Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

I'm having a miso soup - at 20 cals and 3g carbs it can't be that bad - not sure how it compares to bouillon powder but I don't have any of that yet.
I'm having a miso soup - at 20 cals and 3g carbs it can't be that bad - not sure how it compares to bouillon powder but I don't have any of that yet.

I also need I but that bouillon stuff!! Haven't planned to go into a supermarket for weeks as I only shop for myself and don't need food obviously! But will probably go tomorrow ;-)

I don't think that'll have much affect at all - would only matter if you had it all the time
Good going Yoyo. Finding ways to curb the hunger is half the battle x
I'm making myself pasta ham and mushroom soup but I have the urge to binge :( a couple of people who we haven't seen for ages just popped over to visit and told us they were pregnant. They knew I had just had a miscarriage too. So I had to pretend I wasn't sad and be happy for them :( I wish they'd just text to tell us.

Now I'm dreaming of chocolate and frazzles and ice cream :(

There's no way I'm going off plan but the thought is there - first time in 10 days so definitely emotionally related.

went for a run to try and take my mind off it. Second run of the week done :)
Aw that must have been very difficult to handle Yoyo, but you did it. Don't let that run go to waste by giving in. Get an early night if you need to & you will feel so glad you did tomorrow when you wake up x
Aw that must have been very difficult to handle Yoyo, but you did it. Don't let that run go to waste by giving in. Get an early night if you need to & you will feel so glad you did tomorrow when you wake up x

Yeah it sucks. Not their fault but really who pops in to see a couple that just lost a baby to tell them they are expecting? They said they wanted to wait before telling us but they should have text. Never mind. I'm pleased for them. Just brought back unhappy memories for us.

Just catching up on made in Chelsea then I'll have my last half a pack in a bit x
You are doing great!
Running, sticking to plan and being positive!
Enjoying your posts, good luck over weekend?
I am in week 2' stayed on plan, feeling positive,
Also thinking about food frequently, oh well!
You are doing great! Running, sticking to plan and being positive! Enjoying your posts, good luck over weekend? I am in week 2' stayed on plan, feeling positive, Also thinking about food frequently, oh well! Onwards!
Thanks Striver and well done for staying on plan! :)
I've realised that when I emotional eat it actually doesn't make me feel better. I think it will am for does while it's in my mouth but afterwards I feel the same (and if it's a binge I feel even worse) - big learning for me that.
Just to clarify I'm still on plan - just had my last half a pack
That must have been so emotional for you, they may have thought it was kinder to tell you themselves in person rather than send a text which might have come across a bit blunt or have you hear from someone else - I can full understand it knocking you for six and you've done so well not to give in to the emotional hunger.

You're so right in that eating due to emotions doesn't make you feel better, in fact I never find it even actually tastes that good and afterwards you just end up feeling worse for having done it ---- I'm def talking from experience sadly.

Enjoy the rest of your evening, go tell hubby you need a big pat on the back and a cuddle xx
Thanks Katie - he was as sad and shocked as me after they left. We got into bed with our clothes on and had a cuddle - then went for a run :)

Yes it's a funny thing using food for comfort - I'll have to do some more work on that and work out my motivations.
And yes I'm sure they thought they were doing the right thing. And in hindsight it doesn't really matter how we are told - a friend of mind text me over Easter to say she was pregnant and due exactly a month after I would have been. It still made me sad, and the timing wasn't great as I was due to see the group of friends that she used to be part of before she moved and I knew it would be the main topic of conversation.

It can't be easy breaking the news to someone who is grieving I know that. Im sad and angry at our situation - we were trying for nearly 4 years and due to start IVF - we thought this was our miracle :(
That is rather insensitive - but on the other hand there is no good way of dealing with that tragic situation vs their happy situation. Life happens and wow look at you - you've dealt with it. I find running helps me so much and I hope it helped you clear your mind? They call if free therapy and I know why!! We are all here to listen and support you - pour your emotions out - don't attempt to stifle them with pollution in the form of food excess. You've done amazingly today. Please be very proud x
That is rather insensitive - but on the other hand there is no good way of dealing with that tragic situation vs their happy situation. Life happens and wow look at you - you've dealt with it. I find running helps me so much and I hope it helped you clear your mind? They call if free therapy and I know why!! We are all here to listen and support you - pour your emotions out - don't attempt to stifle them with pollution in the form of food excess. You've done amazingly today. Please be very proud x

Thank you so much Lara - that's really nice to hear xx it find it hard to pour out my emotions - I might never stop crying! Lol - I'd much rather distract myself with something that makes me happy. I'm trying to deal and just "be" - one day at a time x
Morning! Today is a new day

Week 2 day 11

Not sure if I'm still 100%TS after having the miso soup yesterday - it only had 20 cals but it had 3g of carbs which is a little less than a pack. Anyway, it saved me from eating worse so I'm ok with it.

It's lovely and sunny today so I'm off for a walk :)
Have a great day everyone :) x
Hope your day is going well Yoyo. Don't worry about the soup, It wont do any harm if its occasional as long as you stay on track xx
I don't know for sure about the soup but looking at the carbs I think it should be fine - hope today's been a good one for you x