings, best go back to pure pure...