no loss/no gain


New Member
Hello all, fairly new to mini mins, hello victoria sponge, missing you at class!!!

I am feeling really low at the mo, I have lost 1stone 12.5lbs and have an elusive 1.5lbs to go to my 2 stone. However I have stayed the same for four weeks. I have done a food diary each week, never go over my syns and never use flexible syns. The good news is my body seems happy.

I have not been able to exercise as much as I normally do as I have an injury and the physio has banned me for a while. I am finally able to swim and cycle for 10 mins x 2 this week.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to kick start again whilst not exercising. I need some inspiration.:(:tear_drop::cry::tear_drop:
Are you drinking plenty? If you drink lots of tea or coffee, the caffeine could be hindering you.

Also, do you vary your food. All Green or All Red? Even if you have all Green days, varying what you eat can really help. Also, are you eating a lot of fruit?
How about you do a week of success express and see if that gives you a boost. Well done on your weightloss so far
Hi Crunchie and :welcome:!!

If you haven't already, try having a week where you mostly have 'SS' foods. I tried it once after a plateau and I lost 6lbs in that week. I remember it well :D I just went through my book again and highlighted everything with a 'SS' next to it and tried to craft my daily menus around those foods...
i was the same struggle to get my need to change what your u get into a rut with the same old stuff.......go green for a week if u don't do many green days or go red if u do all green days.......and up the water.........try more ss foods and free foods.......and try and not eat the same b choice 2 days in a row....
all of the above are good suggestions, but well done for sticking to it for four weeks without a loss, i wouldn't have done! xxx